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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 37 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: July 07, 2020, at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: ~ 50 mins

Moderator & Notes: Pooja Ranjan


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
37.1 Brent will create a list of possible emails.
37.2 Brent will re-contact Charles for email activation.
37.3 Update EIPIP project at least once in 2-weeks.
37.4 Bring 'ECH Discord' discussion to the next meeting before making it public.
37.5 Bring 'ECH as a DAO' to the next meeting.
37.6 Continue the discussion on ECH bounty program in the next meeting.
37.7 Since we received grant from Moloch, the Eth2.0 notes will be funded by ECH from July 01, 2020.
37.8 Follow the same process of requesting funds for Eth2 notes as of the rest of the meeting notes.
37.9 Wait for Tim to provide further updates.
37.10 Discuss the ERC 20 token to be converted into DAI or ETH

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
37.1 ECH will create a security/ emergency comms group, add volunteers.
37.2 William will initiate a document.
37.3 Pooja to create an Eth Magician post for Muir Glacier upgrade postmortem report.
37.3 Pooja to create roles and other channels for ECH Discord.


Pooja: Welcome to the Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 37 and I have shared the in the chat. So let’s begin with Kriti, Kriti would you mind introducing yourself.

Kriti: Hi everyone! I am Kriti. I am from India and I recently joined Ethereum Marketing DAO and yesterday I got introduced to Ethereum Cat Herders by Pooja. I have started my journey in the blockchain recently, it has been 2-3 months since I have started knowing Ethereum and experimenting with it and understanding it. So that is all about me and I work for a marketing agency. And we are looking at how more we can provide support on the technology side.

Pooja: Thank you Kriti, Kriti has joined the Etheruem Cat Herders community recently and she has submitted the online form and we may be having her help out with some notes and the community building program that we would be conducting with the help of this group.

1. Email account for Cat Herders

Video 1:29

Pooja: So let's begin the first item on the agenda is email account for Cat Herders.

Brent Allsop : Yeah I got a hold of Charles St Louis and I forwarded him the set of instructions on the Zoho site about how to configure GoDaddy domain with the Zoho email and he acknowledged receiving those instructions and said he would get to that it configure that and get back to me and I haven't heard back from him again. so what once he gets that done then we'll be able to send email to and then we can get anyone who wants it, for example, I think I'll get one created for and anyone else who wants one of those will be able to set one of those up for them.

William Schwab: wait there a limited number of emails

Brent: I think you're right there might be a limited email so

William: I think the limits one, two but I could be wrong

Pooja: I think for Zoho the limit is five.

Brent: and that’s my recollection. no one has asked for any yet until when no one asked for and I thought I might as well great one for myself but if any others want one that I would delete mine for people but they could use one or whatever but yeah if we got five we might as well use them.

Pooja: So I was wondering like instead of going by personal name, I have some suggestions (that I would go over in the latter part of this meeting ) instead of an individual’s name, how about we would go by the task. We have some somebody leading a particular task and with that email address how does that sound?

Brent: Yeah, I like that idea because then if someone drops out a new person takes that task it's still the same email so yeah that sounds brilliant to me. As Pooja recommended at first, we created member, so that will be the first one we have but yes if you want to come up a list with other tasks yeah we could do that too so I like that.

William: Contact should probably be the main level.

Brent: Oh that’s a good one, I'll add.

William: It’s a common tactic just for using like anybody can contact us on this on this email. I don't know a lot of times companies have security which is where people can disclose bugs if we're going to be coming an address for people to disclose vulnerabilities or anything like that it might be worthwhile for us to create a

Brent: Sometimes there are, also.

William: Just we don’t have really an admin though.

Brent: Yeah, that’s true.

Pooja: I think we should come up with a list of 4-5 of the primary name that we should be using for the email that it's something that we can work on and we have pretty good suggestions here.

William: What did you envision the member email address serving?

Pooja: Recently we started onboarding form so, when we’re reverting back, we can use this email saying, you’ve filled up the onboarding form. Welcome to the Cat Herders group. To respond to such emails was my initial thought. But, contact, admin these also sounds good to me.

William: Cool!

Pooja: So maybe Brent, if you could just list those 4-5 possible emails and just shared the group and we can discuss it with the group.

Brent: Okay, I’ll do that. And also I’ll re-contact Charles at keeping on his case until he gets that done and hopefully by next week we can close this item out, or next meeting rather.

Pooja: Sure! Let me know if you need any help over there then I can also talk to Charles.

Brent: Okay, that’s good to know, thanks!

Action Item

  • 37.1— Brent will create a list of possible emails.
  • 37.2— Brent will re-contact Charles for email activation.

2. EIPIP meeting

Video 6:08

Pooja: Moving on the next agenda item is the EIPIP meeting so we had the meeting last week. We’ve 3 tasks/action items that are related to ECH.

Emergency communication group

Pooja: There was some discussion like we should have an emergency communication group in Ethereum that would be active and would be in action when something hits the fan. People were suggesting that we should be coming up with this group and list the task to be performing, maybe a checklist. As fas as I know, there is this group in the Cat Herders itself. We tried to reach out to the stakeholders for the past 2-3 upgrades. This may be the time when we would like to make it more concrete and we invite more members to this group. would like to invite thoughts from people.

William: I definitely would be interested in joining a group like that. what do we need to do as of right now? Who needs to be contacted in like what a protocol contact would be like what do we have to do with this at this point?

**Pooja **: What I have with me is a sheet that contains the contact address for people that exchanges, people at mining pools etc. We reach out to people at the time of upgrade and ask them to be in sync with the latest version that is going under the upgrade and this is monitored via ethernode and then we know at the time of upgrade, how we are doing. We’d like people to be on the same page to avoid fork. A checklist would be helpful to make the job easier.

William: Also, those aren't emergency comm. I'm sorry what I understood from you is that we’re talking about emergency comms like you know if Ethereum is getting DDosed, from clients might have a vulnerability like exchanges could be hacked because of some bugs in Solidity. I mean the sort of emergency, like 4 in the morning stuff.

Pooja: I and Charles worked together sometimes back and created this sheet. It also talks about the emergency communication at the time of attack like we saw something like this at the time of Constantinople when we had to stop the upgrade, and fixed with St. Petersberg upgrade later. In that kind of situations as well, we need to reach out to the people immediately, so that we would be in a position to take control and avoid any panic situation. So yeah, that includes the situation as you were talking about.

William: So you're saying that we could retool the Network upgrade protocol.

Pooja: Right. The guidelines are created after Constantinople and were used during the upgrade and now we want to be prepared for both an upgrade as well as an emergency situation. Anybody else have any question comments on this topic

William: Do we need to assemble a team like an actual group of people who should be contacted in order to contact others. That seems to be one thing if it's something that we're taking responsibility for I guess we should just publicize between the group that we're looking for volunteers to be on the list.

Pooja: Right! We’ve received some volunteers, Jayee from the Quantstamp team has joined the Ethereum Cat Herders community. She volunteered to help out this team. I amplanning to bring all these people together in a group and take the discussion further.

William: So maybe we could create an action item for this that you and I and whatever members you deem appropriate should like have an initial conversation about maybe writing its template and coming up with a definitive list of people, does that sound okay?

Pooja: Perfect!

William: I’ll be in touch with you.

Pooja: Thank You! Any further questions on that or any comment/suggestion?

EIPIP project board

Pooja: The next sub-item is the EIPIP project board. The suggestion was brought up by Edson. He suggested that we should be having an EIPIP project board to keep track of what we are doing as a group. We are trying to improve the process and it's better to keep a track of what all action items are and what is the current status of that. I'm not sure about the access to this, but while we are looking into the access, I gave it a try and created this dashboard, sharing the link in the chat. It’s basically a tracker that lists the task and also suggests what is the status of it. There is some task that is already closed eg. working with the team and creating the page. Anett helped a lot in creating the introduction page, thank you, Anett. It is the simplest format of tracker available with the GitHub. Open to suggestions.

William: yeah it looks great!

Brent: Looks good.

Pooja: Okay, Let’s keep it this way for now and I may have to revisit the previous action items and status of the action items if I find something is missing, I'm going to nd add that. I have also created a Word document if somebody comes across something that is missing in this board, feel free to add it over here and then we will improve it as we go.

Kriti: Also, wanted to ask about the frequency to update it.

Pooja: Is this in regards to EIPIP board, Kriti?

Kriti: Yes.

Pooja: The EIPIP meeting occurs once every two weeks on Wednesday. Since this is the first time, we’ve about a week to make it up to date. From the next meeting onward, just once a two-week update would be required.

Kriti: Okay!

Postmortem template

Video 15:35

Pooja: Moving on, the next item is the postmortem template this is a long due item on my part. Let me share the link here. Sometimes back we decided that ECH should come up with a template that can be used in future to create analysis report about future upgrades in the ecosystem. Earlier we tried to keep it in the form of project board but for future upgrade postmortem report, this is a template that I have created. And based on this template, we have created the Muir Glacier upgrade postmortem report. Open questions - what do people think about opening an EthMagician post for “discussion to”?

Edson: Yes, I think so. It wouldn’t hurt. At least for Muir Glacier.

Pooja: I’ll make a note of that. Feel free to leave your comments on the doc. Any further comments?


  • 37.3— Update EIPIP project at least once in 2-weeks.

Action Item

  • 37.1— ECH will create a security/ emergency comms group, add volunteers.
  • 37.2— William will initiate a document.
  • 37.2— Pooja to create an Eth Magician post for Muir Glacier upgrade postmortem report.

3. A proposal - ECH discord channel

Video 18:35

Pooja: Should ECH move to discord for communication? I find it’s easier to communicate and keep track of what is going on separate channels because they have channels, it's easier for people to go to the one they would want to. We have ECH community Gitter and many times it gets lost in the weeds. Thoughts?

William: I’d totally agree. You should also ask people who aren’t on the call today.

Edson: I am in favor, also.

Pooja: I tried to give it a shot, here is the link. It’s not public yet. We’ll try to get the feedback of other people in the group, many of them are not in the meeting today. Before we go ahead and make public, I’d like to reach them, too. For those who are present here today, this is the Discord link, that I tried to create with some of the channels that I was talking about.

Edson: do you want some of the channels private? And what you do is give people roles and then have channels be only public to those roles.

Pooja: Yes, it’s just the basic structure. I’ll create role and other channels. Feel free to let me know what can be added/removed. Maybe we would bring it again to the next meeting and see what people think.

William: This is sort of a good time also to try and bring in some who couldn’t make it to the meeting but actually are active in some way. We already have Gitter, but when we have Discord, it will be another place that might become like a good venue for them. so they can still be interacting with us.

Pooja: Right, I totally agree with that.


  • 37.4— Bring it to the next meeting before making it public.

Action Item

  • 37.3— Pooja to create roles and other channels for ECH Discord.

4. ECH as a DAO

Video 22:25

Pooja: Okay moving on to the next item is ECH as a DAO. In the previous meeting, we discussed using Aragon DAO as we did at the initial days of this group. I looked into it and figured that tokens can be reassigned. We may explore the reassignment of those tokens to new members and use the platform for voting and decision-making purposes. Hudson volunteered to take a lead on it, unfortunately he isn’t available today. If anyone has any thought, feel free to share. I'll bring this item in the next meeting hoping he's back.


  • 37.5— Bring 'ECH as a DAO' to the next meeting.

5. Cat Herders funding - Moloch DAO & ESP

Video 23:50

Pooja: The good news is we have received funding. Although, this is not for complete year, it’s partial funding we have to report back to Moloch people in next 3 months with a list of contributions to the Ethereum ecosystem like what we have been doing, what are achievements, etc. Hopefully, we would be able to secure funding for rest of the year.

We’ve to wait for Hudson as he is the proposer and has to receive funds. In continuation to this particular topic, I was doing some analysis on the funding that we will receive and it's not concrete but am thinking out loud. Can we start some public bounty to involve the community to be able to contribute more with their technical blogs? I know William wrote some stuff on Eth2, Edson wrote a good piece on EIPIP, so about the bounty, what is general thought?

William: It’s an interesting idea, hadn’t thought about that.

Pooja: Even I'm not very clear about it.

Kriti: What I feel is this is a healthy way to be more motivated.

Pooja: Maybe a little closer to that. This is like when someone comes up with some very good article or document on whatever is going in the current Ethereum ecosystem, we would like to publish it under the Ethereum Cat Herders Medium blog. The event, or discussion points could be decided internally to invite application for, and based on that we can provide some reward, in terms of DAI or ETH token.

Kriti: I think that it would be a good motivator for people to participate more.

William: I am just thinking out loud but I think that would probably need like a dedicated job of someone who is constantly figuring out what needs to be curated and is looking over the articles. I don’t necessarily mean like a paid job it’s still a volunteer type thing. It’s a lot of dedicated work constantly figuring out what articles, figuring out what how did bounty, how to bounty. Making sure that the articles are up to par and handling that level of publication, it's a decent amount of work actually, now that I think about it. I'm not saying that to discourage, but probably what it would look like.

Pooja: Thanks to you guys that you elected a part-time coordinator-in-chief and I thank you Edson for offering help with curation, editing, and review. Yes, we’ve to consider these things to encourage people to actively participate and we are also working and trying to build community. It’s just to bring people forward, start contributing more. In the beginning, it will take some time to figure out what we want to and maybe we could discuss it in one of these meetings, having it as an agenda point on a regular basis to figure out how would it work. It’s not concrete but since we receive partial funding, I’d want to budget a part of the partial funding for these kinds of activities.

William: Cool!

Pooja: We will continue this discussion in the next meeting to hear thoughts from people who are not present today.


  • 37.6— Continue the discussion on ECH bounty program in the next meeting.

6. Eth 2.0 notes funding for old and new notes

Video 29:21

Pooja: Moving on, there are 5 outstanding notes funding for Ethereum 2.0 and I’ve contacted the team, and they replied back that it would be fulfilled by the end of this week, maybe. From July onwards, since grant by Moloch is approved, we can request funding for Eth2.0 meetings from the ECH funding repo. The process that we are falling for the rest of the meetings, will be followed for the Eth2.0 meeting notes as well.

William: Awesome!

Pooja: Yeah we are trying to streamline the process. Any questions on this topic?


  • 37.7— Since we received grant from Moloch, the Eth2.0 notes will be funded by ECH from July 01, 2020.
  • 37.8—Follow the same process of requesting funds for Eth2 notes as of the rest of the meeting notes.

7. 1559 fee market changes

Video 31:00

Pooja: There’s a lot going on with the 1559 Fees market changes. We started the fundraising at Gitcoin. It is the among the top of the fund raised in the CLR round 6. Reported the highest number of participation, over 400 contributors. It’s amazing how people are willing to contribute to get this thing implemented on the Ethereum main net as early as possible. Long way to go, but really encouraging to know that people are responding positively. Tim isn’t in here today, so I’ll wait for him to provide further updates on it.


  • 37.9— Wait for Tim to provide further updates.

8. On-boarding new members

Video 31:57

Pooja: We have a few new members added to the Cat Herders Community since the last meeting. A few couldn’t join today but have requested for video. I'm going to share the link on the Gitter channel. A few would be helping out with the note-taking, some with the governance processes, and some have requested the participation in security concentration.

We have five new members and I'm trying to add them to the community as well as in the appropriate channels. As I mentioned that we’re considering the option of Discord, I hope that it would be a better place for everyone to find their channel of interest.

Based on Brent’s earlier suggestion, I am working on creating the list for ECH community people including the new ones and hopefully, that would be helpful for internal references.

I would also like to request people to share the onboarding form as much as possible, with people who are interested in contributing in Ethereum space in any possible way, please invite them to be a member and then bring them to our channel.

9. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Video 35:00

Pooja: I think I have one action item, issue number 104. I’ve reached out to Martin, have sent a message. I'm waiting for his response. I do not see any new issues there.

Pooja: I tried to clear up all the funding issues. Thank you, Edson and William, to close issues. Brent, I’d request you to give it a look whenever you can. I think, these notes have been paid out so if you have received funds, you may go ahead and close issues.

Brent: Okay, yeah well I was on vacation I saw a lot of activity come through and so I need to go through a review that but I'll do that.

Pooja: Sure, take your time.

10. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Video 36:20

Pooja: The next item is a review of outstanding action items.The first item listed here is not from the previous meeting, it was raised in one of the telegram channels - remove the ProgPOW Gitcoin grant. So, I talked to Kevin and he has removed it from the public listing and that grant is closed now. We received 10 DAI on that in this round, I am not sure what’s going to happen with that maybe that would be transferred to our new wallet because the wallet listed here is the old one and not the new Gnosis wallet. I will look further into how will we deal with those 10 DAIs. This item is closed now.

Decision Item Description Status
36.1 Closed the issue on documenting the Cat Herders process Completed in today's meeting
36.2 Leave open the issue on "Staking in dxDAO" Open
36.3 Leave open the issue of "Add an option to Ethernodes that accounts for 'In process'" WIP
36.4 Wait until Berlin is closer to ask Peter from Ethernodes about "In process" option. Open
36.5 Closed the issue about renbewing Zoom Pro account. Closed
36.6 Note takers who want to be paid in Eth can do so if the request it and post a screenshot of the Eth price at the time notes are posted. That will be the price used to pay for the notes. Ongoing
36.7 Pooja to take responsibility for keeping the finance spreadsheet updated Closed
Action Item Description Status
36.1 Pooja will get Charles St. Louis's contact information to Brent Allsop to set up the Cat Herders Zoho email account WIP
36.2 Hudson to take the lead on getting feedback on the ECH Telegram and Gitter channels about ECH as a DAO. Open
36.3 Hudson to check in on an update from ESP Open
36.4 Hudson to sponsor Moloch proposal in the next round Open
36.5 Put on-boarding form in ECH Gitter and on ECH website Closed
36.6 Tim to create Fee Market folder at ethereum/PM to gather notes for 1559 meetings and other similar proposals and post it in the Gitter channel when it's done Closed
36.7 Hudson to reach out to Lane about dxDAO issue Open
36.8 Tim to follow up on updating necessary documentation for the Besu HotFix Open
36.9 Pooja to reach put to Martin requesting to get Forkmon updated Closed
36.10 Hudson to update converting SAI to DAI/USDC Closed
36.11 Update the funding repo to reflect the ability for notetakers to be paid in Eth Closed
36.12 Hudson will pay out some of the older ECH requests Closed
36.12 Hudson to make an issue to decide what to do with data ERC 20 coin Open
  • Hudson will start paying out some of the older requests in the funding cat herders repository - Completed
  • Pooja to come up with a draft for Postmortem report for Berlin upgrade - completed
  • Pooja to create target audience-specific survey - Open
  • Hudson and pooja will contact Scott about bounties for Eth 2.0 note-making. - WIP
  • Add Pooja to the Multisig - Closed
  • ECH website update - Closed


  • 37.10— Discuss the ERC 20 token to be converted into DAI or ETH

11. Any Other Business


Pooja: Thank you everyone for joining today. If people are watching it on the YouTube and they're interested to join the group, please reach out to us at Ethereum Cat Herders Gitter and we will connect with you. Thank you everyone for joining and see you in next 2 weeks!!

The date for the next meeting - July 21, 2020



  • Anett R.
  • Alita M.
  • Brent Allsop
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Kriti
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • William Schwab

Next Meeting Date

July 21, 2020