This repository is intended to make the analysis of DuctApe on the test cases fully reproducible. All the necessary input data are provided, as well as a detailed script to run each command used in the analysis.
DuctApe v0.16.4 or later
Choose the test set from the directories provided.
Once inside a directory, just type from the command line:
To perform the ortholog prediction benchmark (please note that the BLOSUM80 matrix has been used):
The DuctApe orthologs are calculated as part of the runDuctApe script (file pangenome_category.tsv)
Compute the pairwise comparisons with the parapy script (orthologs folder)
Run MultiParanoid
Run the mp2tsv script (orthologs folder) to obtain the pangenome_category.tsv
Follow the OrthoMCL tutorial and obtain the groups.txt file; keep the compliantFasta directory
Run the omcl2tsv script (orthologs folder) to obtain the pangenome_category.tsv
The pangenome_category.tsv files can be easily compared using standard command line tools; for instance:
cat pangenome_category.tsv | grep -c core
Will output the number of core genome orthologous groups that are present.
The acinetobacter and zmobilis folders contain data already published; the publications are the following:
acinetobacter: Peleg, Anton Y., et al. "The success of acinetobacter species; genetic, metabolic and virulence attributes." PloS one 7.10 (2012): e46984.
zmobilis: Bochner, Barry, et al. "Phenotype microarray profiling of Zymomonas mobilis ZM4." Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 161.1-8 (2010): 116-123.
- Dr. Bosi for the parapy script
- Dr. Bochner and Dr. Ziman for the Z. mobilis PM data
- Prof. Peleg and Dr. Dijkshoorn for the Acinetobacter PM data