OCLC-Datasync-Postprocessing.py targets text files in the downloads folder in windows. All text files in the folder will be processed. The program is intended for use with the bibliographic processing report (BibProcessingReport.txt).
OCLC-Datasync-Postprocessing.py retrieves the most recent OCLC# from WorldCat using bookops-worldcat, checks if the record is held by your institution, and then makes comparisons between the OCLC#s in each column. If all records are held by your institution and all OCLC#s match within each record, then no action is taken. If a record is unheld, or if any OCLC#s do not match, then the results are output to csv.
Contact OCLC to set up the WorldCat Metadata API for use with bookops-worldcat.