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Composition Spec


The Composition Specification aims to provide simple procedures, models, and implementations for comparing compositions.



An entity is a digital or physical object that be represented by nodes an relationships. Examples in computer science include libraries and binaries. An entity typically has one or more of each of nodes and relationships, all of which exist under a namespace.


A namespace is generally a named scope under which unique identifiers are comparable. As an example, if we have two versions of the same function "hello-world" (versions A and B) in different libraries, all references for within each can be thought of as within the namespaces A and B. E.g.,:


And children of these abstract entities will inherit the namespace. This also means that both namespaces could have overlapping identifiers, however they are not meaningful in context of on another, e.g., A.id0 != A.id1.


Facts are sets of logical statements about an entity. Under compspec, facts can be one of two types:

  • node: a node represents an object or attribute
  • relation: a relation is a relationship between facts, with an optional identifier for a type of relationship that defaults to "has" to indicate a parent "has" a child of some kind.

In this context, by default the relation type is "has" and the direction of relationship flows from parent to child.


A corpus is a collection of facts about an entity.


The composition specification currently defines two kinds of procedures, extraction and diff.


Given an entity, we can perform some extraction to derive a list of facts.

[entity] -- extraction --> [facts]

This initial step of loading in the entity and defining facts can be done for a single isolated entity, or with two entities to carry on the facts for later comparison. Generally this extraction means:

  1. reading in the entity
  2. defining types of nodes and relations
  3. deriving the set
  4. saving to an output format

And a compspec implementation should provide either domain-specific or -agnostic tools for making this easy to do.


Every comparison has a domain. For any given domain, the implementer should decide what they want to model. Let's inspect a simple Python function that has a name, and a parameter with a default.

def hello_world(name="Vanessa"):
    return f"Hello, {name}"

In this simple example, I might decide that I want to model the following ideas:

  • There is a function called "hello_world"
  • The function "hello_world" has a parameter "name"
  • The parmater "name" has type string
  • The parmater "name" has a default of "Vanessa"

While the above is concretely a listing of facts (nodes) there are also implicit relationships! For example:

                                                 --> has default "Vanessa"
function hello_world -- has parameter -->  name
                                                 --> is type string

And the comparison spec is going to make it easy to flatten these ideas into nodes and relationships (to define a graph) that can understand any set of entities, attributes describing entities, or relationshps.


A node is a flat set of four attributes that define an entity, including:

  • a namespace defined above.
  • a unique identifier within the namespace to understand relationships with other nodes
  • a generic name or type (e.g., function or func)
  • a value that represents the particular type (e.g., "hello_world")

And structured as follows:

node("<namespace>", "<identifier>", "<name>", "<value>").

As an example from the facts above, let's say that our function is in a hypothetical namespace "A." We might define the following nodes:

node("A", "id0", "func", "goodbye_world").
node("A", "id1", "func", "hello_world").

% Library A has these flattened attributes attributes
node("A", "id2", "parameter", "name").
node("A", "id3", "default", "Vanessa").
node("A", "id4", "type", "string").

The above representation is in ASP (answer set programming or a logic program) but you can imagine an implementation chooing another data structure, e.g.:

        "namespace": "A",
        "id": "id0",
        "name": "func",
        "value": "hello_world"

Given a set of nodes, it should be possible to derive a list of unique node types within a namespace via:

nodes(Namespace, Type) := node(Namespace, _, Type, _).


A relation is simple - it describes the relationship between two nodes. To continue the example above:

% function hello_world has parameter "name"
relation("A", "id1", "has", "id2").

% parameter name has default Vanessa
relation("A", "id2", "has", "id3").

% parameter name has type string
relation("A", "id2", "has", "id4").

The relations above are defined by a type, with a default type of "has" to indicate a parent to child relationships, a parent entity "has" a child entity and points to it. Indeed, the relations are intended to be generated by a tool, and are primarily for use within an implementation. The identifiers within a namespace for both nodes and relations are scoped to that namespace.

Given a set of relations, it should be possible to derive a list of unique relation types within a namespace via:

relations(Namespace, Relation) := relation(Namespace, _, Relation, _).


Two extractions can be further compared, such as with a diff. A diff is exactly that - we essentially have two graphs and subtract them to understand what is added, removed, or changed. Unchanged items are generally not important to show. For example, let's say we want to compare two entities. We'd first extract facts, and then (given a specification for doing a diff) we would run the diff:

[entity A] -- extraction --> [facts A]
                                           -- facts diff --> [change set] 
[entity B] -- extraction --> [facts B]

The result of the diff is a set of additions, subtractions, and changes, or more generally, a change set. In more abstract terms:

   --> A-B --> change set

This means the direction of the diff should be "changes resulting in moving from A to B."


The composition specification for doing a diff "diffspec" should provide the following functionality. Note that some of these are optional but suggested. Given an entity in namespace A, and another in namespace B, each with a corpus extracted, a diff should:

Assertion of Difference

Make an assertion that the two comparison entries are different optional

is_different(A, B) :- is_a(A), is_b(B), A != B.
Changed Node Values

A node is asserted to have a change of value if:

  • Given namespaces A and B for comparison
  • the node exists in A (based on name)
  • the node exists in B (based on name)
  • there exists a nearest shared parent (one level up)
  • the values are different.
changed_node_value(A, B, EntityA, EntityB, Name, ValueA, ValueB) :-
    is_a(A), is_b(B),
    node(A, EntityA, Name, ValueA),
    node(B, EntityB, Name, ValueB),
    shared_parent(EntityA, EntityB, Name),
    ValueA != ValueB.
Removed Nodes

A node is asserted to be removed in B if:

  • Given namespaces A and B for comparison
  • the node exists in A (based on name, and we don't care about value)
  • the node does not exist in B (same)
  • there exists a nearest parent (one level up)
What is removed if we move from A to B? 
% This covers anything with a parent (not a root)
removed_node(A, B, Name) :-
    is_a(A), is_b(B),
    node(A, NodeA, Name, _),
    not node(B, NodeB, Name, _),
    shared_parent_missing(NodeA, NodeB, Name).
Added Nodes

A node is asserted to be added in B if:

  • Given namespaces A and B for comparison
  • the node exists in B (based on name, and we don't care about value)
  • the node does not exist in A (same)
  • the node is not represented in the set of changed values
% What is added if we move from A to B?
% We have the entity in B but not A
added_node(A, B, Name, Value) :- 
    is_a(A), is_b(B),
    node(A, _, Name, Value),
    not node(B, _, Name, Value),
    not changed_node_value(A, B, _, _, Name, _, _).    

Of course the above require supporting rules, which is up to the implementation (and we will provide in the implementations here. These rules are the basis of a comparison, and the model to derive a diff.


In practice, an implementation should simply allow a user to define these relations and nodes, and then output a change set. The change set should include groups of rules that are "true," e.g.,:

  • added_node
  • removed_node
  • changed_node_value