- Your contribution here.
- #90: Optimize job reservation query by combining two "$or" branches to one. - johnnyshields.
- #89: Add MongoSilencer plugin to silence Delayed Job polling - johnnyshields.
- #88: Extract out mixin to enable better backend customization - johnnyshields.
- #81: Drop support for Mongoid 3.0 and 4.0 - johnnyshields.
- #82: Correctly handle before_fork and after_fork hooks - johnnyshields.
- #85: Add additional indexes - johnnyshields.
- #87: Convert Travis CI to GH Actions - johnnyshields.
- #72: Fix: Unknown alias: 1 (Psych::BadAlias) when referencing an object twice from the object being serialized - @dblock, @maxjacobson.
- #71: Support Mongoid 6.0 - @dblock.
- #38: Fix clearing identity map before each job - @srleo.
- #43: Compatibility with Mongoid 4.x and Delayed Job 4.x - @dblock.
- Added code coverage with SimpleCov - @sferik.
- Added Mongoid 3.0 support - @sferik, @asavartsov.
- Fix a potential memory leak inside mongo when reserving jobs on mongo 1.6+
- Fixed gemspec to work with Mongoid 2.0 RC and Rubygems 1.4
- Use MongoDB's findAndModify to reserve the next available job in one atomic operation - @beljun.
- Better index