Imagine you want to do some lookups in you map-reduce jobs like matching or extracting certain patterns - in fuzzy manner if you like - and your lookup table is huge. You could call a database or key value store remotely, but that kills performance and introduces a single point of failure in the otherwise distributed processing. With pykeyvi you can easily do that, given you are using a python based framework like mrjob or pyspark. Due to the shared memory model keyvi indexes are just loaded once in memory, independent on the number of mappers on one machine. It works even if keyvi files are bigger than the main memory, for the price of some IO of course. In the end all calls will be local and do not entail any networking.
All we need is to install keyvi at bootstraping time.
The precompiled packages support all supported versions of Amazons EMR. Therefore just install pykeyvi during bootstrap:
sudo pip install pykeyvi
The rest is simply, get your keyvi files on the machines. You can download them during bootstrap from S3 or more convenient in pyspark, put them on hdfs:
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
Ensure you initialize the Dictionary e.g. in mapper_init (mrjob) or using a singleton pattern (pyspark) and not for every mapper call.
See this example loader for pyspark:
import pykeyvi
# only works if in spark
from pyspark import SparkFiles
from pyspark import SparkContext
class Spark_KeyviLoader(object):
# this is a singleton
_instance = None
def __init__(self):
globals()[self.__class__.__name__] = self
self.loaded_keyvi_dicts = {}
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
def get(self, name):
d = self.loaded_keyvi_dicts.get(name)
if d is None:
hdfs_filename = SparkFiles.get(name)
if hdfs_filename is None:
raise Exception("Could not find dictionary with name {} in HDFS, Did you loaded it?".format(name))
if type(hdfs_filename):
hdfs_filename = hdfs_filename.encode('utf-8')
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("Failed to load keyvi dictionary {}: {}".format(name, e.message))
self.loaded_keyvi_dicts[name] = d
return d
def load_into_spark(s3_filename):
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
KeyviLoader = Spark_KeyviLoader
# fallback for standalone use and testing
import os
class Local_KeyviLoader(object):
# this is a singleton
_instance = None
def __init__(self):
globals()[self.__class__.__name__] = self
self.loaded_keyvi_dicts = {}
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
def get(self, name):
d = self.loaded_keyvi_dicts.get(name)
if d is None:
d = pykeyvi.Dictionary(os.path.join("my_keyvi_files_folder", name))
self.loaded_keyvi_dicts[name] = d
return d
KeyviLoader = Local_KeyviLoader
def get_keyvi_dictionary(name):
return KeyviLoader().get(name)