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343 lines (255 loc) · 13 KB

File metadata and controls

343 lines (255 loc) · 13 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.





[1.3.0] 2024-08-16


  • Added TextEdit to handle name change.
  • Added DefaultLayout to handle gerneral layout setting to minimal.
  • Added ColorDialog to manage color dialog.
  • Added SettingLayout to manage complex layout with config input.
  • Added example.
  • Added ortho option to view.
  • Added vertical_align and horizontal_align options to Tag.
  • Added example files in the documentation.


  • Fixed GroupObject pointcolor not found error with impliment exclude_type_list.
  • Fixed Tag inconsistent height issue.
  • Dynamically adjust camera pan delta based on distacne.


[1.2.4] 2024-07-12


  • Added list to accepted types for Scene.add.
  • Added list[float] to accepted types for Camera.position and
  • Added unit to Viewer and Config.
  • Added bounding_box and _update_bounding_box to BufferObject.


  • Fixed opacity bug with BufferObject.
  • Updated SceneForm to avoid completely reload when scene objects not changed.
  • Updated callback to SceneTree.
  • Updated ObjectSetting and CameraSetting to support setting from config.
  • Updated Slider to be able change value with TextEdit


[1.2.3] 2024-07-03


  • Added scripts/ example.



[1.2.2] 2024-07-02



  • Fixed issue of SceneForm collapsing when new object is selected.
  • Toggling show of Group or objects will hide/show all its descendents.
  • Moved assets related files to assets folder.
  • Fixed a bug to allow changing Viewer.renderer.view before
  • Fixed a bug of grid not showing while the scene is empty.


  • Removed is_locked from compas_viewer.scene.ViewerSceneObject.

[1.2.1] 2024-06-26



  • Fixed missing shader files.


[1.2.0] 2024-06-26


  • Added compas_viewer.components.dialog component which handle camera setting popup window.
  • Added compas_viewer.components.combo_box component.
  • Added ViewComboBox component handle viewmode change.
  • Added compas_viewer.objects.BufferGeometry and compas_viewer.objects.BufferObject.
  • Added clear_scene action.
  • Added compas_viewer.components.SceneForm.
  • Added callback for compas_viewer.components.TreeForm.
  • Added compas_viewer.scene.ShapeObject.
  • Added compas_viewer.commands.capture_view and corresponding command.
  • Added default colors to MeshObject.
  • Added default colors to GeometryObject.
  • Added object_info_cmd for compas_viewer.commends.
  • Added gridmode to GridObject.
  • Added checkbox to compas_viewer.components.SceneForm.


  • Fixed action bug.
  • Updated compas_viewer.scene.ViewerScene to support save/load and switching.
  • Changed is_visible parameters to show in compas_viewer.scene.ViewerSceneObject classes.
  • Changed GridObject to draw direcly in Render.
  • Fixed CameraSettingsDialog update current position bug.
  • update slider component.
  • Implemented downsampling for window selection to improve performance.
  • Made TreeForm interactive.
  • Fixed load_scene action bug.
  • Changed base of shapes to compas_viewer.scene.ShapeObject.
  • Changed FrameObject to something with just 3 axes.
  • Restructured SceneObjects to accepct item as kwargs.
  • Fixed compas_viewer.components.slider step attribute.
  • Fixed renderer.view distorted init.
  • Fixed tagobject by adding back FreeSans.ttf.


[1.1.5] 2024-05-15


  • Added @viewer.on.
  • Added SideDock.



[1.1.4] 2024-05-14


  • Added button, double_edit and treeform components.



[1.1.3] 2024-05-14


  • Added PointcloudObject.
  • Added compas_viewer.base.Base to access viewer singleton.
  • Added compas_viewer.singleton.SingletonMeta and compas_viewer.singleton.Singleton.
  • Added compas_viewer.scene.Group and compas_viewer.scene.GroupObject.
  • Added PolyhedronObject.
  • Added compas_viewer.scene.NurbsCurveObject.


  • Changed NurbsSurfaceObject to use tessellation function of OCCBrep, show boundary curves instead of control curves.
  • Renamed all lazy setup functions to lazy_init.
  • Fixed camera initialization issue.
  • Fixed and brought back CollectionObject.
  • Updated objects color settings to align to pointcolor, linecolor, facecolor.
  • Updated objects visibility settings to align to show_points, show_lines, show_faces.
  • Updated objects drawing settings to align to linewidth, pointsize.
  • Updated PolygonObject show faces.


  • removed PyOpenGL-accelerate from requirements.txt

[1.1.2] 2024-04-22


  • Added singletone compas_viewer.viewer
  • Added singletone compas_viewer.config
  • Added compas_viewer.ui.ui and compas_viewer.components.


  • Changed compas_viewer.layout to compas_viewer.ui.ui.


  • Removed old version of compas_viewer.viewer.

[1.1.1] 2024-04-22


  • Added non-python files to the release.



[1.1.0] 2024-04-22


  • Added *args in the Viewer.add method, resolve #85.
  • Added Transformation and Visualization sections for the Propertyform.
  • Added Propertyform and its example in the documentation.
  • Added example layout/tree_view.
  • Added functionality of multiple widgets in main viewport.
  • Added example object/
  • Added RobotModelObject and its example in the documentation.
  • Added support to pinch gesture for zooming on touch pads.


  • Pin the PySide6 version to 6.6.1.
  • Auto set the camera scale when zoom_extend is called.
  • Updated the Tag example.
  • Updated the RobotModelObject example.
  • Update examples in the documentation.
  • Renamed surfaces into viewmesh in every ViewerGeometryObject.
  • Renamed scene.json to viewer.json and scene_config to viewer_config.
  • Unify color naming. variables that control the colors of geometries are surfacecolor, linecolor,pointcolor, yet variables that control the colors of meshes are facecolor, edgecolor, vertexcolor.
  • Added ViewerGeometryObject as the abstract class for all the geometry objects. Other specific geometry objects are inherited from this class.
  • Changed DataType into ShaderDataType. Resolve to #46.
  • Added ViewerScene as an attribute of the Viewer class. resolve #28.
  • Bug fix of #73.
  • Improved argument passing mechanism in the Slider class. Close #76.
  • Documentation images and code correction.
  • Improved typing hints of CollectionObject.
  • Changed to the point object is show_points = True by default. Refer to #73.
  • Changed from super(__t, __obj) to super() as the new version.
  • Temporarily removed rgba which is causing blank screen for macos.
  • Re-enabled rgba support by switching to vec4 for color attributes in shader.
  • Fixed the bug of missing item parameter in the Viewer.add method.
  • Fixed tag text spacing and alignment issue.
  • Fixed mouse selection flickering issue.
  • Fixed the issue of zoom on mac.


  • Removed utilities folder.

[1.0.1] 2024-02-01



  • Fixed the bug to include data folder in the package.


[1.0.0] 2024-02-01


  • Added examples in the doc.
  • Added Treeform.
  • Added basic layout elements: MenubarLayout, ToolbarLayout, StatusbarLayout,SidedockLayout.
  • Added Actions: delete_selected, camera_info, selection_info.
  • Added basic buildup of Layout's configurations. The .json template and the configuration classes.
  • Layout class basic buildup: Layout, ViewportLayout, WindowLayout.
  • Added terminal activation of the viewer.
  • Added PyOpenGL_accelerate dependency.
  • Added repo images.
  • Added installation documentation.
  • Added documentations: index, api, etc. Mockups style is improved.
  • Added DeleteSelected action class.
  • Added ShaderDataType as the data type template for generating the buffer.
  • Added NetworkObject for the scene objects.
  • Added compas_viewer.scene.ViewerSceneObject.LINEWIDTH_SELECTION_INCREMENTAL to enhance line width for selection only.
  • Added BRepObject, CapsuleObject, ConeObject, CylinderObject, PlaneObject, SphereObject, EllipseObject, TorusObject, PolygonObject, PolylineObject, BoxObject. The geometric resolution is handled by the compas_viewer.scene.ViewerSceneObject.LINEARDEFLECTION.
  • Added VectorObject for the scene objects with mesh-based display for better visual effect.
  • Added "instance" render mode for debugging and geometric analysis.
  • Added contents in the
  • Added full support for selection: drag_selection, drag_deselection, multiselect, deselect, select.
  • Added SelectAll action class.
  • Added LookAt action class.
  • Added compas_viewer.Viewer.add_action for adding actions to the viewer.
  • Added Signal structure for the Action class.
  • Added complete key, mouse and modifier support from PySide6.
  • Added ZoomSelected and GLInfo classes as template action classes.
  • Added Action class.
  • Added Controller class for the controller.
  • Added Grid and GridObject for the scene objects.
  • Added TagObject, LineObject and PointObject for the scene objects.
  • Added test files for configurations.
  • Added doc build, and many doc-building syntax fixes.
  • Added scene.json for storing the scene configurations. Mostly store the default appearance features of the objects.
  • compas recognizes compas_viewer context, and map the according compas_viewer objects to the compas objects.
  • Added two main scene objects: ViewerSceneObject and MeshObject. BufferObject no longer exists but replaced by ViewerSceneObject.
  • Added add function in the Viewer class for adding objects to the scene, which is also the entry for imputing user-defined attributes.
  • Added and formatted Shader and Camera.
  • Added a RenderConfig for configuring the Render object.
  • Added the shaders and the Shader class in the shader folder.
  • Created the Camera, metrics and gl functions and classes (most copied from the view2).
  • Adjustment of the ControllerConfig and `ViewerConfig``.
  • Adjustment of the Viewer.
  • Basic Viewer buildup with the widgets.
  • Configurations: controller_config and viewer_config
  • Code and File structure diagrams.
  • Added NetworkObject.


  • Fixed #64.
  • Patch github actions.
  • Fix #63.
  • Updated the configuration architecture.
  • Updated the delete_selected action.
  • Renamed NetworkObject to GraphObject. See commit:
  • Updated the Slider.
  • Documentation improved.
  • Timer is moved to utilities.
  • Updated BRepObject to connect the latest OCC package, close #48.
  • Fixed opacity bug in shaded mode.
  • Fixed main page link.
  • Fixed issue #17 and avoid using vertex_xyz.
  • Update the dependency of compas.
  • The Index page.
  • Typing hints improved, now compas_viewer only support Python 3.9+.
  • Introduce decorator @lru_cache() to reduce duplicate calculations.
  • Refactored the Selector and the instance_map structure, the main frame rate is higher and selection action is faster.
  • Fixed the bug of the Selector, drag selection is now more accurate.
  • More performative instance map and QObject-based selection architecture.
  • Naming of the keys, mouses, and modifiers are changed. The key string which is the same as what it was called in the PySide6.QtCore.Qt, with lowercases and with prefix&underscores removed.
  • Grid object inherits from
  • Update the compatibility of the ViewerSceneObject to the core SceneObject.
  • Refactored the ControllerConfig.
  • Fix Qt package of PySide6.
  • Moved gl from render folder to the utilities folder.
  • All color representations are now in compas.colors.Color.
  • Reduce the numpy.array representation. Mostly use list instead for clarity.
  • Comments improved and better type hints.


  • Removed self.objects from the Render class.`
  • Replace the Grid and GridObject but by FrameObject, which also hooks the Frame in compas.