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Clojure Bytecode Spec

B   C   A   OP
D       A   OP


  • Global Symbol Table
  • Constant Int Table
  • Constant Float Table
  • Constant String Table
  • Constant Keyword Table

Constant Table Value Operation

OP      A       D

CSTR    dst     str
CKEY    dst     keyword
CINT    dst     int
CFLOAT  dst     float
CTYPE   dst     type

Reads D from const. table (if required) and writes it into destination slot A.

Constant Value Operation

OP      A       D

CBOOL   dst     bool (1 true, 0 false)
CNIL    dst     -

Set A to constant

OP      A       D

CSHORT	dst	    lits

Set A to 16 bit signed integer D

Global Table Ops

OP       A      B            C

NSSETS   var    const-str    meta        ns[const-str] = (with-meta var)

OP       A       D

NSGETS   dst     const-str               dst = ns[const-str]

NSSETS creates top level definition called by constant table string D with value from A

NSGETS reades top level definition called D and copys it to A

Variable Slots

All variables are stored in a function local variable slot. TODO: Figure out how this is supposed to work for function calls.

ISSUE: In the current design, the variables are accessed using a 8-bit index. This limits the number of local variables to 256. This is not a problem for Lua, as it allows no more than 200 local variables, but might be a problem for a general programming language such as Clojure.

Binary Ops

OP      A   B   C
ADDVV	dst	var	var	    A = B + C
SUBVV	dst	var	var	    A = B - C
MULVV	dst	var	var	    A = B * C
DIVVV	dst	var	var	    A = B / C
MODVV	dst	var	var	    A = B % C
POWVV dst	var	var	    A = B ^ C

ISLT	dst var	var	    A = B < C
ISGE	dst var	var     A = B ≥ C
ISLE	dst var var	    A = B ≤ C
ISGT	dst var var	    A = B > C
ISEQ	dst var var	    A = B == C
ISNEQ	dst var var	    A = B ≠ C

Executes the operation on the numbers B and C. For the math ops: If one of the operands is a float, the result is of type float. If both operands are longs, the result is of type long.

For the comparision ops: If the operands are not of the same type, the other value is converted to float for comparison. Equals is only true if both operands have the same type.

Unary Ops

OP      A       D
MOV	    dst	    var	    Copy D to A
NOT	    dst	    var	    Set A to boolean not of D
NEG	    dst	    var	    Set A to -D (negate)


OP      A       D
JUMP    -       addr
JUMPF   var     addr
JUMPT   var     addr

Jumps to the relative target address addr if the value in slot var is truthy or falsy. The addr is in amount of bytecode instructions.

Function Calls

OP      A       D
CALL    base    lit
RET     var     -

'lit' is the number of arguments, including the callee function (i.e. number of arguments plus one)

base is a offset on the variable belt, so that the slot nr 'base+1' is a reference to the function, 'base+2' is the first argument, 'base+lit' is the last argument and so on. The return value of the call will be storred in 'base':

    clojure code: (let [ret (f arg0 arg1 arg2)])
    call instruction: CALL base 4

           +------------+             (callee view)
           |   other    |
           +------------+             +------------+
base       |    ret     |           0 |    ret     |
           +------------+   ---->     +------------+
base + 1   |    func    |           1 |    func    |
           +------------+             +------------+
base + 2   |    arg0    |           2 |    arg0    |
           +------------+             +------------+
base + 3   |    arg1    |           3 |    arg1    |
           +------------+             +------------+
base + lit |    arg2    |           4 |    arg2    |
           +------------+             +------------+
                                    5 |   locals   |
            (caller view)             +------------+

The CALL instruction will set up the variable belt for the callee so that all parameters are in the right place. This means that for the callee its return address is in slot 0, the function object for itself in slot 1 and its arguments in slot 2 and following slots. In other words: slot index 'base' of the caller will become slot index 0 for the callee.

Data stored in slots after 'base+lit' will be overwritten by the call.

The RET instruction will copy the value in var into the designated slot for the caller. RET will read out the return address from slot 0, replace it with the contents of var and then jump to the return address.

OP      A       B       C
APPLY   var     var     -

Calls the function stored on variable slot A, and applies the elements from vector B as argument for the function.

Closures and Free Variables

OP       A       D
FNEW     dst     index
VFNEW    dst     index

FNEW creates new closure for the function referenced by jump in the variable slot dst.

OP          A       D
GETFREEVAR  dst     idx

GETFREEVAR copies the value of the free variable idx into the variable in dst.

OP          A       D
UCLO        sslot   eslot

Close upvalues for slots between sslot and eslot

Tail Recursion and Loops

OP          A       B       C
LOOP        -       -       -
BULKMOV     dst     src     len

LOOP is a no-op to indicate the beginning of a loop. At the end of a loop, a JUMP instruction is used to jump back to the beginning of the loop (i.e. where the LOOP instruction is). BULKMOV copies len variables starting from src into dst, dst+1, ..., dst+len. BULKMOV is used to reset the loop variables.

Tail recursion is implemented using the JUMP instruction, the function jumps back to the start of the function. The compiler emits the code to set-up the new arguments of the function.


OP          A       D

NEWARRAY    dst     size

OP          A       B       C

GETARRAY    dst     array   idx     dst = array[idx]
SETARRAY    array   idx     val     array[idx] =  val

Creates a new array of size size in the variable slot dst. The element size of arrays is 64bit. The array index idx is read from a variable slot, so is the size.

Function Def

OP      A       D
FUNCF   lit     -
FUNCV   lit     -

FUNCF & FUNCV define a function with 'lit' fixed arguments. The FUNCV opcode defines a function which has an additional vararg argument. (defn [a b & c] ...) == FUNCV 2


OP       A       D

ALLOC    dst     type

ALLOC allocates the empty instance of Type D and puts a reference to into dst.

OP         A    B            	C

SETFIELD  ref  object offset(lit)  var

SETFIELD writes var to the correct slot in instance referenced by A.

OP        A    B     C

GETFIELD  dst  ref   object offset(lit)

GETFIELD writes var to the dst (in A) slot from object in ref (B), lookup by offset into type date (in C).

OP		 A	B		C
LOOKUPFIELD  dst	object-ref	str arr offset(lit)

LOOKUPFIELD Look up member from object-ref (in B) and write it into dst-slot (in A). Loopup matches field name of object (reference in B) and str (looked up in str-arry by offset in C)

var (in A) to dst-slot (in A) slot from object in ref (B), lookup by offset into str array. Then search member fields for match.

OP         	 A    		B            	   C

ASSIGNFIELD  object-ref  	str arr offset(lit)  var

ASSIGNFIELD writes var (in C) to the slot at offset (in B) of object in object-ref (A).

Run-Time Behavior

OP      A       D
BREAK   -       -
EXIT    lit     -
DROP    var     var
TRANC   -       var

BREAK triggers a breakpoint. EXIT terminates the virtual machine, the variable in slot var indicates the status code. Nonzero status codes shall indicate abnormal termination.

DROP tells the VM that it can GC the values in slots A - D

TRANC tells the VM that it can GC the values after slot D


  • Define type layout and creation (vtables).
  • Representation of stack values: pointers, integers (NaN tagging).
  • Define byte code for defining and creating protocols.
  • Runtime extension of types (reify).

Type Tagging

Without using a shadow stack to store the type of register values, the only way to store the type is to reserve some bits for it. With tagging, there is no option to actually store 64 bit integers in registers, as some bits have to be used for the type.

Current operating systems on x86-64 enforce a pointer structure where the upper 16 bits and the lower 3 bits of an pointer are forced to be zero, see Wikipedia for more details

Since there is no way to represent 64 bit integers, the following properties would be nice, regarding to unboxing (i.e. using the register value for directly in an operation without any bit modifications to make it fit):

  1. Fast 32bit integers, without the need for unboxing the values first. This is possible on x86-64 if only the upper 32 bits are used for tagging, since x86 allows direct operations on the lower 32 bits.
  2. Fast pointer access on x86-64. Since a valid virtual address is only 48 bits wide, the upper 16 bits can be used for tagging. If the pointer tag is all-zero, then no unboxing would be needed.
  3. Fast double-precision floating point access. Since there are 2^51 NaN values, but only one is used in practise, it is possible to implement fast float operations without unboxing.
  4. Use additional tag bits not only to determine that a register value is a pointer, but also to determine which type of pointer it is, e.g. to differentiate between objects pointers and functions pointers.

Property (1.) cannot be achieved if the lower bits are used for tagging. V8 uses the lower bits for tagging, but seems to have an optimizing compiler to avoid unnecessary boxing/unboxing operations.

Having property (2.) means that pointers can be dereferenced without unboxing. Property (2.) is in conflict with property (3.), since a valid pointer value can also be a valid float value, therefore float values have to be unboxed. Property (2.) can also not be directly combined with property (4.), since it is not possible to store any additional information about the pointer without modifying it.

Property (2.) seems to help with garbage collection, since the garbage collector does not have to perform any modifications on the pointer to resolve it.

Properties (1.), (2.) and (4.) can be achieved without conflict using NaN boxing. This means that only for pointer access the values have to be unboxed before use. At least on x86-64, floating point and 32-bit integer operations can be performed directly on the register, without modifying bit operations. Only pointers have to be unboxed before use, but the 48 bit pointers of x86-64 are small enough to be stored in the 51 bit fraction of a NaN double.






With Guile 2.2 they will have a VM with Register Bytecode, see:


Clojure was designed to run on a host. Both JVM Clojure and ClojureScript (JS) assume some functionality to be present on the host platform.

These features either have to be inplmented in Clojure ontop of the current special froms or we have to provide native inpmnetation (clojure-py).


There is only one looping construct in clojure, yet we often have more infomration from standard macros (dotimes ...) . Maybe we can somehow use these information and give to the VM. We also have information about the length of loops over collection (map inc [1 2 3]). We have constant access to the size of persistent collection, this information might help the VM.
