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Using modman without git or svn

colinmollenhour edited this page Feb 19, 2012 · 3 revisions

Modman integrates nicely with git and svn by offering handy checkout, clone and update commands. However, if you want to bypass the VCS requirement you can easily do so. For example, if I downloaded and extracted a zipped file containing a modman module to /home/colin/modules/Super_Cool, there are two ways to deploy it:

The link command

Using the link command you can simply link to a module located on your local file system.

cd /var/www
modman init       # Only if I haven't already run it before
modman link /home/colin/modules/Super_Cool

Manual method

The other way is to manually move, copy or link the module into your project's .modman directory.

cd /var/www
modman init     # HINT: This basically just runs `mkdir .modman`
mv /home/colin/modules/Super_Cool .modman
modman deploy Super_Cool

Deploying module changes

Once the module is installed, if changes are made to the modman file you should run modman deploy <modulename> or modman deploy-all to update the symlinks.

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