- Make a Singularity image from the HADDOCKer image.
module load singularity
singularity pull haddock3.sif docker://cford38/haddock:3
- Running Numerous Experiments
The submit_dist.sh
script reads in a .csv file that lists the desired experiment IDs to be run. Then, it loops through each ID and spins off jobs for each experiment using the submit_iter.sh
script. This uses the pulled HADDOCK 3 Docker container that has been converted to a Singularity image.
bash submit_dist.sh
## Pull the image and retag it
docker pull cford38/haddock:3.0.0-beta.5
docker image tag cford38/haddock:3.0.0-beta.5 haddock3
## Run the container
docker run -v .:/data --name haddock3 -it haddock3 /bin/bash
## Once inside the container
cd /data/data/experiments/<YOUR EXPERIMENT>
haddock3 config.cfg
- Note: You should ssh into an interactive node:
ssh sth-i3
singularity run haddock3.sif /bin/bash
haddock3 config.cfg