createdb <dbname>
echo create extension hstore | psql <dbname>
mkdir <deploydir>
cd <deploydir>
git clone repo
virtualenv --python=python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r repo/requirements.txt
cd repo
cp czl/base/ czl/base/
# edit as required
./ migrate
- make sure PYTHONPATH includes
(or chdir to it), - use the virtualenv,
- and use
as the WSGI application file.
In production you should set STATIC_ROOT
appropriately in settings,
and serve the static files via the web server.
./ collectstatic
cd <deploydir>
. venv/bin/activate
cd repo
./ runserver
You can generate tokens using the admin interface. To do so, create a superuser:
./ createsuperuser
then, using your browser visit the admin interface and (optionally) create
a regular user under /admin/auth/user/add/
and a token under