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File metadata and controls

102 lines (82 loc) · 4.32 KB


For local development, use Docker Compose to automatically compile and serve your work. Results will be available on localhost:80

docker-compose up -d

Deployment occurs automatically when the build for a commit on master succeeds


  • _config.yml Jekyll configuration
  • _bios/ Bios for human beings (just me honestly)
  • _layouts/ Layout templates for pages to use
    • codehearts.html The base page template, containing the document head and body w/ footer
    • pdf.html The page template for PDF documents
  • _plugins/ Extensions for Jekyll
    • jekyll-gotenberg.rb Converts pages with pdf set in their front matter to PDF during site generation
  • _repos/ Featured GitHub repos
  • _resumes/ Resumé data
  • _sass/ Sass files to compile and access from the css/ directory
  • _works/ Featured completed works, with images
  • css/ CSS files to copy to the site output
    • codehearts.scss The base site stylesheet
    • pdf.scss The PDF stylesheet, containing print-oriented styles
  • icons/ Site icons, such as the favicon and Apple touch icon
    • safari-pinned-tab.svg Pinned tab icon for Safari, doubles as the favicons' source image
  • docker-compose.yml Local development and CI build environment
  • .github Builds, verifies site integrity, and deploys master to production


Bios take a brief description and have the following front matter:

  • name Name or title
  • image 470px wide image suffixed with -2x
    • Create a half-sized image without the -2x suffix convert image-2x.png -scale=50% image.png
    • Create a webp for both sizes cwebp image.png -o image.webp && cwebp image-2x.png -o image-2x.webp
  • image_alt Accessibility text for image
  • links Array of links with the following properties
    • name Name of the link, and label for the button
    • icon Name of an icon to replace the text with from the SVG sprite
    • link URL for the link


Repositories take a super short description and have the following front matter:

  • name Human readable name, with apostrophes and spaces instead of dashes
  • repo GitHub repo with the username and repo name, like codehearts/portfolio

Repos are displayed in the sorted order of their filenames, so each file is prepended with a number to influence the sorting


Resumés contain only the following front matter:

  • name Who the resumé is for (basically just me)
  • links Array of contact links with the following properties
    • name Label for the link
    • link URL for the link
  • experiences Array of prior work experience
    • position Title of the position held
    • location Name of the workplace
    • start Start year
    • end End year, defaults to "current"
    • notes Array of notes about the experience
  • education Array of schools with the following properties
    • where Name of the school
    • what Degree obtained
    • when Year of graduation
  • technologies Array of technology experience with the following properties
    • experienced Array of technologies you're experienced with
    • familiar Array of technologies you're less experienced with
    • interested Array of technologies you're interested in learning
  • references Array of references with the following properties
    • name Name of the reference
    • relation Position and company, or relationship to the reference
    • link: URL to contact the reference
    • link_label Label for the reference's contact link


Works take a brief to moderate description and have the following front matter:

  • name Name or title
  • time Full month name and year, or a range if the work had a start/end
  • link Optional URL for the work
  • link_label Optional button label for the work's URL, if the URL itself isn't acceptable
  • image 1024px wide image, 1152px tall to maintain the 8/9 ratio I seem to be using, suffixed with -2x
    • Create a half-sized image without the -2x suffix convert image-2x.png -scale=50% image.png
    • Create a webp for both sizes cwebp image.png -o image.webp && cwebp image-2x.png -o image-2x.webp
  • image_alt Screenshot of my CIF home page design

Works are displayed in the reverse sorted order of their filenames, so each file is prepended with a number to influence the sorting