This is a list of people who have contributed code to the OpenTimelineIO project, sorted alphabetically by first name. Many other people have contributed to OpenTimelineIO in other ways, and we appreciate your help very much.
If you know of anyone missing from this list, please contact us:
- Aditya Rana (Viraj-Rana008)
- Alex Schworer (schworer)
- Alex Widener (boredstiff)
- Andrew Moore (andrewmoore-nz)
- Ashley Whetter (AWhetter)
- Bas Hesen (bashesenaxis)
- Bonnie Tai (bonpix)
- Cameron Kerr (camkerr)
- Daniel Flehner Heen (apetrynet)
- Darby Johnston (darbyjohnston)
- Darwyn Peachey (peachey)
- David Baraff (davidbaraff)
- Ed Caspersen (repsac)
- Emile Labrosse (elabrosseRodeofx)
- Eric (eric-with-a-c)
- Eric Desruisseaux (desruie)
- Eric Reinecke (reinecke)
- Flavian Liger (flavienliger)
- Fredrik Brännbacka (smaragden)
- Freeson Wang (freesonluxo)
- Félix Bourbonnais (BadSingleton)
- Félix David (Tilix4)
- Henry Wilkes (hwilkes-igalia)
- Jean-Christophe Morin (JeanChristopheMorinPerso)
- Jeffrey Barendse (IOjeffrey)
- jlskuz (jlskuz)
- John Mertic (jmertic)
- Jon Morley (rogergodspeed)
- Jonathan Hearn (splidje)
- Josh Burnell (JoshBurnell)
- Joshua Minor (jminor)
- Julian Yu-Chung Chen (jchen9)
- Karthik Ramesh Iyer (KarthikRIyer)
- Laura Savidge (lsavidge)
- Mark Reid (markreidvfx)
- Matt Johnson (mattyjams)
- Michael Dolan (michdolan)
- Michael Jefferies (michaeljefferies)
- Mike Koetter (mikekoetter)
- Mike Mahony (mikemahony)
- Nick Porcino (meshula)
- Pedro Labonia (pedrolabonia)
- Robyn Rindge (avrata)
- Roger Nelson (rogernelson)
- Sasha Aleshchenko (TheBigSasha)
- Sean Wallitsch (swallitsch)
- Sergio Rojas (hisergiorojas)
- Shahbaz Khan (shahbazk8194)
- Simran Spiller (Simran-B)
- Stefan Schulze (stefanschulze)
- Stephan Steinbach (ssteinbach)
- Stéphane Deverly (gplsteph)
- Thibault Saunier (thiblahute)
- Thierry Dervieux-Lecocq (tdervieux)
- ThomasWilshaw (ThomasWilshaw)
- Tim Lehr (timlehr)
- Troy James Sobotka (sobotka)
- Tuan Truong (tuan-huy-truong)
- Utsab Saha (utsab)
- Valerio Viperino (vvzen)
- Vincent Pinon (vpinon)
- Visaj Nirav Shah (visajshah)