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File metadata and controls

461 lines (356 loc) · 12.3 KB

Schema definition

All types of elements support a few common options:

  • nil: whether the element is nullable (default to false except for optional fields in maps).
  • checks: a list of rules that the element must pass.
  • check: similar to checks but for a single rule; can be passed multiple times.
  • late_checks: similar to checks, but evaluated only if all other checks passed for the element.
  • late_check: similar to late_checks but for a single rule; can be passed multiple times.
  • cast_from: a type or list of types, to cast the value to the expected type before validating, if necessary (see Casting section below).
  • on_error: an error message that will be used if the element is invalid, and override all the errors.
  • type: the type of the element (:any by default). Usually not set directly, use the specific type helpers.

Basic elements

Several helpers are provided to define basic types:

  • any()
  • integer()
  • float()
  • number()
  • string()
  • boolean()
  • atom()
  • pid()
  • ref()
  • function()
  • port()

The following Elixir structs also have helpers:


A map is defined using the map(schema, opts) helper. The schema is a map representing the expected map, e.g.

    "first_name" => string(),
    "last_name" => string(),
    "age" => number()
  checks: [

If you do not need additional options like checks, the map() function can be entirely ignored:

  "first_name" => string(),
  "last_name" => string(),
  "age" => number()

Optional fields

By default, all keys defined in the maps are required. If you wish to define optional keys, use the maybe helper around the optional key name:

  "name" => string(),
  "age" => number(),
  maybe("phone_number") => string(format: ~r/[0-9]+/)

Note: unless nil is explicitly set to false, the optional key is considered to be nillable.

Accept non-defined fields

By default, if the input map contains keys that were not defined in the schema, it will return an error. To avoid that, you should make sure to define all the potential keys that the map could have.

If you want to accept other non-defined keys, you can use the any_key() helper as a key in the map:

  "id" => string(),
  any_key() => string()

This will make sure that the map contains a field named id, but also accept any other unexpected key in the map. Those extra fields should however comply with the associated schema (string() in this case).


Structs function similarly to maps, with the structure(spec, opts) helper (unfortunately struct is already a function in Kernel).

    first_name: string(),
    last_name: string(),
    age: number()
  checks: [

Again, the structure function can be entirely omitted if options are not necessary.

Note: a struct will never match a classic map schema, unless you specify otherwise with the cast_from: :struct option.

Opaque structs

If you don't know the internal fields of the struct, or only care about matching the struct type, you can pass only the module:

validate(DateTime.utc_now(), structure(DateTime))
# Result: []


A list is defined using list(item_spec, opts). The constraint of item_spec will be checked for every element in the list. Example:

# A list of strings, which must have at least 2 items
list(string(), checks: [min_length(2)])

If you do not need additional options like checks, you can use the shortcut [spec]:

# A list of string


A tuple is defined using tuple(elem_specs, opts). The elem_specs is a tuple of the expected tuple size, and each of element of the tuple is the expected schema for the corresponding tuple element. Example:

# A tuple of size 2, where the first element is an atom and the second one a string
# The entire tuple must conform to `custom_rule`.
tuple({atom(), string()}, checks: [custom_rule()])

If you do not need additional options like checks, the tuple() function can be entirely ignored:

# A tuple of size 2, where the first element is an atom and the second one a string
{atom(), string()}


If you need to match against a specific value, use literal(value). It will match only if the value is exactly the expected one.

The schema literal(10) would actually be equivalent to integer(in: [10]), but it has the advantage of being more explicit and provide a better error message.

For strings, atoms and numbers, the literal() function can even be ignored. For example, those two schemas would be equivalent:

schema1 = %{
  "a" => literal(88),
  "b" => literal(:ok),
  "c" => literal("hello")

schema2 = %{
  "a" => 88,
  "b" => :ok,
  "c" => "hello"


Late checks

Late checks are defined with late_checks or late_check. Those rules are evaluated only if the element is otherwise valid, i.e., if the checks passed and the sub-schemas were valid (in case of lists, maps, tuples, etc.).

This is useful if you have rules that make sense only if some preconditions are met. Let's say you have a map with a few number fields, and you'd like to make sure that the sum of all values is lower than some threshold. You could do:

sum_lower_than_threshold = rule(
  fn map -> map["math_credits"] + map["english_credits"] < 15 end,
  "The sum of credits must be lower than 15." 

schema = map(
  %{"math_credits" => number(), "english_credits" => number()},
  check: sum_lower_than_threshold

If a well-formed input is passed, this is fine. But let's say it is not:

value = %{"math" => 17}
validate(value, schema)

# Result:
    context: [],
    message: "An exception was raised while evaluating a rule on that element, so it is likely incorrect."
  # ...

The sum_lower_than_threshold was evaluated, but since the fields do not exist, it resulted in an exception and a generic error message. If you replace check by late_check, you can make sure the rule will be evaluated only when the input is sufficiently well-formed.

Built-in rules

Several rules are predefined and can be used in checks. Those are available in the Flawless.Rule module.

The type helpers (number(), string(), etc.) also accept shortcut options for their supported built-in rules. You can find them in the Flawless.Helpers documentation. For example, those are equivalent:

number(checks: [min(2), max(6)])
number(min: 2, max: 6)

Custom rules

It is easy to define your own rules using rule/2 or simple functions.

For more information, see Custom checks.


Let's say you have a schema like this:

  "code" => number(),
  "coordinates" => {float(), float(), integer()}

Now, you receive a value to validate against this schema. This value comes from an external client where the code is a string input, and since it uses JSON, tuples are replaced by arrays. Also, coordinates use only integers instead of floats:

  "code" => "32",
  "coordinates" => [17, 17, 3]

One could decide to replace the schema with:

  "code" => string(),
  "coordinates" => [number()]

However, if another source of data was correctly matching the first schema, now it doesn't, and we need to maintain two similar schemas and choose the correct one manually. Besides, this new schema is too permissive: code does not necessarily represent a number, and coordinates can have more than 3 elements. Additional checks would be needed to validate that, but it would be cumbersome.

Instead, you can use the cast_from option for every part of your schema. It indicates that the value might be of a different type than the expected one, but should be cast automatically if possible. Using it, we could replace our initial schema with:

  "code" => number(cast_from: :string),
  "coordinates" => tuple(
    {float(cast_from: :integer), float(cast_from: :integer), integer()},
    cast_from: :list

Now our value would match the schema, while the schema remains precise.

Note that any additional check will be performed on the converted value.

Use a custom converter

If the built-in conversions do not match your need, you can provide a custom converter. It should return {:ok, converted_value} on success, and :error or {:error, _} otherwise.


schema = map(
  %{"value" => number()},
  cast_from: {:string, with: &Jason.decode/2}

validate(~s({"value": 17}), schema)
# OK

Recursive data structures

For recursive data structures, you can use 0-arity functions that return a schema, like this:

def tree_schema() do
    value: number(max: 100),
    left: &tree_schema/0,
    right: &tree_schema/0

Then you can call validate(tree, tree_schema()) as usual.


Sometimes, a value can take multiple possible forms. In this case, it is useful to specify a union of possible types. This possible to some extent using the catch-all helper any() or using cast_from, but those are not exactly unions.

Flawless offers two better ways to do unions of specific schemas.

The union helper

The union/1 helper takes a list of accepted schemas. A value is valid if it matches any of the schemas. If none of them matches, errors are returned according to the following rules:

  • If the value matches the primary type of a single schema (not more than one), then the errors for that schema are returned.
  • Otherwise, a generic error message is returned, listing the potential types.

The idea is to provide more specific error messages when it is very likely that the user was aiming for one of the schemas in particular.

iex> Flawless.validate("hello", union([string(), atom()]))

iex> Flawless.validate(:hello, union([string(), atom()]))

iex> Flawless.validate(15, union([string(), atom()]))
[%Flawless.Error{context: [], message: "The value does not match any schema in the union. Possible types: [:string, :atom]."}]

iex> Flawless.validate(15, union([number(max: 10), string()]))
[%Flawless.Error{context: [], message: "Must be less than or equal to 10."}]

Pattern matching on the value

The union helper is handy but it often fails to provide specific error messages as there is no way to choose between the schemas in the union most of the time. An alternative could be to return the errors for all possible schemas, but this would likely be confusing.

To solve that problem, you can define unions using 1-arity functions. The function will receive the value as input, so that you can pattern match on it, and select a schema.

schema = fn
  %{type: "car"} ->
      type: string(),
      fuel_type: string(),
      model: string()

  %{type: "bike"} ->
      type: string(),
      electric: boolean(),
      brake_type: string()

This schema would accept either one map or the other depending on the value for :type. If the value doesn't match any of the definitions, a generic error message in returned.

Replace errors with on_error option

It is possible to define a single error message to any element using the on_error keyword. If the element emits errors during validation, they will be discarded and replaced by this single error message.

This is useful for outputting more user-friendly error messages or limiting the number of errors on a single element. For example:

iex> value = "xX-DarkL0rd-Xx"
iex> schema1 = string(format: ~r/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/)
iex> validate(value, schema1)
    context: [],
    message: "Value \"xX-DarkL0rd-Xx\" does not match regex ~r/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/."

iex> schema2 = string(format: ~r/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/, on_error: "The username should only contain letters or underscores.")
iex> validate(value, schema2)
    context: [],
    message: "The username should only contain letters or underscores."