In this topic we'll talk about the Home page.
Because we are constantly improving Janus, we are using a version of the home page that illustrates features. Your version might not appear exactly the same as what you see.
Let's take a look at what the home page does, how to use it, and how it helps you do your job.
After you log in, the _Home page _appears. Most of the time you'll have a case jacket in front of you. You’ll have a case number that you'll type into the claim number field, and then select Open case. That action takes you into the details of the case in Janus.
Let's take a look at the elements of the home page so that you can understand the items and how to use them. Starting at the top is the case number field. Depending on your role, below that is the list of cases that have been assigned to you, cases that you are reviewing, cases that you are working on.
Reviewing the columns left to right, starting with Claim number, the case list shows the claim number for cases you have access to. You can sort each column. By default, when you open the case, Date Modified is the sorted column, and it shows the most recently modified case at the top. In this example, as you can see, 04/26/2021 is the most recent date in this list, going back to 04/19/2021.
You can sort claim numbers alphanumerically, and you can sort names of annuitants ascending or descending. You can sort versions ascending or descending. You can do the same thing for Status, Date modified, and Comments as well.
Each row of the case shows you those elements when there is more than one version available. To interact with each version of that particular claim, select the Expand icon.
The Comments column shows the latest comment from that case in a shortened form. In other words, it shows the first few words of a comment. This feature allows you to understand quickly whether that particular case is the one you want to work on. When you select that link, Janus takes you directly to that version of the case. Also, if that case has more than one version, you can determine which version you want to work on, based on the latest comment in that version.
You can also reduce the list of displayed cases by selecting one of the statuses in the list next to the search field. That status list shows you:
- Open cases
- In-review cases
- Triggered cases
- Open face briefed cases
- In review face briefed cases
- Triggered face briefed cases
- and those that are on hold
The search field allows you to look for a particular item that you have access to. For example, if you know an annuitant’s name, you can type their name, or even a part of it. If you remember a comment associated with a case, you can look for that here, too. And if you remember part of a case number, you can search for that as well. Use the Home page to your advantage by selecting a case, or finding it easily. These features help you move quickly through your work in Janus.