class: center, middle
Radovan Bast @__radovan
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration/ UiT The Arctic University of Norway
.left-column60[ We teach tools and practices for the development of reproducible and reusable research software.
- Since 2016:
- 30 full workshops
- 19 other workshops/events
- 3 instructor training events
- over 1400 persons trained
- last 3 workshops: 8 volunteer instructors, over 60 volunteer helpers ] .right-column40[
- 12 persons are on contract (~ 3 FTE/year), funding until Oct 2021
- Major in-kind partner: Aalto Scientific Computing
- Major training hubs: Aalto, Stockholm, Oslo, Trondheim
- 188 persons on
- 553 followers on @coderefine ] .right-column30[
- Basic and collaborative Git
- Social coding and open software
- Reproducible research
- Jupyter notebooks
- Code documentation
- Automated testing
- Modular code development ] .right-column40[
.cite[Twitch: live streaming service popular in the gaming community]
- Previously: ~25 participants, ~2 helpers
- Now: 100 participants, 20+ helpers
- Lectures & code-along exercises in the main room: .emph[stream and also record]
- Get help and group exercises in a breakout room
- Participants can register as teams ("bring your own breakout room")
- Installation sessions and helper preparation sessions
- Asynchronous Q&A via HackMD -> we publish these (example)
- Operation manuals: reference and training for our teaching style
- Blog post:
- Presentation at CarpentryCon@Home 2020
- Provide a progression
- Make CodeRefinery visible to the Carpentries community
- Collaboration on teaching to reach people who are difficult to reach
- Provision of priority seats for instructor training
- Source code repository hosting for .emph[Nordic research software]
- .emph[580 users with projects, 108 groups, 986 projects]
- Notable projects: ARC/NT1, Earth Observation Laboratory, Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations, Symbioses, Nordic Language Processing Laboratory, EISCAT, UiT Master of Applied Computer Science, UiT Narvik R&D - Umbrella.
- Maintained by DeiC (very professional maintenance)
- .emph[Long-term funding] (now coupled to CodeRefinery funding)
- .emph[User support] (now CodeRefinery team)
- Instead of each site developing their own course, we combined efforts and together developed one within 3 weeks:
- Weekly online stream/show about scientific computing and research software
- 3 instructor training events in one year, co-organized across borders
"I take this chance to congratulate once more for the very appreciated workshop. I really enjoyed all the sessions, this is something I have been looking for for a couple of years now and that I will strongly advertise between my colleagues. In particular, I would like to congratulate you for your professionalism and for having made the most of all the potential of distance learning, without ever complaining about its obvious and unnecessary limitations. The team effort during the classes was impressive. Also, the material available to support the classes is excellent and I am sure I will exploit it in the future."
class: center, middle, inverse
] .right-column50[ ### CodeRefinery can bring and coordinate best practices- among infrastructure providers and other "hands-on teachers"
- reducing duplicated work
- teaching hybrid online/in person
- teaching best practices in lesson development
- teaching collaboration
- teaching how to train others
This can't be fully bottom-up.
.emph[We ask the NeIC board to help get us there, determine interest, and lobby.] ]
Primary tasks:
- Classic "CodeRefinery workshops" with focus on best software practices, organized by partners
- Own training: both open tracks and sponsored personalized courses
- Coordinate other shared collaborative training events
- Train the trainer
- .emph[Seeking co-funding from NeIC and participating universities]
Additional goals:
- Continue coordinating Carpentries events in Nordics/Baltic countries
- Driving Nordic research software engineers (RSE) network
- "Training support" of NeIC, for other projects
- Support professional development of RSEs
- Improve towards a more inclusive community and better gender balance