class: center, middle
Radovan Bast @__radovan
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration/ UiT The Arctic University of Norway
For organizations: an .emph[opportunity to pool competence] and offer more training and development opportunities than they could individually.
For volunteers and the team: a .emph[community around teaching] and opportunity for skill development, both in pedagogy and practical skills.
For learners: a .emph[welcoming and useful environment for learning] many necessary practical skills that may otherwise not be explicitly taught. This can be through courses, hackathons, and the like.
.cite[Juliette Taka, Logilab and the OpenDreamKit project (2017),]
Idea for a course/event
Announce to possible instructors: others join as helpers and give feedback
By working together:
- we share knowledge internally and with learners
- .emph[develop better and more open materials than we would alone]
- A way to quickly share our plans at an early stage
- Have enough spare time (and management support) to join courses that others may be proposing
Research Software Hour:
Instructor training:
Talk: "The Future of Teaching" (R. Darst) (notes)
Massive courses reaching hundreds:
Other courses:
- CMake workshops
- Testing hackathon
- Conda workshop
- HPC intro courses
- ...
.emph[Clear distinction between NeIC project and community project]
NeIC role needs to decrease over time if we want sustainability
Make it possible and attractive for organizations to join also on short term
Dynamic project leader(s) chosen by the community
We will need legal support and organizational support in becoming independent
- Tuesday - Thursday, Jan 25-27
- Everybody welcome
- How to scale and simplify online teaching, recording, and video production