A dashboard to display build information from TeamCity (and other CI's). Each authenticated user can create his own customized view, aggregating build results in project panels for easier visualization.
The installation scripts allow you to install this in your local machine or on remote machines.
Local machine
- Compile solution with VS2013 and run it (it will use LocalDB and IISExpress)
- Install it locally
- Compile solution with VS2013
- Configure installation properties file ".\deploy\config\local.properties"
- Open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights and run the command ".\deploy\Install.bat local"
- The 'local' keyword maps to the file ".\deploy\config\local.properties"
- This will use local IIS and SQL Server
Remote machine
- Compile solution with VS2013
- Configure installation properties file ".\deploy\config\remote.properties"
- Open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights and run the command ".\deploy\Install.bat remote"
- The 'local' keyword maps to the file ".\deploy\config\remote.properties"
Configuration: The properties file have meaningful names so it should be easy to configure it.
The dashboard contains the following features:
- Integrated authentication with company Active Directory
- Allow customized views per user
- Aggregate view of builds in logical projects
- Automatically refresh status (configured by default to update every 5 minutes)
- Only allows selecting TeamCity build configurations that aren't archived
- Add support to other CI's like Jenkins, TFS, CruiseControl and so on...
- Add support to sort projects and builds
- Move to less css
- Upgrade to VS2015
- Improve deployment scripts
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
This project is built using the following stack:
- AngularJS
- BootStrap
- Toastr
- Microsoft MVC
- Microsoft SignalR
- Microsoft Entity Framework
- Hangfire (to refresh build in the background every 5 minutes)
- Autofac
- AutoMapper
- Serilog
- Newtonsoft.Json
- NUnit
- AutoFixture
- FakeItEasy
- FluentAssertions
- TeamCitySharp-forked
Copyright (c) 2015 Carlos Camacho
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).