by Saptarshi Sengupta, Connor Heaton, Suhan Cui, Soumalya Sarkar†, Prasenjit Mitra
- Abstract
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) task: Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC)
- Modern language models like BioBERT, SciBERT, and ChatGPT trained on medical corpora for medical domain
- In-domain pre-training expensive in terms of time and resources
Proposed Approach:
- Resource-efficient method to inject domain knowledge into a model without relying on such domain-specific pre-training
- Use of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) for aligning and integrating embeddings extracted from medical knowledge graphs with the embedding spaces of pre-trained language models (LMs)
- Aligned embeddings fused with open-domain LMs BERT and RoBERTa fine-tuned for MRC tasks: span detection (COVID-QA) and multiple-choice questions (PubMedQA)
Comparison to Prior Techniques:
- Compare method to techniques relying on vocabulary overlap for embedding alignment
- Circumvent requirement of vocabulary overlap to deliver better performance
- Allow BERT/RoBERTa to perform on par (occasionally exceed) or show improvements in general over prior techniques
- Signal an alternative method to in-domain pre-training for domain proficiency.
Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC)
- Machine Reading Comprehension: model answers a question based on context
- Requires identifying entities, supporting facts, question intent
- LLMs like ChatGPT expected to advance in MRC performance but struggle with question answering tasks across domains
- BERT models more capable for MRC in medical domain due to massive pre-training on unlabelled corpora (expensive)
- Alternative: using Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGE) as domain knowledge injection
Proposed Approach:
- Fuse entity KGE into question representation during fine-tuning phase for MRC
- Vocabulary overlap not required unlike existing approaches
- Homogenization technique inspired by work on feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs) to align embeddings spaces
- Existing approaches rely on vocabulary overlap between knowledge graph entities and language model vocabularies
- Domain terms may span multiple subwords in a language model, requiring homogenization technique for alignment
- Proposed domain-agnostic strategy using FFNNs to align embeddings spaces without relying on vocabulary overlap or the presence of phrases or pseudo-words (entry-cluster, related_to).
- Demonstrated that open-domain models can perform similar to domain-specific models by avoiding expensive pre-training over large in-domain corpora or showing improvements with method's homogenization technique.
- Released a cleaned version of the COVID-QA dataset for future research.
Related Work
Text Integration:
- Inject dictionary definitions for rare words using a custom loss function
- Incurs overhead by additional pre-training
Knowledge Graph Triples:
- Define as information tuples (subject, predicate, object) in a pseudo-language
- COMET: Trained on knowledge graph triples for commonsense reasoning, but limits generalization to natural text
- K-BERT: Expands identified entities with one-hop knowledge graph-triples and fine-tunes BERT using updated representations
Embedding Integration:
- Use external embeddings trained on a relevant domain for fine-tuning transformer models
- E-BERT: Fine-tuned BERT using external embeddings for question-answering, but requires substantial overlap between entities in the knowledge source and LM's vocabulary
- Medical Inference: Concatenated external KGE embeddings with BioELMo embeddings and used with ESIM model
Embedding Alignment:
- Linear objective function for cross-lingual embedding alignment proposed by Mikolov, et al.
- Requires mapping dictionary and common dimensionality between source and target embeddings
- Challenges in integrating embeddings from knowledge bases due to differences in vocabulary and word tokens
Methodology for COVID-QA and PubMedQA
Overall Pipeline:
- Entity linking
- KGE homogenization
- Definition embedding generation
- Fine-tuning with external knowledge infusion
Resources Used:
- COVID-QA: SQuAD style dataset with 2,019 question-answer pairs based on 147 scientific articles and annotated by 15 biomedical experts.
- PubMedQA: Multiple-choice QA performed on the PubMedQA benchmark, which has a collection of 1k expert-annotated instances of yes/no/maybe biomedical questions.
- UMLS: Metathesaurus (a collection of various biomedical terminologies) from the UMLS to extract entity definitions.
- Pre-Trained UMLS KGE: Trained 3.2M 50-dimensional entity embeddings using knowledge graph triples from the UMLS metathesaurus and semantic network 2.
- MetaMap: Used as entity identifier/linker, works in tandem with UMLS to break down input sentences according to UMLS entities.
Preprocessing (COVID-QA Cleanup):
- Identified syntactical and encoding issues: excess spaces, missing spaces, uncapitalized acronyms, repeated words, spelling mistakes, and grammatical issues.
- Used Grammarly for identifying 1020 questions (50.5%) with these issues and National Laboratory of Medicine’s replace_UTF8 tool to address Unicode characters.
Entity Linking:
- Ran MetaMap on COVID-QA and PubMedQA questions, revealing 1,897 and 2,782 entities respectively.
- Among the common entities with pre-trained KGEs, only 1,452 and 2,078 had definitions in the metathesaurus and were chosen for homogenization.
KGE Homogenization:
- Proposed a method to learn homogenized RdLM vectors from RdKGE ones using an FFNN with a single hidden layer and dropout regularization.
- Trained on 10,000 samples from the pre-trained KGE without overlap with COVID-QA and PubMedQA dataset entities.
Definition Embeddings:
- Hypothesized that KGEs alone would not lead to significant performance gains, so incorporated entity definitions for added external knowledge.
- Vectorized definitions by passing them through respective LMs in a feature extraction mode using the model-specific pooler output.
Fine-Tuning with Improved Question Representation:
- Obtained two embeddings per entity: homogenized KGE and definition embedding.
- Average the two embeddings to form the final external knowledge vector instead of adding them separately.
- Explored BERTRAM concatenation (add external embeddings using / separator) and DEKCOR concatenation (concatenate without tampering the original text).
COVID-QA and PubMedQA Experiment Results
- Results from experiments with models fine-tuned on SQuAD (COVID-QA) and SNLI (PubMedQA) are presented
- Two general-purpose models, BERTBASE and RoBERTaBASE, as well as domain-specific Bio/Sci-BERT models were used
- Models were first trained on SQuAD or SNLI before being fine-tuned for COVID-QA or PubMedQA, respectively
- Metrics reported: average F1 and EM for COVID-QA, and average accuracy and F1 for PubMedQA across all folds
- Baseline results using Mikolov's E-BERT strategy were also provided
- Randomizing external embeddings before fine-tuning was conducted to gauge the model's attention towards additional knowledge signals
- DEKCOR concatenation of KGE and definition embedding led to best performance for non-domain-specific variants of BERT and RoBERTa, improving F1 and EM scores over regular fine-tuning
- Non-domain-specific models outperformed the Mikolov baseline, with improvements in F1 (0.6% - 1.2%) and EM (0.4% - 3.1%)
- Domain-specific models, BioBERT and SciBERT, showed some improvement over vanilla fine-tuning but did not outperform the non-domain-specific models
- Results for PubMedQA experiments with models fine-tuned on SNLI are presented
- As in COVID-QA, two general-purpose models (BERTBASE and RoBERTaBASE) and domain-specific Bio/Sci-BERT models were used
- Models were first trained on SNLI before being fine-tuned for PubMedQA
- Metrics reported: average accuracy and F1 for PubMedQA across all folds
- Baseline results using Mikolov's E-BERT strategy were also provided
- Randomizing external embeddings before fine-tuning was conducted to gauge the model's attention towards additional knowledge signals
- For BERT, KGE and definition embedding with BERTRAM concatenation led to the best accuracy across all configurations, while F1 was best for E-BERT and definition embedding + BERTRAM
- RoBERTa did not show any performance gains from the proposed method, but homogenized KGE with BERTRAM concatenation yielded the best accuracy (1.6% over regular fine-tuning)
- Compared to the best E-BERT baseline, BERT saw a 0.26% improvement in accuracy while F1 remained unchanged
- RoBERTa's best-performing model showed a 5.1% increase in accuracy over E-BERT, demonstrating the effectiveness of utilizing the entire model vocabulary
Ablation Studies:
- Replacing entity tokens with homogenized forms would alter sentence semantics, so only concatenation experiments were conducted
- For COVID-QA, KGE alone improved F1 and EM by 1.5% and 4.7%, respectively, while definition embeddings improved them by 1.7% and 6%, respectively
- For RoBERTa, KGE alone decreased F1 but increased EM, while definition embeddings decreased F1 but increased EM
- Conjectured that the benefit from definition embedding was due to its resemblance to transformer vectors, while the homogenized KGE had some benefit but added noise
- For PubMedQA, the best KGE model yielded a 5.1% and 6.7% increase in accuracy and F1, respectively, over regular fine-tuning
- With only definition embeddings, similar improvements were observed in F1 (11.1%) and accuracy (4.8%), while RoBERTa's best model obtained a 0.6% improvement in F1 and 11.1% in accuracy using the homogenized KGE
Study Findings
- RoBERTa outperforms BERT-based models when integrating external knowledge through concatenation due to its tokenization scheme:
- RoBERTa's vocabulary includes spaces, altering language decomposition and presentation to the model
- Performance improvement for COVID-QA in terms of EM is more pronounced for domain-specific models because it helps pinpoint answers
- PubMedQA sees overall enhancements for both metrics (accuracy and F1) for BERT and RoBERTa based models upon fine-tuning
- Integrating external embeddings provides performance improvements for non-domain-specific models
- Adding random entity embeddings even improves performance over vanilla fine-tuning of domain-specific models, likely because they denote relevant terms without significant vocabulary overlap
- Homogenization method allows scaling well to domains with minimal vocabulary overlap
Comparisons between Models
- RoBERTa's tokenization scheme includes spaces that alter language decomposition and presentation when external knowledge is included, leading to performance disparities
- Fine-tuning UMLS Embeds (KGE) and E-BERT:
- Performance improvements for both models when integrating external embeddings
- Significant improvement in accuracy/F1 over vanilla fine-tuning on PubMedQA dataset
Complexity Analysis
- Training an FFNN to homogenize embeddings requires learning additional parameters compared to the Mikolov baseline
- This computational overhead is mitigated by modern machines' capability to optimize simple networks without significant energy consumption
- Retraining the network for each model to be aligned could become a bottleneck if there are many entity embeddings to homogenize, but scalability remains an advantage.
Conclusions and Future Work on External Knowledge Embedding Integration for MRC (Machine Reading Comprehension)
- Proposed approach shows potential for adding domain-specific information to input representation of a non-domain-specific model
- Demonstrates benefits without lengthy pre-training process
Limitations and Future Research:
- Alternative Strategies for Incorporating External Embeddings:
- More research needed into figuring out alternative strategies
- Alternatives include training adapter layers, but present processing overhead and complexity
- Benefit of Pre-Training on Domain-Specific Corpora:
- Gap between performance on COVID-QA vs PubMedQA indicates need for further investigation
- Higher scores on PubMedQA suggest benefits, but low scores on COVID-QA make definitive claim uncertain
- Further Investigation into Poor Performance of Models:
- Issues may lie in underlying architecture or semantic disconnect between medical and open-domain corpora
- Conclusion:
- More research needed to understand the effects of pre-training on dense, straightforward question-answer pairs for true domain generalization.