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Front-End Stack

We'll be leaning on Mozilla's tutorials to learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is your standard front-end stack for the browser. But first, some information about websites and how they work:



Addendum: Attributes - Class vs ID

The class and id attributes are particularly important. These are what the CSS is going to latch onto in order to identify which elements should receive the same styles, and they are what the JavaScript will latch onto in order to determine which element it should assign a behavior to.

❇️ Example

  1. Lets try this by adding a few more paragraphs of text. You can generate dummy text at 5 paragraphs should be enough.

  2. Lets put each one of the paragraphs in a pararaph tag.

  3. Between the paragraphs of lorem ipsum, lets add some more paragraph tags, but lets make these what we'd call a pullquote. Notice that the paragraphs that are quotes have an attribute class=quote and the first one has an attribute id=mainquote.

    <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras semper tellus quis est lacinia, non consectetur urna consequat. Aliquam sed finibus ipsum. Suspendisse nec euismod nibh. Donec id orci risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent in sem diam. Nam rutrum dui vitae ante scelerisque gravida. In eget erat sed tellus dignissim tincidunt eget non eros. Nulla facilisi. Aenean arcu tellus, gravida sed ex ut, pellentesque dapibus erat. Duis quis quam eget diam rhoncus euismod. </p>
    <p id="mainquote" class="quote"> "Web development is cool" - Bill Joe Smith </p>
    <p> Vestibulum vel sodales augue, quis rhoncus augue. Mauris id ligula turpis. Nulla facilisis massa sed pretium ornare. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nunc elit, euismod quis enim sed, hendrerit posuere dui. Aenean tempus lacinia turpis non molestie. Nullam imperdiet nibh erat, non aliquet nulla congue ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec feugiat enim vitae tempus euismod. Curabitur cursus eget orci vitae interdum. Sed varius luctus massa sit amet rhoncus. Morbi eget massa quis nibh tempor varius sit amet non felis. </p>
    <p class="quote"> "Web development is cool" - Bill Joe Smith </p>
    <p> In eget nisi pulvinar, dapibus enim vel, molestie eros. Donec facilisis odio sed massa pharetra cursus. Nullam felis ipsum, semper vitae hendrerit in, iaculis id enim. Mauris non consequat augue. Donec a placerat sem. Aenean lacus nibh, ullamcorper eu lacus quis, facilisis pretium quam. Donec pellentesque, metus at auctor dignissim, ligula purus tincidunt mi, sit amet eleifend tellus nulla vitae orci. Donec eget ipsum sem. In laoreet ac risus quis tristique. Suspendisse felis odio, cursus id sapien non, tincidunt euismod enim. Praesent in nisi justo. Mauris in bibendum elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. </p>
    <p> Sed quis egestas nunc. Donec dignissim scelerisque posuere. Maecenas eu ipsum justo. Fusce id dui lectus. Nulla aliquet pharetra aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eu tincidunt quam, lacinia imperdiet massa. Duis sed vestibulum odio. </p>
    <p class="quote"> "JavaScript is the language of web browsers" - John Doe </p>
    <p> Sed scelerisque commodo odio, ut consectetur arcu sodales in. Curabitur vitae rhoncus arcu. Mauris hendrerit rhoncus diam sit amet hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean semper rhoncus mi, non semper urna porta nec. Quisque condimentum est et ultricies aliquam. Etiam et eros in dolor tempus maximus eu id turpis. Aliquam ac leo sed ligula tincidunt vulputate. Suspendisse sagittis et mauris in euismod. Integer suscipit sapien sit amet nunc finibus, sed faucibus dui dictum. Phasellus ac velit nisi. </p>
  4. Make all the quotes red. Commit and push the change.

  5. Make the mainquote retain all of the styles from the regular quote, but also give it a border.


  • Tutorial: (do Hello World only)

  • You have done some javascript in your terminal window for homework (

  • Introducing Alerts

     alert('Warning, this is a popup alert!!!');

    running that in the console window will make a JavaScript alert pop up.

  • Introducing Events

    We don't want that to happen as soon as you load the page though, so lets assign it an event. Lets make the image pop open an alert when you click on the fox.

     // Define a Function
     function sayOuch() {
     	alert('Ouch! Stop poking me!');
     // Use a CSS selector to identify an element
     var foxImage = document.querySelector('img');
     // Assign the function to the onclick event on that element
     foxImage.onclick = sayOuch;


Add two buttons to your page, one to show the fox and one to hide it.

Super duper bonus

Make those into one button that toggles show/hide of the fox

A note about style

There are lots of tools online to help you select a color pallate:

Also, you can modify CSS in the browser window if you just want to see what a change might look like without actually making the change.