Generate a .NET Core Solution from yaml using PowerShell
- Ensure you have at least .NET Core SDK 3.0 installed
- Pull this repo
- Run Import-Module powershell-yaml
- Edit code.yaml if you wish
- Call yaml2code.ps1
- Open your fresh new Solution file
I like writing little Powershell scripts on the side, and I've recently begun looking into yaml which I find quite readable.
I was wondering to what extent a .NET solution could be defined and it's creation automated
I'd really like to add -features per project, which call upon powershell scripts in a Features folder.
For example, I'd like to define something like
- name: Application
- commands:
- PurchaseOrderRaisedCommand
- PurchaseOrderCancelledCommand
- PurchaseOrderReconcilledCommand
- queries:
- AllOpenPurchaseOrdersQuery
- MismatchedPurchaseOrdersQuery
- raises:
- PurchaseOrderPaidEvent
- listens_for:
- CustomerCancelledPurchaseOrderEvent
And have the code stub out the commands, interfaces, etc, in the correct structure.