- Installation
- Hyperx
- Hyperscript
- Functional Components
- Mount, Render and Unmount
- Components
- State
- Lifecycle Methods
- Events
- Styles
- Unmount
- State Management with DataStore
- Third Party Libraries
- Deployment
- Differrences with React
Composi works fine with third-party libraries. You can use Material Design Lite, Bootstrap, jQuery, Redux, Mobx, Lodash, Ramda. The only thing to be aware of is markup. If you are using JSX, any markup must respect the rule of well-formedness. This means that all HTML self-closing tags will have to be escaped in the render function with a forward slash:
wrong correct
<br> <br/>
<hr> <hr/>
<img> <img/>
<input> <input/>
<col> <col/>
<param> <param/>
<link> <link/>
<meta> <meta/>