I am mentioning those with which I am familiar with (have atleast worked with them in one or more projects).
- Languages: Golang, Nodejs, Python
- IaaS Platforms: AWS, OpenStack, DigitalOcean, etc.
- Service Mesh: Linkerd, Istio
- API Gateways: Gloo, Ambassador, Contour, Envoy, Nginx, etc.
- Distributed Tracing: Jaeger, Honeycomb, OpenTelemetry, OpenCensus, OpenTracing, Zipkin, Lightstep
- Visualization and Monitoring: Grafana, PagerDuty
- Logging: FluentD, FluentBit, Sumo Logic, Rollbar, Splunk, etc.
- Continuous/Progressive Deployment: Flux/GitOps, Argo, Flagger
- Continuous Integration: JenkinsX, TravisCI, CircleCI, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, etc.
- Scripting: Jsonnet, Bash, Python, etc.
- Networking: DNS, Routing, Firewalls, Load balancers, etc.
- Databases: MongoDB or other NoSQL database, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Time Series Database