The following ticket descriptions have been created based on the discussions held with the client regarding the development of an e-commerce site. These tickets outline specific functionalities and requirements for the project and serve as a guide for the engineers working on the implementation.
Ticket Descriptions - E-commerce Site Project
These tickets have been written to capture the key features and functionalities discussed during the client meetings. Each ticket provides a clear description of the desired behavior, including the given conditions, expected actions, and resulting outcomes. The potential implementation ideas offer suggestions for the technical approach that can be considered.
These tickets will serve as a reference for the engineers, ensuring accurate implementation of the discussed features. The product manager will work closely with the engineering team to prioritize and track the progress of each ticket.
Please review these ticket descriptions to gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope and objectives as conveyed by the client.
- Given that a seller has a store with products available
- When a customer is viewing a seller's store
- Then they will see all the products that the seller has available
- Potentially create a new endpoint that includes product information with the seller
- Potentially refactor the existing seller endpoint to include product information
- Potentially create a query string parameter
to optionally include product information with the seller
- Given that a user wants to buy or sell products and does not already have an account
- When they navigate to the app
- Then they are given the option to register a new user
- Given a user has products in their shopping cart
- When viewing their cart
- Then they should see the product name and price of each product they are ordering
- And they should be able to see the total amount of their order
- Given a seller has sold items
- When a seller navigates to the order history page
- Then there should be a section dedicated to orders with their products
- And they should be able to see the customers that placed each order
should return the orders where the logged-in user has a product on the order
- Given the user is viewing any page that contains a hyperlink for a product
- When the user clicks on the product hyperlink
- Then the user will be shown the product detail page containing the title, description, quantity available, price per unit, and a button labeled Add to Cart
- Given a customer has purchased items
- When the customer views their order history
- Then product details should be viewable with each order
- Given a customer has purchased items
- When the customer navigates to the Orders view
- Then they should see a list of their completed orders
- Potentially create a new endpoint that includes only completed Orders
- Potentially create a query string parameter
to optionally include completed orders
- Given sellers have items to purchase
- When the user clicks on the search input field in the navigation bar
- And the user types the name of a product
- When the enter key is pressed
- Then products matching the keyword will be shown on the page
- When a user navigates to the order history page
- Then order details should be displayed
- And a user should be able to see the seller's info for a given order
should return the orders for the logged-in userapi/orders/sellers
should return the orders for the logged-in user, along with the seller's info for each product on each order
- Given a seller has sold items
- When they navigate to the seller area
- Then they should arrive at a dashboard
- Total Sales
- Total this month
- Average per item
- Total Inventory by Category
- Orders that require shipping
- Given a user visits the home page of Bangazon
- When the page renders
- Then the last 20 products that have been added to the system will be displayed as hyperlinks to their respective detail pages
Given the user is authenticated
And the user is viewing their cart
When the user clicks the Order button
Then the user should be presented with a view that allows them to select a payment type for the order
Given the user selects a payment option
When the user clicks the Done button
Then the payment type must be added to the order
And the user will be presented with a confirmation/thank you screen
Title: Customer can click on a seller's name on a product page to view all products sold by that seller
- Given a customer is on a product detail page
- When clicking on a seller's name
- Then they should be taken to a Seller's store
Given A user is logged in
Then they should be able to search for a seller
If the query string parameter of
is provided when querying the list of customers, then any customer that has a property value that matches the pattern should be returned. -
is requested, then any customer whose first name is Michelle, or Michael, or Domicio should be returned. Any customer whose last name is Michaelangelo, Omici, or Dibromic should be returned. Every property of the customer object should be checked for a match.
- Given the customer is on a product detail page
- When clicking on an add to cart button
- Then the product should be added to their cart
- Given a seller has sold items
- When the seller navigates to the Orders view
- Then they should see a list of their completed orders
- Given a customer has registered an account
- When they click on their username
- Then they can view their profile information.
- Given that a customer has an item in their cart
- When they click the Delete button
- Then the product is removed from their cart
- Given a user is viewing any page on the Bangazon site
- When the user clicks on the Product Categories hyperlink
- Then the user will see a view containing a list of all product categories
- And next to the category name, the number of products in that category will be displayed
- And the first three products in the category will be displayed beneath each category, which are hyperlinks to the product detail
Electronics (15)
HD Television
Sony Walkman
Sporting Goods (7)
Ice skates
Basketball hoop
- Given a customer with a shopping cart with products in it
- When placing their order
- Then they should be asked for a payment type
- And they should select a payment type that they have defined
- Given a customer with a shopping cart with products in it
- And the customer does not have a payment method defined
- When placing their order
- Then they should be asked to define a payment method