class: gray-background
.left-column50[ .fat[1:] Who we are
.fat[2:] Our work
.fat[3:] What we have learned
.fat[4:] Unsolved problems
.fat[5:] How you can help ]
Radovan Bast @__radovan
Theoretical chemist turned research software engineer.
I write research software and teach programming to researchers and lead the CodeRefinery project.
I lead the high-performance computing group and the research software engineering group at UiT. ]
Provides .emph[funding, management, a framework and a network] for projects that improve digital infrastructure and research in the Nordic-Estonian region
Topics: Health, Climate and biodiversity, Atmospheric sciences, High-energy physics, Software development, Authentication & Authorization Infrastructure, Architectures, User interfaces
6 member countries, ~45 partners, ~230 persons
Budget in 2022: 74 MNOK ~7,5 M€ (one third in-kind)
Researchers need to navigate many tools and concepts.
.cite[(c) Scriberia for The Turing Way, CC-BY]
.cite[Heidi Seibold, CC-BY 4.0,]
Team and project:
- Started in 2016, now we are in phase 3 until 2025
- Partners: NeIC (1 FTE), Aalto University, ENCCS, CSC, .emph[DeiC], Sigma2/NRIS, SNIC, T1C for interactive HPC (DK), USIT/UiO
- Over 2000 persons trained
- Over 30 instructors/speakers
- Over 100 exercise leads
- Pioneering teaching methods
- Working in public
- Lesson material
- Video recordings
- Manuals
- Training network
- Brand
- Impact
- Community
- Knowledge ]
Our course portfolio via
- Version control
- Collaboration using Git
- Testing
- Documentation
- Notebooks
- Modular code development
- Reproducible research
- Software licensing
- How to share and publish code
- .emph[How to organize a code project]
- ...
Lessons and recordings: ]
.cite[citation needed] ]
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.cite[(c) Samantha Wittke]
class: gray-background
.cite[(c) Samantha Wittke]
class: gray-background
.cite[(c) Samantha Wittke]
- Assemble band
- On-board new band members
- Organize venue
Tour bus and hotel- Announce
- Print posters and advertise
- Set playlist
- Deal with tickets and cancellations
- Provide rehearsal space
- Rehearse and update the set
- Provide security and manage audience
- Sound check
- Tune the instruments
- .emph[Play the show]
- Broadcast, light, and record
- Clean up
- Give interviews
- Edit and publish recording
- Publish memoirs
- Get money for the next tour ] .right-column40[
.cite[Copyright 1980 Atlantic Records, fair use] ]
- .emph[Coordination effort] starts to outweigh lesson preparation and teaching
- The importance of .emph[communicating value to organizations]
- .emph[Outreach and marketing] takes time and work
- Learners and volunteers typically join for a short time
- Building long lasting relationships takes effort
.quote[[ ] check this box if you would like to be informed about events in future organized by us. This is how we will store your contact information: ...]
- roll-ups
- info-screens
- events
- stands
- office hours
- newsletter
Code repository hosting for Nordic research software:
Over 300 active users, 175 groups, with over 400 active projects
.emph[Operated by DeiC]
~50k DKK/ year: ca. 15 DKK per active user and month
Funding beyond 2024/2025 currently unclear
From local computing centers towards national (e.g. Sigma2/NRIS) and international compute resources (e.g. EuroHPC/LUMI)
.emph[Distributed support staff]: Organizations will have to collaborate on training and .emph[stay close to the users]
.emph[Good enough practices] that are used better than perfect practices not applied
Instead of "good for others": ".emph[good for your future you] and as side effect good for others"
.quote["but the code is not ready"]
Put the project on the map
Non-profit organization
.emph[Better communicate expectations, needs, and goals]
Make this something that people put on their CVs
Make this something that organizations put on their homepages
class: gray-background
.fat[1:] Join as observer and give feedback and suggestions
.fat[2:] Co-organize, co-create, co-teach with us
.fat[3:] Outreach, advertizing, marketing, social media
.fat[4:] GitLab future
.fat[5:] Know-how about organizational legal forms in the Nordics