This document defines a high level roadmap for the CNF Test Suite.
The following is a selection of some of the major features the CNF Test Suite team plans to explore. This roadmap will continue to be updated as priorities evolve.
To get a more complete overview of planned features and current work see the project board, issue tracker and milestones in GitHub.
- Build tests for Kubernetes best practices that address issues voiced by the end users, including:
- On-boarding (day 1) items
- CNF WG best practices
- Build resilience tests using LitmusChaos experiments
- Create observability tests to check for cloud native monitoring
- Create state tests to check cloud native data handling
- Create security tests
- Add support for air gapped environments
- Add best practice suggestions to test results
- Split libraries out into different repositories under a single organization
- Document a Governance structure for maintainers
- Document a Contributor Ladder for maintainer levels
- Publish a "Getting Started with the CNF Test Suite" blog post
- Create "Office Hours" and good first issues to help beginners
- Engage CNCF-hosted projects and propose test ideas using their software
- Enlist help from other communities
- Crystal Lang
- CNCF Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)
- Kubernetes Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Create file to list users of the CNF Test Suite
- Set up Calendly to schedule presentations
- Offer presentations, demonstrations and assistance on the CNF Test Suite to Service Providers and CNF Developers
- Promote test suite with new groups and communities
- Present at Network of the Future (NoF) seminar