diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/CodeHubDesktop.csproj b/CodeHubDesktop/CodeHubDesktop.csproj index 72ba897..c65f2e0 100644 --- a/CodeHubDesktop/CodeHubDesktop.csproj +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/CodeHubDesktop.csproj @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ true CodeHubDesktop CodeHubDesktop - + Debug;Release Copyright © Mahdi 2018-2020 - - + + latest en;fa;en-US;fa-IR Resources\gitbanner_6jm_icon.ico @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ + + + + @@ -59,11 +63,20 @@ True Lang.resx + + True + True + Resources.resx + PublicResXFileCodeGenerator Lang.Designer.cs + + ResXFileCodeGenerator + Resources.Designer.cs + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Controls/HighlightingDefinitionConverter.cs b/CodeHubDesktop/Controls/HighlightingDefinitionConverter.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09aaec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Controls/HighlightingDefinitionConverter.cs @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +using CodeHubDesktop.Models; +using ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting; +using System; +using System.Globalization; +using System.Windows.Data; + +namespace CodeHubDesktop.Controls +{ + public class HighlightingDefinitionConverter : IValueConverter + { + private static readonly HighlightingDefinitionTypeConverter Converter = new HighlightingDefinitionTypeConverter(); + + public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) + { + if (value != null) + { + LanguageModel code = value as LanguageModel; + if (code != null) + { + return Converter.ConvertFrom(code.DisplayName); + } + else + { + return Converter.ConvertFrom("C#"); + } + } + else + { + return Converter.ConvertFrom("C#"); + } + } + + public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) + { + return Converter.ConvertToString(value); + } + } +} diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Models/LanguageModel.cs b/CodeHubDesktop/Models/LanguageModel.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e3f509 --- /dev/null +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Models/LanguageModel.cs @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +namespace CodeHubDesktop.Models +{ + public class LanguageModel + { + public string Name { get; set; } + public string DisplayName { get; set; } + } +} diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs b/CodeHubDesktop/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a6de6d --- /dev/null +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// +// This code was generated by a tool. +// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 +// +// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if +// the code is regenerated. +// +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +namespace CodeHubDesktop.Properties { + using System; + + + /// + /// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. + /// + // This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder + // class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio. + // To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen + // with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project. + [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")] + [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] + [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()] + internal class Resources { + + private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan; + + private static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture; + + [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] + internal Resources() { + } + + /// + /// Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. + /// + [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] + internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager { + get { + if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) { + global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("CodeHubDesktop.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly); + resourceMan = temp; + } + return resourceMan; + } + } + + /// + /// Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all + /// resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. + /// + [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] + internal static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture { + get { + return resourceCulture; + } + set { + resourceCulture = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Looks up a localized string similar to ABAP,abap + ///ABNF,abnf + ///Ada,ada + ///ADL,adl + ///Agda,agda + ///Aheui,aheui + ///autohotkey,ahk + ///Alloy,alloy + ///Ampl,ampl + ///ANTLR,antlr + ///ANTLR_With_ActionScript_Target,antlr-as + ///ANTLR_With_CPP_Target,antlr-cpp + ///ANTLR_With_C__Target,antlr-csharp + ///ANTLR_With_Java_Target,antlr-java + ///ANTLR_With_ObjectiveC_Target,antlr-objc + ///ANTLR_With_Perl_Target,antlr-perl + ///ANTLR_With_Python_Target,antlr-python + ///ANTLR_With_Ruby_Target,antlr-ruby + ///ApacheConf,apacheconf + ///APL,apl + ///AppleScript,applescript + ///Arduino,arduino + ///ActionScript,as + ///ActionScri [rest of string was truncated]";. + /// + internal static string LanguageList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("LanguageList", resourceCulture); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Properties/Resources.resx b/CodeHubDesktop/Properties/Resources.resx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a701c1b --- /dev/null +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Properties/Resources.resx @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + text/microsoft-resx + + + 2.0 + + + System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + + System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + + + ..\Resources\LanguageList.txt;System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Resources/LanguageList.txt b/CodeHubDesktop/Resources/LanguageList.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b267fd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Resources/LanguageList.txt @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +ABAP,abap +ABNF,abnf +Ada,ada +ADL,adl +Agda,agda +Aheui,aheui +autohotkey,ahk +Alloy,alloy +Ampl,ampl +ANTLR,antlr +ANTLR_With_ActionScript_Target,antlr-as +ANTLR_With_CPP_Target,antlr-cpp +ANTLR_With_C__Target,antlr-csharp +ANTLR_With_Java_Target,antlr-java +ANTLR_With_ObjectiveC_Target,antlr-objc +ANTLR_With_Perl_Target,antlr-perl +ANTLR_With_Python_Target,antlr-python +ANTLR_With_Ruby_Target,antlr-ruby +ApacheConf,apacheconf +APL,apl +AppleScript,applescript +Arduino,arduino +ActionScript,as +ActionScript_3,as3 +AspectJ,aspectj +aspx_cs,aspx-cs +aspx_vb,aspx-vb +Asymptote,asy +AmbientTalk,at +Augeas,augeas +AutoIt,autoit +Awk,awk +Base_Makefile,basemake +Bash,bash +Batchfile,bat +BBC_Basic,bbcbasic +BBCode,bbcode +BC,bc +Befunge,befunge +BibTeX,bib +BlitzBasic,blitzbasic +BlitzMax,blitzmax +BNF,bnf +Boa,boa +Boo,boo +Boogie,boogie +Brainfuck,brainfuck +BST,bst +BUGS,bugs +C,c +c_objdump,c-objdump +ca65_assembler,ca65 +cADL,cadl +CAmkES,camkes +CapDL,capdl +Cap_n_Proto,capnp +CBM_BASIC_V2,cbmbas +Ceylon,ceylon +Coldfusion_CFC,cfc +CFEngine3,cfengine3 +Coldfusion_HTML,cfm +cfstatement,cfs +ChaiScript,chai +Chapel,chapel +Charmci,charmci +Cheetah,cheetah +Cirru,cirru +Clay,clay +Clean,clean +Clojure,clojure +ClojureScript,clojurescript +CMake,cmake +COBOL,cobol +COBOLFree,cobolfree +CoffeeScript,coffee-script +Common_Lisp,common-lisp +Component_Pascal,componentpascal +Bash_Session,console +Deban_Control_file,control +Coq,coq +C__,cpp +cpp_objdump,cpp-objdump +CPSA,cpsa +Crystal,cr +Crmsh,crmsh +Croc,croc +Cryptol,cryptol +C#,csharp +Csound_Orchestra,csound +Csound_Document,csound-document +Csound_Score,csound-score +CSS,css +CSS_Django_Jinja,css+django +CSS_Ruby,css+erb +CSS_Genshi_Text,css+genshitext +CSS_Lasso,css+lasso +CSS_Mako,css+mako +CSS_mozpreproc,css+mozpreproc +CSS_Myghty,css+myghty +CSS_PHP,css+php +CSS_Smarty,css+smarty +Gherkin,cucumber +CUDA,cuda +Cypher,cypher +Cython,cython +D,d +d_objdump,d-objdump +Dart,dart +DASM16,dasm16 +Delphi,delphi +dg,dg +Diff,diff +Django_Jinja,django +Docker,docker +MSDOS_Session,doscon +Darcs_Patch,dpatch +DTD,dtd +Duel,duel +Dylan,dylan +Dylan_session,dylan-console +DylanLID,dylan-lid +Earl_Grey,earl-grey +Easytrieve,easytrieve +EBNF,ebnf +eC,ec +ECL,ecl +Eiffel,eiffel +Elixir,elixir +Elm,elm +EmacsLisp,emacs +E_mail,email +ERB,erb +Erlang_erl_session,erl +Erlang,erlang +Evoque,evoque +xtlang,extempore +Ezhil,ezhil +Factor,factor +Fantom,fan +Fancy,fancy +Felix,felix +Fennel,fennel +Fish,fish +Flatline,flatline +FloScript,floscript +Forth,forth +Fortran,fortran +FortranFixed,fortranfixed +FoxPro,foxpro +Freefem,freefem +F#,fsharp +GAP,gap +GAS,gas +Genshi,genshi +Genshi_Text,genshitext +GLSL,glsl +Gnuplot,gnuplot +Go,go +Golo,golo +GoodData_CL,gooddata-cl +Gosu,gosu +Groff,groff +Groovy,groovy +Gosu_Template,gst +Haml,haml +Handlebars,handlebars +Haskell,haskell +Hxml,haxeml +Hexdump,hexdump +HLSL,hlsl +HSAIL,hsail +Hspec,hspec +HTML,html +HTML_Cheetah,html+cheetah +HTML_Django_Jinja,html+django +HTML_Evoque,html+evoque +HTML_Genshi,html+genshi +HTML_Handlebars,html+handlebars +HTML_Lasso,html+lasso +HTML_Mako,html+mako +HTML_Myghty,html+myghty +HTML___Angular2,html+ng2 +HTML_PHP,html+php +HTML_Smarty,html+smarty +HTML_Twig,html+twig +HTML_Velocity,html+velocity +HTTP,http +Haxe,hx +Hybris,hybris +Hy,hylang +Inform_6_template,i6t +Icon,icon +IDL,idl +Idris,idris +Elixir_iex_session,iex +Igor,igor +Inform_6,inform6 +Inform_7,inform7 +INI,ini +Io,io +Ioke,ioke +IRC_logs,irc +Isabelle,isabelle +J,j +JAGS,jags +Jasmin,jasmin +Java,java +Javascript_mozpreproc,javascript+mozpreproc +JCL,jcl +Julia_console,jlcon +JavaScript,js +JavaScript_Cheetah,js+cheetah +JavaScript_Django_Jinja,js+django +JavaScript_Ruby,js+erb +JavaScript_Genshi_Text,js+genshitext +JavaScript_Lasso,js+lasso +JavaScript_Mako,js+mako +JavaScript_Myghty,js+myghty +JavaScript_PHP,js+php +JavaScript_Smarty,js+smarty +JSGF,jsgf +JSON,json +JSONBareObject,json-object +JSON_LD,jsonld +Java_Server_Page,jsp +Julia,julia +Juttle,juttle +Kal,kal +Kconfig,kconfig +Kernel_log,kmsg +Koka,koka +Kotlin,kotlin +Literate_Agda,lagda +Lasso,lasso +Literate_Cryptol,lcry +Lean,lean +LessCss,less +Literate_Haskell,lhs +Literate_Idris,lidr +Lighttpd_configuration_file,lighty +Limbo,limbo +liquid,liquid +LiveScript,live-script +LLVM,llvm +LLVM_MIR,llvm-mir +LLVM_MIR_Body,llvm-mir-body +Logos,logos +Logtalk,logtalk +LSL,lsl +Lua,lua +Makefile,make +Mako,mako +MAQL,maql +Mask,mask +Mason,mason +Mathematica,mathematica +Matlab,matlab +Matlab_session,matlabsession +markdown,md +MIME,mime +MiniD,minid +Modelica,modelica +Modula_2,modula2 +Monkey,monkey +Monte,monte +MOOCode,moocode +MoonScript,moon +Mosel,mosel +mozhashpreproc,mozhashpreproc +mozpercentpreproc,mozpercentpreproc +MQL,mql +MiniScript,ms +Mscgen,mscgen +MuPAD,mupad +MXML,mxml +Myghty,myghty +MySQL,mysql +NASM,nasm +NCL,ncl +Nemerle,nemerle +nesC,nesc +NewLisp,newlisp +Newspeak,newspeak +Angular2,ng2 +Nginx_configuration_file,nginx +Nimrod,nim +Nit,nit +Nix,nixos +Notmuch,notmuch +NSIS,nsis +NumPy,numpy +NuSMV,nusmv +objdump,objdump +objdump_nasm,objdump-nasm +Objective_C,objective-c +Objective_C__,objective-c++ +Objective_J,objective-j +OCaml,ocaml +Octave,octave +ODIN,odin +Ooc,ooc +Opa,opa +OpenEdge_ABL,openedge +PacmanConf,pacmanconf +Pan,pan +ParaSail,parasail +Pawn,pawn +PEG,peg +Perl,perl +Perl6,perl6 +PHP,php +Pig,pig +Pike,pike +PkgConfig,pkgconfig +PL_pgSQL,plpgsql +Pony,pony +PostgreSQL_SQL_dialect,postgresql +PostScript,postscript +Gettext_Catalog,pot +POVRay,pov +PowerShell,powershell +Praat,praat +Prolog,prolog +Properties,properties +Protocol_Buffer,protobuf +PowerShell_Session,ps1con +PostgreSQL_console__psql_,psql +Pug,pug +Puppet,puppet +Python_2_x_Traceback,py2tb +Python_console_session,pycon +PyPy_Log,pypylog +Python_Traceback,pytb +Python,python +Python_2_x,python2 +QBasic,qbasic +QML,qml +QVTO,qvto +Racket,racket +Ragel,ragel +Ragel_in_C_Host,ragel-c +Ragel_in_CPP_Host,ragel-cpp +Ragel_in_D_Host,ragel-d +Embedded_Ragel,ragel-em +Ragel_in_Java_Host,ragel-java +Ragel_in_Objective_C_Host,ragel-objc +Ragel_in_Ruby_Host,ragel-ruby +Raw_token_data,raw +Ruby,rb +Ruby_irb_session,rbcon +RConsole,rconsole +Rd,rd +ReasonML,reason +REBOL,rebol +Red,red +Redcode,redcode +reg,registry +ResourceBundle,resource +Rexx,rexx +RHTML,rhtml +Ride,ride +Relax_NG_Compact,rnc +Roboconf_Graph,roboconf-graph +Roboconf_Instances,roboconf-instances +RobotFramework,robotframework +RQL,rql +RSL,rsl +reStructuredText,rst +TrafficScript,rts +Rust,rust +SARL,sarl +SAS,sas +Sass,sass +SuperCollider,sc +Scala,scala +Scaml,scaml +scdoc,scdoc +Scheme,scheme +Scilab,scilab +SCSS,scss +SmartGameFormat,sgf +Shen,shen +ShExC,shexc +Sieve,sieve +Silver,silver +Slash,slash +Slim,slim +Slurm,slurm +Smali,smali +Smalltalk,smalltalk +Smarty,smarty +Standard_ML,sml +Snobol,snobol +Snowball,snowball +Solidity,solidity +Debian_Sourcelist,sourceslist +SourcePawn,sp +SPARQL,sparql +RPMSpec,spec +S,splus +SQL,sql +sqlite3con,sqlite3 +SquidConf,squidconf +Scalate_Server_Page,ssp +Stan,stan +Stata,stata +Swift,swift +SWIG,swig +systemverilog,systemverilog +TADS_3,tads3 +TAP,tap +TASM,tasm +Tcl,tcl +Tcsh,tcsh +Tcsh_Session,tcshcon +Tea,tea +Termcap,termcap +Terminfo,terminfo +Terraform,terraform +TeX,tex +Text_only,text +Thrift,thrift +Todotxt,todotxt +TOML,toml +MoinMoin_Trac_Wiki_markup,trac-wiki +Treetop,treetop +TypeScript,ts +Transact_SQL,tsql +Tera_Term_macro,ttl +Turtle,turtle +Twig,twig +TypoScript,typoscript +TypoScriptCssData,typoscriptcssdata +TypoScriptHtmlData,typoscripthtmldata +ucode,ucode +Unicon,unicon +UrbiScript,urbiscript +USD,usd +Vala,vala +VB_net,vb.net +VBScript,vbscript +VCL,vcl +VCLSnippets,vclsnippets +VCTreeStatus,vctreestatus +Velocity,velocity +verilog,verilog +VGL,vgl +vhdl,vhdl +VimL,vim +WDiff,wdiff +Web_IDL,webidl +Whiley,whiley +X10,x10 +XML,xml +XML_Cheetah,xml+cheetah +XML_Django_Jinja,xml+django +XML_Ruby,xml+erb +XML_Evoque,xml+evoque +XML_Lasso,xml+lasso +XML_Mako,xml+mako +XML_Myghty,xml+myghty +XML_PHP,xml+php +XML_Smarty,xml+smarty +XML_Velocity,xml+velocity +Xorg,xorg.conf +XQuery,xquery +XSLT,xslt +Xtend,xtend +XUL_mozpreproc,xul+mozpreproc +YAML,yaml +YAML_Jinja,yaml+jinja +Zeek,zeek +Zephir,zephir +Zig,zig \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/ViewModels/CreateSnippetViewModel.cs b/CodeHubDesktop/ViewModels/CreateSnippetViewModel.cs index a5bf99a..7fa0cf2 100644 --- a/CodeHubDesktop/ViewModels/CreateSnippetViewModel.cs +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/ViewModels/CreateSnippetViewModel.cs @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ using Prism.Mvvm; using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; -using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; @@ -55,15 +54,15 @@ public string Detail set => SetProperty(ref _Detail, value); } - private string _SelectedCode; - public string SelectedCode + private LanguageModel _SelectedCode; + public LanguageModel SelectedCode { get => _SelectedCode; set => SetProperty(ref _SelectedCode, value); } - private ObservableCollection _LanguageList = new ObservableCollection(); - public ObservableCollection LanguageList + private ObservableCollection _LanguageList = new ObservableCollection(); + public ObservableCollection LanguageList { get => _LanguageList; set => SetProperty(ref _LanguageList, value); @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ private async void OnCreateSnippet() { title = Subject, detail = Detail, - language = SelectedCode.ToLower(), + language = SelectedCode.Name ?? "csharp", script = Snippet, error = Error }; @@ -138,484 +137,14 @@ private void OnClear() internal void FillComboBox() { - string[] languages = new string[] { - "ABAP", - "ABNF", - "Ada", - "ADL", - "Agda", - "Aheui", - "autohotkey", - "Alloy", - "Ampl", - "ANTLR", - "ANTLR With ActionScript Target", - "ANTLR With CPP Target", - "ANTLR With C# Target", - "ANTLR With Java Target", - "ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target", - "ANTLR With Perl Target", - "ANTLR With Python Target", - "ANTLR With Ruby Target", - "ApacheConf", - "APL", - "AppleScript", - "Arduino", - "ActionScript", - "ActionScript 3", - "AspectJ", - "aspx-cs", - "aspx-vb", - "Asymptote", - "AmbientTalk", - "Augeas", - "AutoIt", - "Awk", - "Base Makefile", - "Bash", - "Batchfile", - "BBC Basic", - "BBCode", - "BC", - "Befunge", - "BibTeX", - "BlitzBasic", - "BlitzMax", - "BNF", - "Boa", - "Boo", - "Boogie", - "Brainfuck", - "BST", - "BUGS", - "C", - "c-objdump", - "ca65 assembler", - "cADL", - "CAmkES", - "CapDL", - "Cap'n Proto", - "CBM BASIC V2", - "Ceylon", - "Coldfusion CFC", - "CFEngine3", - "Coldfusion HTML", - "cfstatement", - "ChaiScript", - "Chapel", - "Charmci", - "Cheetah", - "Cirru", - "Clay", - "Clean", - "Clojure", - "ClojureScript", - "CMake", - "COBOL", - "COBOLFree", - "CoffeeScript", - "Common Lisp", - "Component Pascal", - "Bash Session", - "Debian Control file", - "Coq", - "C++", - "cpp-objdump", - "CPSA", - "Crystal", - "Crmsh", - "Croc", - "Cryptol", - "C#", - "Csound Orchestra", - "Csound Document", - "Csound Score", - "CSS", - "CSS+Django/Jinja", - "CSS+Ruby", - "CSS+Genshi Text", - "CSS+Lasso", - "CSS+Mako", - "CSS+mozpreproc", - "CSS+Myghty", - "CSS+PHP", - "CSS+Smarty", - "Gherkin", - "CUDA", - "Cypher", - "Cython", - "D", - "d-objdump", - "Dart", - "DASM16", - "Delphi", - "dg", - "Diff", - "Django/Jinja", - "Docker", - "MSDOS Session", - "Darcs Patch", - "DTD", - "Duel", - "Dylan", - "Dylan session", - "DylanLID", - "Earl Grey", - "Easytrieve", - "EBNF", - "eC", - "ECL", - "Eiffel", - "Elixir", - "Elm", - "EmacsLisp", - "E-mail", - "ERB", - "Erlang erl session", - "Erlang", - "Evoque", - "xtlang", - "Ezhil", - "Factor", - "Fantom", - "Fancy", - "Felix", - "Fennel", - "Fish", - "Flatline", - "FloScript", - "Forth", - "Fortran", - "FortranFixed", - "FoxPro", - "Freefem", - "F#", - "GAP", - "GAS", - "Genshi", - "Genshi Text", - "GLSL", - "Gnuplot", - "Go", - "Golo", - "GoodData-CL", - "Gosu", - "Groff", - "Groovy", - "Gosu Template", - "Haml", - "Handlebars", - "Haskell", - "Hxml", - "Hexdump", - "HLSL", - "HSAIL", - "Hspec", - "HTML", - "HTML+Cheetah", - "HTML+Django/Jinja", - "HTML+Evoque", - "HTML+Genshi", - "HTML+Handlebars", - "HTML+Lasso", - "HTML+Mako", - "HTML+Myghty", - "HTML + Angular2", - "HTML+PHP", - "HTML+Smarty", - "HTML+Twig", - "HTML+Velocity", - "HTTP", - "Haxe", - "Hybris", - "Hy", - "Inform 6 template", - "Icon", - "IDL", - "Idris", - "Elixir iex session", - "Igor", - "Inform 6", - "Inform 7", - "INI", - "Io", - "Ioke", - "IRC logs", - "Isabelle", - "J", - "JAGS", - "Jasmin", - "Java", - "Javascript+mozpreproc", - "JCL", - "Julia console", - "JavaScript", - "JavaScript+Cheetah", - "JavaScript+Django/Jinja", - "JavaScript+Ruby", - "JavaScript+Genshi Text", - "JavaScript+Lasso", - "JavaScript+Mako", - "JavaScript+Myghty", - "JavaScript+PHP", - "JavaScript+Smarty", - "JSGF", - "JSON", - "JSONBareObject", - "JSON-LD", - "Java Server Page", - "Julia", - "Juttle", - "Kal", - "Kconfig", - "Kernel log", - "Koka", - "Kotlin", - "Literate Agda", - "Lasso", - "Literate Cryptol", - "Lean", - "LessCss", - "Literate Haskell", - "Literate Idris", - "Lighttpd configuration file", - "Limbo", - "liquid", - "LiveScript", - "LLVM", - "LLVM-MIR", - "LLVM-MIR Body", - "Logos", - "Logtalk", - "LSL", - "Lua", - "Makefile", - "Mako", - "MAQL", - "Mask", - "Mason", - "Mathematica", - "Matlab", - "Matlab session", - "markdown", - "MIME", - "MiniD", - "Modelica", - "Modula-2", - "Monkey", - "Monte", - "MOOCode", - "MoonScript", - "Mosel", - "mozhashpreproc", - "mozpercentpreproc", - "MQL", - "MiniScript", - "Mscgen", - "MuPAD", - "MXML", - "Myghty", - "MySQL", - "NASM", - "NCL", - "Nemerle", - "nesC", - "NewLisp", - "Newspeak", - "Angular2", - "Nginx configuration file", - "Nimrod", - "Nit", - "Nix", - "Notmuch", - "NSIS", - "NumPy", - "NuSMV", - "objdump", - "objdump-nasm", - "Objective-C", - "Objective-C++", - "Objective-J", - "OCaml", - "Octave", - "ODIN", - "Ooc", - "Opa", - "OpenEdge ABL", - "PacmanConf", - "Pan", - "ParaSail", - "Pawn", - "PEG", - "Perl", - "Perl6", - "PHP", - "Pig", - "Pike", - "PkgConfig", - "PL/pgSQL", - "Pony", - "PostgreSQL SQL dialect", - "PostScript", - "Gettext Catalog", - "POVRay", - "PowerShell", - "Praat", - "Prolog", - "Properties", - "Protocol Buffer", - "PowerShell Session", - "PostgreSQL console (psql)", - "Pug", - "Puppet", - "Python 2.x Traceback", - "Python console session", - "PyPy Log", - "Python Traceback", - "Python", - "Python 2.x", - "QBasic", - "QML", - "QVTO", - "Racket", - "Ragel", - "Ragel in C Host", - "Ragel in CPP Host", - "Ragel in D Host", - "Embedded Ragel", - "Ragel in Java Host", - "Ragel in Objective C Host", - "Ragel in Ruby Host", - "Raw token data", - "Ruby", - "Ruby irb session", - "RConsole", - "Rd", - "ReasonML", - "REBOL", - "Red", - "Redcode", - "reg", - "ResourceBundle", - "Rexx", - "RHTML", - "Ride", - "Relax-NG Compact", - "Roboconf Graph", - "Roboconf Instances", - "RobotFramework", - "RQL", - "RSL", - "reStructuredText", - "TrafficScript", - "Rust", - "SARL", - "SAS", - "Sass", - "SuperCollider", - "Scala", - "Scaml", - "scdoc", - "Scheme", - "Scilab", - "SCSS", - "SmartGameFormat", - "Shen", - "ShExC", - "Sieve", - "Silver", - "Slash", - "Slim", - "Slurm", - "Smali", - "Smalltalk", - "Smarty", - "Standard ML", - "Snobol", - "Snowball", - "Solidity", - "Debian Sourcelist", - "SourcePawn", - "SPARQL", - "RPMSpec", - "S", - "SQL", - "sqlite3con", - "SquidConf", - "Scalate Server Page", - "Stan", - "Stata", - "Swift", - "SWIG", - "systemverilog", - "TADS 3", - "TAP", - "TASM", - "Tcl", - "Tcsh", - "Tcsh Session", - "Tea", - "Termcap", - "Terminfo", - "Terraform", - "TeX", - "Text only", - "Thrift", - "Todotxt", - "TOML", - "MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup", - "Treetop", - "TypeScript", - "Transact-SQL", - "Tera Term macro", - "Turtle", - "Twig", - "TypoScript", - "TypoScriptCssData", - "TypoScriptHtmlData", - "ucode", - "Unicon", - "UrbiScript", - "USD", - "Vala", - "VB.net", - "VBScript", - "VCL", - "VCLSnippets", - "VCTreeStatus", - "Velocity", - "verilog", - "VGL", - "vhdl", - "VimL", - "WDiff", - "Web IDL", - "Whiley", - "X10", - "XML", - "XML+Cheetah", - "XML+Django/Jinja", - "XML+Ruby", - "XML+Evoque", - "XML+Lasso", - "XML+Mako", - "XML+Myghty", - "XML+PHP", - "XML+Smarty", - "XML+Velocity", - "Xorg", - "XQuery", - "XSLT", - "Xtend", - "XUL+mozpreproc", - "YAML", - "YAML+Jinja", - "Zeek", - "Zephir", - "Zig" - }; - string[] languagesUpper = languages.Select(s => s.ToUpperInvariant()).ToArray(); - LanguageList.AddRange(languagesUpper); + string languageResource = Properties.Resources.LanguageList; + string[] allLines = languageResource.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); + foreach (string item in allLines) + { + string[] line = item.Split(","); + LanguageList.Add(new LanguageModel { DisplayName = line[0].Replace("_", " "), Name = line[1] }); + + } } } } diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Views/CreateSnippet.xaml b/CodeHubDesktop/Views/CreateSnippet.xaml index 1938e56..493310b 100644 --- a/CodeHubDesktop/Views/CreateSnippet.xaml +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Views/CreateSnippet.xaml @@ -8,13 +8,16 @@ xmlns:ext="clr-namespace:CodeHubDesktop.DynamicLanguage" ext:Translation.ResourceManager="{x:Static lang:Lang.ResourceManager}" prism:ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel="True"> + + + - - + + diff --git a/CodeHubDesktop/Views/SnippetOnline.xaml b/CodeHubDesktop/Views/SnippetOnline.xaml index 69bcef2..bb62e36 100644 --- a/CodeHubDesktop/Views/SnippetOnline.xaml +++ b/CodeHubDesktop/Views/SnippetOnline.xaml @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ ext:Translation.ResourceManager="{x:Static lang:Lang.ResourceManager}" xmlns:control="clr-namespace:CodeHubDesktop.Controls" prism:ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel="True"> + + + @@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ - + diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1a6ce29..a1c1187 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,10 +4,20 @@ CodeHub is a platform for archiving the errors, bugs, and scripts you intend to This App work with CodeHub API services. - Prism MVVM -- EntityFrameWorkCore +- EntityFrameWorkCore Sqlite - .Net Core 3.1 - Multi Language (Dynamic) - Dark/Light/Violet Theme +## Release +The latest Release can be found [here](https://github.com/CodeHub-Contributors/CodeHubDesktop/releases) + +## How To Build From Source? +1. [Download](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/) and Install Visual Studio 2019 +2. [Download](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1) and Install .Net Core 3.1 SDK +3. Clone or Download Source Code `git clone https://github.com/CodeHub-Contributors/CodeHubDesktop.git` +4. Open CodeHubDesktop.sln with Visual Studio +5. Rebuild Project + ![CodeHubDesktop](ScreenShot/1.png) ![CodeHubDesktop](ScreenShot/2.png) diff --git a/ScreenShot/1.png b/ScreenShot/1.png index 0ec9703..3a38cc2 100644 Binary files a/ScreenShot/1.png and b/ScreenShot/1.png differ diff --git a/ScreenShot/2.png b/ScreenShot/2.png index f4a1084..f679104 100644 Binary files a/ScreenShot/2.png and b/ScreenShot/2.png differ