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File metadata and controls

169 lines (129 loc) · 8.54 KB

-- to pass some info to online documentation in a proper format

We use the plotter in standalone mode as:

python dhi/scripts/ \
--output_folder /where/save/the/plots/ \
--plot_options_dict /where/is/plot_options.json

There are additional options, like eg

  • --unblind will unblind all the plots on the booked list (the default is blinded).
  • In --overwrite you can give a dictionary with a list of plots, each plot is define by substituting keywords on plot_options_dict. This dictionary is loaded in ordered mode, so you can use a keyword to substitute a previous entry.
  • by default the command extract prefit, if you want postfit quantities add the option --doPostFit.

Please use --help to see further options.

The command will also produce:

  • a json and tex file with a table of yields and uncertainties.
  • The tex file ready to be compiled inside a \begin{table} will be formatted as the plot. E.g, if processes are merged for plotting, their yields will be summed up on the table (with the uncertainties added quadratically). If datacard bins are plotted on a same canvas they will appear as columns on the tex table.
  • a copy json file with the exact plot options of that made that plot along with the plot.


  • add dumb example to this repo.

Explaining the dictionary

This is an example of dictionary booking one plot, that should be saved in a .json file/format as /where/is/plot_options.json (on the example comand line above):

    "fitdiagnosis": "/where/is/the/fitdiagnosis.root",
    "datacard_original": "none",
    "bin_name_original": "none",
    "norm_X_range" : [100.0, 180.0],
    "procs_plot_options_bkg": "plot_options_BKG_colors.json",
    "procs_plot_options_sig": "plot_options_sig_colors.json",
    "header_legend": "bla bla can be latex",
    "labelX": "bla bla can be latex",
    "maxY": 10000.0,
    "minY": 0.001,
    "maxYerr": 20.01,
    "minYerr": -5.01,
    "maxYerr_postfit": 15.01,
    "minYerr_postfit": -15.01,
    "cats_labels_height": 8.0,
    "number_columns_legend": 3,
    "useLogPlot": true,
    "era": 2018,
    "align_cats": ["ch1","ch2",],
    "align_cats_labelsX": [6, 20],
    "align_cats_labels": [["ch1 bla", "ch1 more details"], ["ch2 bla", "ch2 more details"]],
    "single_H_by_era": false,
    "only_yield_table" : true,
    "scale_signal_in_table" : 100.0

Plot options

The name of the file containing the plot will contain the main key, in the example above "plotXX_2018".

The keys of the dictionary are the names of the bins to plot distributions for (declared on the combineCards command). The entries are bellow:

  • "datacard_original": the datacard.root file with shapes for that bin (what goes along with datacard.txt)

  • "bin_name_original" : For some analyses the bin can be in a folder inside the datacard.root , if this is the case put the name of this folder. If there is no internal folder, just put "none".

  • "norm_X_range": Normalize the X-axis using this range. It is superseed if you give "datacard_original". Usefull for the cases where the analysis provides directly the workspace, instead of shapes. Optional, default is not normalize X-axis.

  • Y-axis of the shapes distributions (top pad) : "minY" / "maxY"

  • Y-axis of the bottom pad for prefit plot: "minYerr", "maxYerr"

  • Y-axis of the bottom pad for postfit plot: "minYerr_postfit", "maxYerr_postfit" (if it is not given it will use the ones for prefit, defined above)

  • "useLogPlot", for the shapes distributions (top pad)

  • "era", to decide which lumi put on plot header. If era is set 0 and the bin names naming convention uses t in the name it will make plots from the same template looping on eras (2016, 2017, 2018)

  • "labelX" is the variable being plotted

  • options for legends "header_legend", "number_columns_legend"

  • "procs_plot_options_bkg" is the name of the json file containing the list of BKG processes to be drawn and options for plotting. See point bellow.

  • "procs_plot_options_sig" is the name of the json file containing the list of signal processes to be drawn and options for plotting. See point bellow.

  • "align_cats" is a list of bins/channels that we want drawn one after another in the same plot

  • It can be one, that is the most common use

  • "align_cats_labels" are the labels for "align_cats"

  • "align_cats_labelsX" : the X positions for the labels "align_cats_labels"

  • "cats_labels_height" : the Y positions for the labels "align_cats_labels"

  • "single_H_by_era" : if true it will try to read the single H processes with era in name (e.g. "ttH_2017_hbb" instead of "ttH_hbb"). Optional, default is false.

  • "only_yield_table" : if true only saves the table. Optional, default is false.

  • "scale_signal_in_table" : factor to scale VBF HH and GGF HH on the json/tex tables of yields. Optional, default is not scale.

  • TODO: make the dictionary example on datacards_run2 repo, and make the path to the original datacard.root or relative to the datacards_run2 when I do the example with cards from datacards_run2 repo

Processes dictionaries

There are mentions for two files json files, if just the plain name of a file it will assume that they are in the same folder than /where/is/plot_options.json, if it is a path it will use the string as an absolute path.

Explaining procs_plot_options_bkg

  • "procs_plot_options_bkg" is the list of processes to be stacked in the plot, with options
    • the keys are the exact names of the processes on datacard.root
    • the order you write there is going to be the order of the stack and of the legend entries
    • if you put a process that is not on the datacard it will skip it (not break)
    • if you do not put a process that is on the datacard, it will not add it to the stack (useful to negligible processes)
    • How to merge processes: put them subsequently. Put the desired "label" and "make border"==True only on the last of the list, on the others put "label"="none" and "make border"=False. Example here [link from datacards_run2 uploaded example].

An explicit example is bellow:

  "bbzz4l_others" : {"color": 205, "fillStype": 1001, "make border": true, "label": "others"},
  "ZX"            : {"color": 208, "fillStype": 1001, "make border": true, "label": "ZX"},
  "ttZ"           : {"color": 9, "fillStype": 1001, "make border": true, "label": "ttZ"},
  "ggZZ"          : {"color": 822, "fillStype": 1001, "make border": true, "label": "ggZZ"},
  "qqZZ"          : {"color": 221, "fillStype": 1001, "make border": true, "label": "qqZZ"}

Explaining procs_plot_options_sig

  • "procs_plot_options_sig" is the list of signals (processes to be drawn but not added to the stack)
    • each entry will be added as one overlaid histogram, summing up the processes listed in "processes" and scaled by "scaleBy"
    • the order you write there is going to be the legend entries

An explicit example is bellow:

  "ggHH_kl_1_kt_1"       : {"color": 5, "fillStype": 3351, "scaleBy": 1.0, "label": "GGF SM"},
  "ggHH_kl_5_kt_1"       : {"color": 221, "fillStype": 3351, "scaleBy": 1.0, "label": "GGF #kappa#lambda = 5"},
  "ggHH_kl_2p45_kt_1"    : {"color": 2, "fillStype": 3351, "scaleBy": 1.0, "label": "GGF #kappa#lambda = 2.45"},
  "qqHH_CV_1_C2V_1_kl_1" : {"color": 8, "fillStype": 3351, "scaleBy": 1.0, "label": "VBF SM"},
  "qqHH_CV_1_C2V_2_kl_1" : {"color": 6, "fillStype": 3351, "scaleBy": 1.0, "label": "VBF c2V = 2"}

Common options that we may like to change

Right now:

  • the total band is the sum of BKGs only


  • make the options flow in law scheme

  • in the shapes plot lumi header (addLabel_CMS_preliminary(era) function here take the numbers from an central place (the same that is written for other plots)

  • save the log of the plot (what the script prints) along with the plot.pdf/root/png, so the person running can check it and the person implementing a new dictionary can debug mistakes/lists of processes

On the shapes input (FitDiagnostics)

The list of user inputs to the plotter-only is:

  • fitDiagnosis (result of the PostFitShapes task)
    • Made from a cards combination in which subcategories should be merged using a fixed naming convention for bins, that you will enter on the dictionary as "align_cats", eg (following the example dictionary above) """
      datacard_combo.txt """
  • dictionaries with plot options, minding the above-mentioned fixed naming convention for bins

Task missing:

  • make prefit/postfit table of yields with uncertainties