The /src/recipes/ directory contains all the drink recipes as a JSON file. Add your own by following the process below:
- Fork the project
- Create a new json file named after the drink
- The filename should be all lowercase and hyphens only.
- Use this template to add your drink recipe:
"name": "<Name of drink>",
"description": "<Short description of drink>",
"github": "<Your Github username>",
"ingredients": [
"quantity": "<quantity of ingredient 1>",
"measure": "<type of measure (oz, cup, teaspoon)>",
"ingredient": "<ingredient 1>"
"quantity": "<quantity of ingredient 2>",
"measure": "<type of measure (oz, cup, teaspoon)>",
"ingredient": "<ingredient 2>"
"quantity": "<quantity of ingredient 3>",
"measure": "<type of measure (oz, cup, teaspoon)>",
"ingredient": "<ingredient 3>"
"directions": [
"<Step 1>",
"<Step 2>",
"<Step 3>"
"image": "<drink-name.jpg>",
"source": "<source url if available, otherwise remove this line>",
"keywords": [
"<keywords if available>",
- Add an image to the /src/assets/recipes/.
- Filename should match recipe filename
- JPG format, 600x400px if possible, 200KB max in size
- source is an optional field
- Submit a Pull Request with your recipe!
- An automated preview link will be generated towards the bottom of the PR so your changes can be previewed while in review.
- Once approved and merged, the latest update will be published to
If you are adding a unit test, we are using the jest testing framework.
All tests are located in /tests. If you're unfamiliar with testing, or this project, take a look at the example test located there.
Testing files must end in ".spec.js" or ".test.js"
Testing command follows the structure of "npm run [test folder]:[test sub folder] e.g. the example test would be "npm run test:unit"