class: background-image: url(img/s0.jpg)
name: about class: left background-image: url(img/about.jpg)
Open Minded
|> Science
|> Craftsman
.footnote[ cmg-dev
@codethonian ] ]
??? Coder in natural Environment
name: motivation class: left background-image: url(img/motivation.jpg)
.footnote[ Read the Paper ] ???
name: motivation class: left background-image: url(img/motivation_elixir.jpg)
name: iot class: center, middle background-image: url(img/iot.jpg)
name: iot class: left background-image: url(img/iot_development.jpg)
] .right-column[
Device democracy will emerge,
... after rebooting the IoT ]
.footnote[ [1] ]
??? Why the IoT already needs a reboot:
First wave of the IoT; focused on very high-value applications
jet engines, automated smart meters and remote healthcare management
Demand has been slow
Only 30 percent of heavy industrial equipment is networked
Only 10 percent of smart TVs are used for Internet viewing
consumers have failed to embrace devices from smart toothbrushes to refrigerators.
Enterprises and entrepreneurs treating the IoT as if it were just another computing platform
Applying the same set of business models, services, ecosystems, applications and analytic.
name: iot class: left background-image: url(img/iot_comparison.jpg)
.footnote[ [2] ]
The application of old world approaches to this field
Apply "as a Service" does not increase product quality
IOT isn't new
name: iot class: left background-image: url(img/iot_problems.jpg)
.regular[ ]
- High costs
- Broken Buisiness Models
- Trust
- Not Future Proof
- Function
Why the IoT already needs a reboot:
First wave of the IoT; focused on very high-value applications
jet engines, automated smart meters and remote healthcare management
Demand has been slow
Only 30 percent of heavy industrial equipment is networked
Only 10 percent of smart TVs are used for Internet viewing
consumers have failed to embrace devices from smart toothbrushes to refrigerators.
Enterprises and entrepreneurs treating the IoT as if it were just another computing platform
Applying the same set of business models, services, ecosystems, applications and analytic.
name: iot class: left background-image: url(img/mr_tomatan.jpg)
.footnote[ @Internet of Shit ]
name: iot class: left background-image: url(img/iot_design_rules.jpg)
.footnote[ [3] ]
name: iot class: left background-image: url(img/iot.jpg)
IBM's conclusion
"This first report of our study shows that a low-cost,
private-by-design “democracy of devices” will emerge
that will enable new digital economies and create new
value, while offering consumers and enterprises
fundamentally better products and user experiences."
Well, and how? ]
.footnote[ [4] ]
- End of chapter 1
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/electronics_1_rpi_vs_ardiuno_0.jpg)
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/electronics_1_rpi_vs_ardiuno_1.jpg)
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/electronics_1_rpi_vs_ardiuno_2.jpg)
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/embedded_linux_is_pain.jpg)
class: left background-image: url(img/electronics_0_nerves-vs-raspbian.jpg)
.right-column[ ]
class: left background-image: url(img/electronics_1_partitioning.jpg)
.right-column[ ]
name: elixir class: left background-image: url(img/motivation_elixir.jpg)
|> Concurrent
|> Pragmatic
|> Fun
name: elixir class: left background-image: url(img/elixir.jpg)
Fault Tolerant
Fast Garbage Collection
Constraint Hardware
Binary Protocols ]
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/nerves_intro0.jpg)
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/nerves_intro.jpg)
.footnote[ Homepage
??? platform
Using a lean, custom cross-compiled linux, nerves boots directly to the battle hardened BEAM VM, starting your application in seconds.
Most devices need to get on a network, get discovered, update firmware, and deal with I/O of various kinds. You're not on your own.
Cross-compliation can be a total drag. Our tools make it smooth as silk. Go from "mix new" to running code on your device in minutes.
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/nerves_features.jpg)
name: nerves class: left background-image: url(img/nerves_targets.jpg)
class: left background-image: url(img/nerves_build.jpg)
.right-column[ ]
name: inverse class: left background-image: url(img/bakeware_1.jpg)
a tool and service to build your cross compiled firmware
Configure, compile and share systems, toolchains and firmware
Find it here ]
name: inverse class: left, middle background-image: url(img/extinct.jpg)
Good News!
Everythong is now integrated into mix
name: inverse class: left background-image: url(img/extinct.jpg)
Start a project
$ mix my_project --target rpi3
Does the boilerplate
creating my_project/config/config.exs
creating my_project/lib/my_app.ex
creating my_project/test/test_helper.exs
creating my_project/test/my_app_test.exs
creating my_project/rel/vm.args
creating my_project/rel/.gitignore
creating my_project/.gitignore
creating my_project/mix.exs
creating my_project/
name: inverse class: left background-image: url(img/extinct.jpg)
.example_page[ Compile
$ mix compile
Nerves Precompile Start
Compile Nerves toolchain
Downloading from Github Cache
Unpacking toolchain to build dir
Generated nerves_system_rpi3 app
[nerves_system][http] Downloading system from cache
[nerves_system][http] System Downloaded
[nerves_system][http] Unpacking System
Nerves Env loaded
Nerves Precompile En
name: inverse class: left background-image: url(img/extinct.jpg)
.example_page[ Create Firmware
$ mix firmware
Nerves Env loaded
Nerves Firmware Assembler
Building _images/rpi3/my_project.fw...
$ mix firmware.burn
Burn rpi3-0.0.1 to SD card at /dev/rdisk3, Proceed? [Y/n]
name: demo class: left background-image: url(img/solo_0.jpg)
Demo time... ]
More Doing less talking
Lots of demos on the internet
- nerves-io-led
name: inverse class: left background-image: url(img/elixir_nerves_phonix.jpg)
.example_page[ ]
name: video class: left background-image: url(img/tv1.jpg)
.regular[ Embedded Elixir in Action