The scanner in glouton
is a very simple LL1 lexical analyzer that iterates
over the input and builds a list of tokens. Since we are expecting most inputs
to be fairly small (10 ~ 1000 LOC) no attention was paid to its design.
The parser in glouton
on the other hand is slightly different, it uses Pratt
style approach to parsing expressions and uses a flattened AST representation.
The flat AST representation comes in three layers of Vec
s each layer is has
references to objects in the following layer or at the same layer.
decls: Vec<Stmt>
stmts: Vec<Stmt>
exprs: Vec<Expr>
The first layer decls
is used to store top level declarations in the program
since our input language is C-like these are variables and functions.
The second layer stmts
is a pool of all stmts in the program, whereas decls
holds enum::Stmt::VarDecl | enum::Stmt::FuncDecl
with references in the pool
objects in the stmts
pool can hold backwards references.
The last layer exprs
is a pool of all expressions in the program, where all
references flow backwards. For example x + y
would be laid out in the exprs
pool as such :
x_ref, y_ref, bin_op{add,x_ref, y_ref}
Walking the AST must start from the declarations slice and can recurisvely visit the statements and expressions.
Consider for example this block of code :
int main() {
int i = 0;
int x = i;
int z = x + i;
This AST would be laid out as such :
decls: [FuncDecl(name:str, ret:type, args:Vec<StmtRef>, body: StmtRef[0]]
stmts: [VarDecl(i, 0), VarDecl(x, 0), VarDecl(z, ExprRef[2])]
exprs: [Named(x), Named(y), Add(ExprRef[0], ExprRef[1])]
This data oriented approach has several pros, the first being that arenas are borrow checker friendly. This is especially important in Rust where an initial design might be invalidated because it doesn't have a borrow checker friendly representation.
The second argument for this is that complex self references and circular
references are not an issue anymore because there is no lifetime associated
with the reference you use, the lifetime is now associated with the entire
arena and the individual entries hold indices into the arena which are just
Another argument although less impressive at this scale is speed, because fetches aren't done via pointers and because AST nodes have nice locality if your arena fits in cache then walking it becomes much faster than going through the pointer fetch road. There is also no allocations in the hot path.
One downside of this representation is that it requires being careful when implementing consumers of the AST. This comes from the fact that the AST is constructed bottom-up and so all child leafs will be located before their parents in the flat representation (at least at the second two layers).
Semantic analysis in Glouton is implemented in multiple passes, starting with a declaration analysis pass that builds a symbol table of all identifiers in the AST.
The symbol table is implemented as a "virtual" stack of hashmaps, virtual in the sense that no "poping" is done, instead a pointer is used to simulate FIFO behavior we want.
Starting from the global scope, the symbol table is initiatlized with an empty
stack i.e vec![HashMap::new()]
this top level hashmap contains all identifiers
in the global scope.
Each time we encounter a new scope (indicated by a curly brace '{' in source)
we push a new HashMap
to the stack, increment CurrentScopeRef
, change
to the old value of CurrentScopeRef
and continue processing symbols.
When we leave a scope (indicated by a curly brace '}' in source) we set
to ParentScopeRef
and decrement the latter.
After finishing processing declarations a new pass is initialized which uses the recently built symbol table to validate the program static semantics :
- Every name reference must resolve to an existing symbol.
- Names can't be re-defined within the same block.
- Functions can't be declared outside the global scope.
- Variables defined in an inner scope shadow the ones defined in outer scopes.
- All operators and functions are used with the correct number of arguments and of the correct type.
- Functions must end with a
statement unless they have typevoid
. - Every variable must be declared with a type.
- Function parameters and locally declared variables with overlapping scopes must not have the same name.
- Functions may not be declared more not be declared more than once even with different return type and arguments.
- Once function must be declarated with the name
and return typeint
. void
is only allowed as a return type.