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Submitting HADDOCK 3 Jobs Through Slurm

Prepare Singularity Image and Test

  1. Make a Singularity image from the HADDOCKer image.
module load singularity

singularity pull haddock3.sif docker://cford38/haddock:3
  1. Running Numerous Experiments

The script reads in a .csv file that lists the desired experiment IDs to be run. Then, it loops through each ID and spins off jobs for each experiment using the script. This uses the pulled HADDOCK 3 Docker container that has been converted to a Singularity image.


Testing in Docker

## Pull the image and retag it
docker pull cford38/haddock:3.0.0-beta.5
docker image tag cford38/haddock:3.0.0-beta.5 haddock3

## Run the container
docker run -v .:/data --name haddock3 -it haddock3 /bin/bash

## Once inside the container
cd /data/data/experiments/<YOUR EXPERIMENT>
haddock3 config.cfg

Testing in Singularity

  • Note: You should ssh into an interactive node: ssh sth-i3
singularity run haddock3.sif /bin/bash

haddock3 config.cfg