- [Bug] Issue-29 : PaxHeader folder in 0.7.0 release
- [Enhancement] Issue-28 : Get action to perform on config change from attributes
- [Feature] Issue-27 : Feature/event
- [Enhancement] Issue-23 : Adding support for chkconfig.
- [Enhancement] Issue-22 : Version normalization
- [Enhancement] Issue-19 : Prettify serf agent json (humans too read configuration files).
- [Bug] Issue-18 : Reload serf agent with "kill -HUP" instead of broken "kill -SIGHUP".
- [Bug] Issue-17 : Fixed logging of serf agent messages when /bin/sh is not a symlinked bash.
- [Feature] Issue-12 : Provide ability to reload configuration without restart
- [Bug] Issue-14 : Init script broken on ubuntu (regression)
- [Enhancement] Issue-11 : Create serf user that owns installation
- [Bug] Issue-15 : /var/log/serf and /etc/serf link to files
- [Bug] Issue-7 : Repair working init script on ubuntu :)
- [Bug] Issue-6 : fix init script to allow multiple join addresses
- [Enhancement] Issue-5 : Use kill -INT [PID] to gracefully shutdown agent
- [Enhancement] Issue-4 : Update README with information about where things live, services, logs
- [Enhancement] Issue-1 : Move configuration out of init.d to file
- [Feature] Issue-16 : Initial cookbook