- You ask Enot Auto Builder to build package.
- Enot Auto Builder pulls git tag and builds a package
- You can use this package as a dep
What is important here?
Nobody can push walformed package to EnotHub since we don't accept prebuilt packages.
We build git repositories. And they can be changed by other people.
Just fork the repository you would like to use!
Enot uses namespaces, so after forking repository just set your github name as a
package namespace:
comtihon/mongodb-erlang -> <your_github_acount>/mongodb-erlang
Now you can use your fork of the dep which is much more secure.
Yes, that's a normal practice. Sometimes you will have your own private library and
sometimes your security requirements will prevent you from using third party
package storages.
The answer is simple - launch your own EnotAutoBuilder,
publish there your private packages and use add it to enot's global config (you can completely remove
official Enot repo from it).