- SE/2016/007 - janakaedirisinghe
- SE/2016/052 - ruwanbandara
- SE/2016/032 - pankajan05
- SE/2016/049 - wasalas893
- [Design] - In the design folder we add the design for the ocr project
- [flutter App] - It have the mobile application that design using the flutter.
- [API] - It have the backend files.
- [frontend] - It have the frontend files. We use angular for create the frontend. It have the login, user registration and the OCR features.
- [Angular8] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- [Angular Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps.
- [Angular Material] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps.
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend.
- [Express] - fast node.js network app framework.
- [Tesseract.js] - Pure Javascript port of the popular Tesseract OCR engine.
- [Flutter] - Mobile Application.