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This project uses OpenAPI Specification version 2.0 to document its API.

After starting the service locally you can find the documentation here:


Execute Tests

./gradlew test


You can created a fat JAR that contains all dependencies and a Tomcat server to run the application as follows:

./gradlew build

Start Application Locally

docker-compose up --build

It's recommend to use docker-compose to start the following components on your local machine:

Dockerfile describes the application's Docker image and expects an existing JAR (see Build). --build makes sure that this Docker image is build each time and changes become effective.

SQL scripts in the folder src/test/resources/db are executed automatically in alphabetical order to create the database schema and insert some test data.

You can terminate terminate all started containers as follows:

docker-compose down

It's also possible to start each component separately:

  • docker-compose up db to start the database
  • docker-compose up app or ./gradlew bootRun to start the webservice


Liquibase is used for continuously migrating the database. src/main/resources/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml describes the migration steps. When starting the application, Spring automatically detects the configuration and applies the migration steps to its configured data source if they have not been run yet.

You can use the Liquibase Gradle plugin to conveniently run Liquibase CLI commands. It is especially useful for validating and manually applying the change log and rolling back to a previous version.

Note: You can specify database credentials for the Liquibase Gradle plugin by passing the Gradle properties dbUrl, dbUser and dbPassword (i.e. gradle validate -PdbUrl=<db-url> -PdbUser=<db-user> -PdbPassword=<db-password>).

Click here for an overview of available commands.

Prerequisite: The database schema hc_habit needs to exist because Liquibase is not able to create it on its own and store its tables in it. If necessary, create the schema manually or simply start the application to let the Spring framework do it for you.

Unit Testing

./gradlew test

Test Code Coverage

The code (not) covered by tests is measured with JaCoCo.

You can call the following command to generate a HTML coverage report under build/reports/jacoco/test/html and verify the compliance with coverage rules:

./gradlew check

Integration Testing

./gradlew intTest

Code Format

The Spotless Gradle plugin is used the format the source code using Google Java Format. It's recommended to install and use the Google Format plugin in your IDE as well.

gradlew build will check the code automatically and fail in case of violations. If necessary, you can fix the code as follows:

./gradlew spotlessApply