+Communications with participants
+Before the workshop
+thank you for your interest in the CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop!
+We are excited to start the workshop next week and wanted to share some information with you:
+Connection details
+Zoom: XX
+Collaborative notes
+This document will be used during the course and contains all information around the workshop as well as the place to collect questions and answers: XX
+Our materials are a work in progress, but will appear and also later remain available here: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+Workshop plan
+The workshop is split in four interactive sessions (9-12 CEST each Tuesday) which are independent from each other, so you may join all or just the ones that interest you or suit your schedule:
+Session 1: About lesson design, deployment, and iterative improvement (Aug 13)
+Session 2: Tools and techniques adopted in CodeRefinery workshops (Aug 20)
+Session 3: About teaching & cool things we all would like to share (Aug 27)
+Session 4: Workshop streaming practices and post-workshop tasks (Sep 3)
+Registration info
+You can adapt your registration following the link in the registration confirmation e-mail.
+In general you will only need your brain for the exercises and discussions, but some will have the option to go deeper, which may require some accounts or tools to be set-up. We will inform about these things the week before each session.
+For Session 1 we recommend to have a GitHub account (https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/github/#github). There will be an optional exercise where you can build a lesson locally. This requires a basic Python environment (https://github.com/coderefinery/sphinx-lesson-template/blob/main/requirements.txt), but do not worry if you cannot or do not want to set up these, there will be plenty of other exercises.
+If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, please contact us at support@coderefinery.org
+We are looking forward to learning with you!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+Morning before Day 1
+Good morning,
+the first session of the CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop will start at 9 CEST (Berlin, Stockholm time) / 10 EEST (Helsinki time) / 8 BST (British time) / 7 GMT+0 , i.e. in about 35 min.
+Please join a bit early if you can, so that we can get started with the practicalities and introductions in time :)
+And no worries if you cannot join today, but want to join other sessions: Each session is self contained, and the materials will stay available.
+Zoom link: XX
+Lesson materials: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+Collaborative notes: XX
+Looking forward to meeting you all!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+After Day 1 before Day 2
+Email: Sent to all currently registered participants on 16.8 at 14.20 EEST:
+If you joined us last week, we hope you enjoyed last weeks session. In any case we hope you will join us for the next session on next weeks
+Tuesday August 20th at 9-12 Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+2).
+The connection details stay the same:
+Zoom: XX
+We will also use again and learn more about our Collaborative notes : XX
+One change to the previous session is that we will turn off Zoom chat and focus the discussion to the notes.
+The materials are and will stay available: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+As mentioned before, all our workshop sessions are independent of each other and of interactive nature.
+In this upcoming session we will discuss “Tools and techniques adopted in CodeRefinery workshops”:
+Brief introduction to the CodeRefinery project and its history.
+Collaborative notes in general as a tool to keep an online workshop interactive.
+Current CodeRefinery workshop setup, what roles we have, what tools we use, who and how we onboard and why this might be useful for you too outside of CR workshops.
+General discussion and practice about topics related to sound in online workshops.
+General discussion and practice about screenshare for online and streamed workshops.
+In general you will only need your brain for the exercises and discussions. To get the most out of this workshop day we recommend that you join the session with the same computer, display and microphone setup as you would usually use for teaching/ presenting. It may also help to get familar with the different options your computer and Zoom setup provides for screenshare and audio adjustments.
+But it is not a must.
+If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, please contact us at support@coderefinery.org
+We are looking forward to learning with you!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+Morning before Day 2
+Good morning,
+the second session of the CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop will start at 9 CEST (Berlin, Stockholm time) / 10 EEST (Helsinki time) / 8 BST (British time) / 7 GMT/UTC+0 ; all AM; i.e. in about one hour.
+Please join a bit early if you can, so that we can get started with the practicalities and introductions in time :)
+And no worries if you cannot join today, but want to join other sessions: Each session is self contained, and the materials will stay available.
+Zoom link: XX
+Lesson materials: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+Collaborative notes: XX
+Looking forward to meeting you all!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+After Day 2 before Day 3
+If you joined us any of the last weeks, we hope you enjoyed those sessions. In any case we hope you will join us for the next session on next weeks
+Tuesday August 27th at 9-12 Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+2).
+The connection details stay the same:
+Zoom: XX
+We will use our Collaborative notes for sharing links, notes and ask and answer questions : XX
+We kindly ask everyone to focus the discussion to the notes.
+The materials are and will stay available: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+As mentioned before, all our workshop sessions are independent of each other and of interactive nature.
+In this upcoming session we will discuss “About teaching and cool things we all would like to share”:
+Introduction to computational thinking and how this relates to teaching computational topics
+Teaching philosophies: Personal stories and discovering your own
+Co-teaching: What it is, why we do it and challenges we have encountered
+Cool gems we all would like to share: Kinda "open mic" session for everyone to share some cool tool that you like to use when teaching/preparing materials or a nice anecdote from teaching, reports from the best course you ever visited, etc.
+In general you will only need your brain for the exercises and discussions. If you want to share some “cool gem” in the last episode of this workshop day, please update your registration (link to edit can be found in the registration confirmation e-mail sent by support@coderefinery.org or noreply@neic.org). This is very low barrier, you do not have to be the developer of a tool or technique to share with the group what makes it useful for you; and it does not even have to be cool, sometimes the small “normal” things are the best. You can check out some topics that have been proposed so far in this GitHub issue (#90), you can also comment there if you want to add or change your topic. These will be lightning talk length, so something between 2-5 min depending on how many are interested to share something, but we can collect them all in the collaborative notes for further exploration/reading.
+But it is not a must.
+If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, please contact us at support@coderefinery.org
+We are looking forward to learning with you!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+Morning before Day 3
+Good morning,
+the third session of the CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop will start at 9 CEST (Berlin, Stockholm time) / 10 EEST (Helsinki time) / 8 BST (British time) / 7 GMT/UTC+0 ; all AM; i.e. in about 75 min.
+Please join a bit early if you can, so that we can get started with the practicalities and introductions in time :)
+And no worries if you cannot join today, but want to join other sessions: Each session is self contained, and the materials will stay available.
+Zoom link: XX
+Lesson materials: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+Collaborative notes: XX
+For the last episode of today, if you want to share some story or demo about any tools or techniques you like using when teaching, please add your name/initials and topic the collaborative notes: https://notes.coderefinery.org/TTT24?view#Teaching-gems .
+Looking forward to learning with you today!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+After Day 3 before Day 4
+Email sent to all registered participants on 29.8 at 18 EEST:
+If you joined us any of the last weeks, we hope you enjoyed those sessions. In any case we hope you will join us for the next session on next weeks Tuesday September 3rd at 9-12 Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+2).
+The connection details stay the same:
+Zoom: XX
+We will use our Collaborative notes for sharing links, notes and ask and answer questions : XX
+We kindly ask everyone to focus the discussion to the notes.
+The materials are and will stay available: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+As mentioned before, all our workshop sessions are independent of each other and of interactive nature.
+This upcoming session (session number 4) will cover the technical aspects of CodeRefinery-style online teaching. These topics have never before been covered in this much detail, so if it’s interesting to you, don’t miss it. (You might also want to pass this on to others who are interested in technical production of online events; registration is still open!).
+First, we talk about why we stream (how we got here, advantages, disadvantages, how to be an instructor in a livestreamed workshop, and what it looks like from a broad level from the production side)
+Then, we show how we are able to release videos so quickly. This is useful far beyond CodeRefinery, and there are also some hands-on exercises. Come prepared to set up a Python environment and the ffmpeg command line tool if you want to try these.
+Finally, we see details about how to set up Zoom→Livestream environment for yourself. There isn’t time to do this as a proper exercise, but it’s the starting point and the instructor will offer help after the course for those interested. If you want to try this out during the session, install OBS Studio in advance.
+If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, please contact us at support@coderefinery.org .
+We are looking forward to learning with you!
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+Morning before Day 4
+Good morning,
+the fourth session of the CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop will start at 9 CEST (Berlin, Stockholm time) / 10 EEST (Helsinki time) / 8 BST (British time) / 7 GMT/UTC+0 ; all AM; i.e. in about one hour.
+Please join a bit early if you can, so that we can get started with the practicalities and introductions in time :)
+And no worries if you cannot join today, all materials will stay available.
+Zoom link: XX
+Lesson materials: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/
+Collaborative notes: XX
+Kind regards,
+XX on behalf of CodeRefinery
+After workshop email
+if you joined the workshop during any sessions of the last four weeks, thank you for joining! We hope you got something out of it :)
+We have already collected a bunch of super useful feedback after each episode and have tried to also implement a lot of it during the workshop.
+In addition, we would also like to hear about your experiences with the workshop as a whole.
+Could you please take a few minutes to fill in this short survey: XX
+We cannot directly give any university credits for this workshop, but we can provide a certificate of attendance.
+If you would like a certificate, please send an e-mail listing all sessions that you attended and a short summary of what you learned to support@coderefinery.org
+As we are currently running our large workshop, the delivery may be delayed until the end of September.
+The materials will stay available at https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/ .
+All notes are archived on there as well: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/notes-archive/ .
+We are in the process of adding citation information ( https://github.com/coderefinery/train-the-trainer/pull/152 ) and publishing the materials in our Zenodo community: https://zenodo.org/communities/coderefinery/ .
+Feel free to link and reuse! We also welcome updates and issues to the repository: https://github.com/coderefinery/train-the-trainer
+A blogpost about the workshop is work in progress and will be added to the CodeRefinery blog soon ( https://coderefinery.org/blog/ ).
+Next steps
+If you want to get more involved with CodeRefinery in any way, please join our chat ( https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/ ) and/or come to our community meetings every Monday at 14 CEST ( https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting ).
+We have many different roles available and can figure out yours together. Planning for the next workshop (approximately March 2025) will start soon :)
+If you do not have the resources or capacity to get involved, but like what we are doing, please consider becoming a CodeRefinery ambassador: https://coderefinery.org/join/individuals/#coderefinery-ambassador .
+If you’d just like to stay up to date, join one of our newsletters: https://coderefinery.org/about/newsletter/
+In any case, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@coderefinery.org if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas.
+Thank you and hope to see you (again) some day!
+Kind regards,