- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
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- The Alerter service is stopping.
- ]]>
- ...
- ...
- ]]>
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- C:\MyProjects\MyPath
- MyFile.cs
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- 14-02-2004
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- ]]>
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- ]]>
- <summaryinformation>
- <title>Installation Database</title>
- <subject>${install.productname}</subject>
- <author>${install.manufacturer}</author>
- <keywords>MSI, database, NAnt, Installer</keywords>
- <comments>This installer database contains the logic and data required to install NAnt</comments>
- <template>;1033</template>
- <creatingapplication>NAnt - http://nant.sf.net </creatingapplication>
- </summaryinformation>
- <properties>
- <property name="ProductName" value="My Product" />
- <property name="ProductVersion" value="1.0.0" />
- <property name="Manufacturer" value="ACME Inc." />
- <property name="ProductCode" value="{29D8F096-3371-4cba-87E1-A8C6511F7B4C}" />
- <property name="UpgradeCode" value="{69E66919-0DE1-4280-B4C1-94049F76BA1A}" />
- </properties>
- <search>
- <registry type="registry" path="Software\Microsoft\InetStp" root="machine" >
- <value name="PathWWWRoot" setproperty="IISWWWROOT" />
- </registry>
- <registry type="registry" path="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters" root="machine" >
- <value name="MajorVersion" setproperty="IISVERSION" />
- </registry>
- </search>
- <search>
- <registry type="registry" path="Software\Microsoft\MessengerService" root="machine" >
- <value setproperty="MSGSRVNAME" />
- <value name="" setproperty="MSGSRVNAME2" />
- </registry>
- </search>
- <launchconditions>
- <launchcondition name="CheckIIS" condition="(IISVERSION = "#5")" >
- <description>
- This setup requires Internet information Server 5.x. Please install Internet Information Server and run this setup again.
- </description>
- </launchcondition>
- </launchconditions>
- <tables>
- <table name="IniFile">
- <columns>
- <column name="IniFile" nullable="false" category="Identifier" key="true" description="The key for this table." />
- <column name="FileName" nullable="false" category="Text" description="The localizable name of the .ini file in which to write the information. " />
- <column name="DirProperty" nullable="true" category="Identifier" description="Name of a property having a value that resolves to the full path of the folder containing the .ini file. " />
- <column name="Section" nullable="false" category="Formatted" description="The localizable .ini file section." />
- <column name="Key" nullable="false" category="Formatted" description="The localizable .ini file key within the section" />
- <column name="Value" nullable="false" category="Formatted" description="The localizable value to be written. " />
- <column name="Action" nullable="false" category="Integer" description="The type of modification to be made. " />
- <column name="Component_" nullable="false" category="Identifier" description="External key into the first column of the Component table referencing the component that controls the installation of the .ini value. " />
- </columns>
- <rows>
- <row>
- <columns>
- <column name="IniFile" value="MyInternetShortcut" />
- <column name="FileName" value="MyInternetAddr.url" />
- <column name="DirProperty" value="D__MYDIR" />
- <column name="Section" value="InternetShortcut" />
- <column name="Key" value="URL" />
- <column name="Value" value="[TARGETURL]" />
- <column name="Action" value="0" />
- <column name="Component_" value="C__Documentation" />
- </columns>
- </row>
- </rows>
- </table>
- </tables>
- <directories>
- <directory name="D__ACME" foldername="ACME" root="TARGETDIR" >
- <directory name="D__ACME_MyProduct" foldername="My Product" />
- </directory>
- </directories>
- <environment>
- <variable name="PATH" append="'[TARGETDIR]'" component="C__MainFiles" />
- </environment>
- <components>
- <component name="C__MainFiles" id="{26AA7144-E683-441D-9843-3C79AEC1C636}" attr="2" directory="TARGETDIR" feature="F__MainFiles" >
- <key file="default.aspx" />
- <fileset basedir="${install.dir}">
- <include name="*.*" />
- </fileset>
- </component>
- </components>
- <components>
- <component name="C__MainFiles" id="{26AA7144-E683-441D-9843-3C79AEC1C636}" attr="2" directory="TARGETDIR" feature="F__MainFiles" installassembliestogac="true" >
- <key file="MyAssemblyName.xml" />
- <fileset basedir="${install.dir}">
- <include name="*.*" />
- </fileset>
- <forceid file="MyOtherAssembly.dll" id="_4EB7CCB23D394958988ED817DA00B9D1" installtogac="false" />
- </component>
- </components>
- <components>
- <component name="C__RegistryEntry" id="{06C654AA-273D-4E39-885C-3E5225D9F336}" attr="4" directory="TARGETDIR" feature="F__DefaultFeature" >
- <key file="R__822EC365A8754FACBF6C713BFE4E57F0" />
- </component>
- </components>
- .
- .
- .
- <registry>
- <key path="SOFTWARE\MyCompany\MyProduct\" root="machine" component="C__RegistryEntry">
- <value id="R__822EC365A8754FACBF6C713BFE4E57F0" name="MyKeyName" value="MyKeyValue" />
- </key>
- </registry>
- <dialogs>
- <dialog name="WebFolderDlg" hcenter="50" vcenter="50" width="370" height="270" attr="39" title="[ProductName] [Setup]" firstcontrol="Next" defaultcontrol="Next" cancelcontrol="Cancel" />
- </dialogs>
- <controls>
- <!-- Remove the Browse button from customize dialog -->
- <control dialog="CustomizeDlg" name="Browse" type="PushButton"
- x="304" y="200" width="56" height="17" attr="3" remove="true" />
- <control dialog="CustomizeDlg" name="Tree" type="SelectionTree"
- x="25" y="85" width="175" height="95" attr="7" remove="true" />
- <!-- Re add the tree control with the proper next control -->
- <control dialog="CustomizeDlg" name="Tree" type="SelectionTree"
- x="25" y="85" width="175" height="95" attr="7"
- property="_BrowseProperty" text="Tree of selections" nextcontrol="Reset" />
- <!-- Adds the controls associated with the webfolder dialog -->
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="BannerBitmap" type="Bitmap"
- x="0" y="0" width="374" height="44" attr="1"
- text="[BannerBitmap]" nextcontrol="VDirLabel" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Title" type="Text"
- x="15" y="6" width="200" height="15" attr="196611"
- text="[DlgTitleFont]Virtual Directory Information" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Description" type="Text"
- x="25" y="23" width="280" height="15" attr="196611"
- text="Please enter your virtual directory and port information." />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="BannerLine" type="Line"
- x="0" y="44" width="374" height="0" attr="1" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="VDirLabel" type="Text"
- x="18" y="73" width="348" height="15" attr="3"
- text="&Virtual directory:"
- nextcontrol="Edit_VDir" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Edit_VDir" type="Edit"
- x="18" y="85" width="252" height="18" attr="7"
- property="TARGETVDIR"
- text="[TARGETVDIR]"
- nextcontrol="PortLabel" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="PortLabel" type="Text"
- x="18" y="110" width="348" height="15" attr="3"
- text="&Port:"
- nextcontrol="Edit_Port" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Edit_Port" type="Edit"
- x="18" y="122" width="48" height="18" attr="7"
- property="TARGETPORT"
- text="[TARGETPORT]"
- nextcontrol="Back" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="BottomLine" type="Line"
- x="0" y="234" width="374" height="0" attr="1" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Back" type="PushButton"
- x="180" y="243" width="56" height="17" attr="3"
- text="[ButtonText_Back]" nextcontrol="Next" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Next" type="PushButton"
- x="236" y="243" width="56" height="17" attr="3"
- text="[ButtonText_Next]" nextcontrol="Cancel" />
- <control dialog="WebFolderDlg" name="Cancel" type="PushButton"
- x="304" y="243" width="56" height="17" attr="3"
- text="[ButtonText_Cancel]" nextcontrol="BannerBitmap" />
- </controls>
- <controlconditions>
- <!-- Remove control condition for Browse button on customizeDlg -->
- <controlcondition dialog="CustomizeDlg" control="Browse" action="Hide"
- condition="Installed" remove="true" />
- <!-- Add control conditions for the web folder dialog -->
- <controlcondition dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Back" action="Disable"
- condition="ShowUserRegistrationDlg=""" />
- <controlcondition dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Back" action="Enable"
- condition="ShowUserRegistrationDlg<>""" />
- </controlconditions>
- <controlevents>
- <!-- Remove the old control events -->
- <controlevent dialog="UserRegistrationDlg" control="Next" name="NewDialog"
- argument="SetupTypeDlg" condition="ProductID" remove="true" />
- <controlevent dialog="SetupTypeDlg" control="Back" name="NewDialog"
- argument="LicenseAgreementDlg" condition="ShowUserRegistrationDlg <> 1" remove="true" />
- <controlevent dialog="SetupTypeDlg" control="Back" name="NewDialog"
- argument="UserRegistrationDlg" condition="ShowUserRegistrationDlg = 1" remove="true" />
- <!-- Remove control events for Browse button on CustomizeDlg -->
- <controlevent dialog="CustomizeDlg" control="Browse" name="SelectionBrowse"
- argument="BrowseDlg" condition="1" remove="true" />
- <!-- Add new control events for the web dialog -->
- <controlevent dialog="UserRegistrationDlg" control="Next" name="NewDialog"
- argument="WebFolderDlg" condition="ProductID" />
- <controlevent dialog="SetupTypeDlg" control="Back" name="NewDialog"
- argument="WebFolderDlg" condition="ShowWebFolderDlg <> 1" />
- <controlevent dialog="SetupTypeDlg" control="Back" name="NewDialog"
- argument="WebFolderDlg" condition="ShowWebFolderDlg = 1" />
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Cancel" name="SpawnDialog"
- argument="CancelDlg" order="0" />
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Back" name="NewDialog"
- argument="LicenseAgreementDlg" condition="ShowUserRegistrationDlg<>1"
- order="0" />
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Back" name="NewDialog"
- argument="UserRegistrationDlg" condition="ShowUserRegistrationDlg=1"
- order="0" />
- <!-- Virtual Directory Control Events -->
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Next" name="DoAction"
- argument="WEBCA_CreateURLs" condition="1" order="0" />
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Next" name="DoAction"
- argument="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsMB" condition="1" order="1" />
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Next" name="SetTargetPath"
- argument="TARGETDIR" condition="1" order="2" />
- <controlevent dialog="WebFolderDlg" control="Next" name="NewDialog"
- argument="SetupTypeDlg" condition="1" order="3" />
- </controlevents>
- <registry>
- <key component="C__MainFiles" root="machine" path="SOFTWARE\ACME\My Product\" >
- <value name="ProductVersion" value="1.0.0" />
- <value name="ProductDir" value="[TARGETDIR]" />
- <value name="VirtualDir" value="[TARGETVDIR]" />
- </key>
- </registry>
- <registry>
- <key component="C__MainFiles" root="machine" path="SOFTWARE\ACME\My Product\" >
- <value value="1.0.0" />
- </key>
- </registry>
- <registry>
- <key component="C__MainFiles" root="machine" path="SOFTWARE\ACME\My Product\" >
- <value name="" value="1.0.0" />
- </key>
- </registry>
- <registry>
- <key component="C__MainFiles" root="machine" path="SOFTWARE\ACME\My Product\" >
- <value>
- 1a,81,0a,03,01,00,06,00,00,00,d3,15,fd,00,01,00,00,00,00,00,01,
- 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,b0,90,ce,09,01,00,00,00,00,00,ff,ff,ff,00,
- 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,6d,7a,0a,03,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,38,40,00,00,00,
- 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,0f,00,00,00,
- f0,ff,ff,ff,54,69,6d,65,73,20,4e,65,77,20,52,6f,6d,61,6e,f4,6f,d4,08,02,00
- </value>
- </key>
- </registry>
- <icons>
- <icon name="CHMICON" value="${resource.dir}\chm.ico" />
- </icons>
- <shortcuts>
- <shortcut name="HelpFiles" directory="D__PROGRAMMENU_ACME_MYPRODUCT" filename="Help File" component="C__MainFiles" target="[$C__MainFiles]\Help.chm" icon="CHMICON" iconindex="0" showcmd="3" >
- <description>My Product help documentation</description>
- </shortcut>
- </shortcuts>
- <binaries>
- <binary name="MSVBDPCADLL" value="${resource.dir}\MSVBDPCA.DLL" />
- </binaries>
- <customactions>
- <!-- Custom actions creating entry points into the custom action dll specified in the binary table -->
- <customaction action="WEBCA_GatherWebFolderProperties" type="1" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="GatherWebFolderProperties" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties" type="1537" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="ApplyWebFolderProperties" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_RollbackApplyWebFolderProperties" type="1281" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="RollbackApplyWebFolderProperties" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_CreateURLs" type="1" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="CreateURLs" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLs" type="1" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="EvaluateURLs" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsNoFail" type="1" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="EvaluateURLsNoFail" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsMB" type="1" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="EvaluateURLsMB" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_CreateAppRoots" type="1" source="MSVBDPCADLL" target="CreateAppRoots" />
- <!-- Custom actions to set default control values in the webfolder dialog -->
- <customaction action="WEBCA_TARGETVDIR" type="307" source="TARGETVDIR" target="Default VDir" />
- <customaction action="WEBCA_TARGETPORT" type="307" source="TARGETPORT" target="80" />
- </customactions>
- <sequences>
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_TARGETVDIR" value="750" condition="TARGETVDIR=""" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_TARGETPORT" value="750" condition="TARGETPORT=""" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_CreateURLs" value="752" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLs" value="753" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_GatherWebFolderProperties" value="3701" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties" value="3701" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_RollbackApplyWebFolderProperties" value="3701" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installexecute" action="WEBCA_CreateAppRoots" value="3701" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installui" action="WEBCA_TARGETVDIR" value="750" condition="TARGETVDIR=""" />
- <sequence type="installui" action="WEBCA_TARGETPORT" value="750" condition="TARGETPORT=""" />
- <sequence type="installui" action="WEBCA_CreateURLs" value="752" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="installui" action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsNoFail" value="753" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="adminexecute" action="WEBCA_TARGETVDIR" value="750" condition="TARGETVDIR=""" />
- <sequence type="adminexecute" action="WEBCA_TARGETPORT" value="750" condition="TARGETPORT=""" />
- <sequence type="adminexecute" action="WEBCA_CreateURLs" value="752" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="adminexecute" action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLs" value="753" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="adminui" action="WEBCA_TARGETVDIR" value="750" condition="TARGETVDIR=""" />
- <sequence type="adminui" action="WEBCA_TARGETPORT" value="750" condition="TARGETPORT=""" />
- <sequence type="adminui" action="WEBCA_CreateURLs" value="752" condition="NOT Installed" />
- <sequence type="adminui" action="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsNoFail" value="753" condition="NOT Installed" />
- </sequences>
- <actiontext>
- <action name="WEBCA_GatherWebFolderProperties" >
- <description>Gathering web folder properties</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties" >
- <description>Applying web folder properties</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_RollbackApplyWebFolderProperties" >
- <description>Removing web folder properties</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_CreateURLs" >
- <description>Creating URLs</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_EvaluateURLs" >
- <description>Evaluating URLs</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsNoFail" >
- <description>Evaluating URLs and do not fail if URL is invalid</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_EvaluateURLsMB" >
- <description>Evaluating URLs</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_CreateAppRoots" >
- <description>Creating application roots</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_TARGETVDIR" >
- <description>Set TARGETVDIR property to the specified virtual dir</description>
- </action>
- <action name="WEBCA_TARGETPORT" >
- <description>Set TARGETPORT property to the specified virtual dir port</description>
- </action>
- </actiontext>
- <appmappings>
- <appmapping directory="D__ACME_MyProduct" extension=".aspx" exepath="[DOTNETFOLDER]aspnet_isapi.dll" verbs="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" />
- </appmappings>
- <urlproperties>
- <urlproperty name="TARGETURL" property="TARGETDIR" />
- </urlproperties>
- <vdirproperties>
- <vdirproperty name="TARGETVDIR" portproperty="TARGETPORT" urlproperty="TARGETURL" />
- </vdirproperties>
- <approots>
- <approot component="C__MainFiles" urlproperty="TARGETURL" inprocflag="2" />
- </approots>
- <iisproperties>
- <iisproperty directory="TARGETDIR" attr="626" defaultdoc="Default.aspx" />
- <iisproperty directory="D__BIN" attr="112" />
- <iisproperty directory="D__SomeSubDir" attr="114" />
- </iisproperties>
- <features>
- <feature name="F__Default" title="My Product" display="1" typical="true" directory="TARGETDIR">
- <description>My Product from ACME, Inc. </description>
- <feature name="F__MainFiles" display="0" typical="true" />
- </feature>
- <feature name="F__Help" title="My Product Help Files" display="1" typical="false" directory="D__ACME_MyProduct_Help" />
- </features>
- <mergemodules>
- <merge feature="F__NAntMSM">
- <modules>
- <include name="${nant.dir}\Install\NAnt.msm" />
- </modules>
- </merge>
- </mergemodules>
- <mergemodules>
- <merge feature="F__DefaultFeature">
- <modules>
- <include name="VsdReadmeDlg.wid" />
- </modules>
- <configurationitems>
- <configurationitem name="BannerBitmap" value="CONFIGURED_BANNERBITMAP" />
- <configurationitem module="VsdReadmeDlg.wid" name="ReadmeText" value="CONFIGURED_READMETEXT" />
- </configurationitems>
- </merge>
- </mergemodules>
- <moduledependencies>
- <dependency id="NAnt_MergeModule.2D2FB50C_DADF_4813_8932_8EF1E8CB8E80" language="0" />
- </moduledependencies>
- <moduleexclusions>
- <exclusion id="NAnt_MergeModule.2D2FB50C_DADF_4813_8932_8EF1E8CB8E80" language="0" maxversion="0.85.0" />
- </moduleexclusions>
- <moduleignoretables>
- <table name="ModuleConfiguration" />
- <table name="ModuleSubstitution" />
- <table name="_ModuleConfigurationGroup" />
- </moduleignoretables>
- ]]>
- ]]>
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- View
- servername:portnum/project/view
- username:password@servername:portnum/project/view
- View
- View
appropriately configured.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- *.cs
- *.cs
- View
- View
appropriately configured.
- ]]>
- StarTeam View
- StarTeam View
appropriately configured.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- <sscmbatch
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- input="${src}/sscm.batch"
- />
- <sscmbatch
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverconnect="administrator:"
- input="${src}/sscm.batch"
- output="${dist}/sscm.batch.out"
- />
- <sscmbranch
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- parent="Mainline"
- comment="Branch for continuing Widget 1.0 development"
- type="baseline"
- />
- <sscmbranch
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- branch="MyWidgetDevelopment"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- parent="Widget 1.0"
- />
- <sscmbranch
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- name="Build as of 12-1-03"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- comment="Snapshot of source as it was on December 1st, 2003"
- timestamp="2003120300:00:00"
- type="snapshot"
- />
- <sscmcheckin
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- file="/"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- recursive="true"
- comment="I made some changes"
- />
- <sscmcheckin
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- file="Widget.java"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- comment="I made some changes"
- label="Release 1.1.1"
- overwritelabel="true"
- />
- <sscmcheckout
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- file="/"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- recursive="true"
- force="true"
- comment="This is my Check Out comment"
- />
- <sscmcheckout
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- quiet="true"
- file="Widget.java"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- overwrite="false"
- writable="true"
- version="1"
- exclusive="true"
- />
- <sscmfreeze
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- mainline="Mainline"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- />
- <sscmget
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- file="/"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- recursive="true"
- force="true"
- overwrite="true"
- />
- <sscmget
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- quiet="true"
- file="Widget.java"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- overwrite="false"
- writable="true"
- version="1"
- />
- <sscmget
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- quiet="true"
- file="/"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- recursive="true"
- label="Release 1.0.1"
- destdir="${build}/src"
- overwrite="true"
- />
- <sscmlabel
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- file="readme.txt"
- recursive="true"
- label="Release 1.0.1"
- overwritelabel="false"
- comment="This labels the final build for the release of Widget 1.0.1."
- />
- <sscmlabel
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- file="readme.txt"
- recursive="true"
- label="Release 1.0.1"
- />
- <sscmlabel
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- repository="Mainline/Widget"
- file="readme.txt"
- label="Release 1.0.1"
- overwritelabel=" true"
- comment=" This labels the final build for the release of Widget 1.0.1."
- version=" 4"
- />
- <sscmunfreeze
- serverconnect="localhost:4900"
- serverlogin="administrator:"
- mainline="Mainline"
- branch="Widget 1.0"
- />
- true
if the root
- is used, otherwise returns false
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- Note that if
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- namespace foospace
- {
- int Foo()
- {
- if (isBar)
- {
- bar();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- namespace foospace {
- int Foo() {
- if (isBar) {
- bar();
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- namespace foospace
- {
- int Foo()
- {
- if (isBar) {
- bar();
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- namespace foospace
- {
- int Foo()
- {
- if (isBar)
- {
- bar();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- class foospace {
- int Foo() {
- if (isBar) {
- bar();
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- namespace foospace {
- class foo() {
- #region Protected Static Fields
- private int Foo() {
- if (isBar) {
- bar();
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- true
- will remove these files.
- The default:
- class Foo
- {
- public:
- Foo();
- virtual ~Foo();
- };
- becomes:
- class Foo
- {
- public:
- Foo();
- virtual ~Foo();
- };
- The default:
- switch (foo)
- {
- case 1:
- a += 2;
- break;
- default:
- a += 2;
- break;
- }
- becomes:
- switch (foo)
- {
- case 1:
- a += 2;
- break;
- default:
- a += 2;
- break;
- }
- The default:
- switch (foo)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- a += 2;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- a += 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- becomes:
- switch (foo)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- a += 2;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- a += 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- true
if bracket statements should be indented.
- The default:
- if (isFoo)
- {
- bar();
- }
- else
- {
- anotherBar();
- }
- becomes:
- if (isFoo)
- {
- bar();
- }
- else
- {
- anotherBar();
- }
- The default:
- namespace foospace
- {
- class Foo
- {
- public:
- Foo();
- virtual ~Foo();
- };
- }
- becomes:
- namespace foospace
- {
- class Foo
- {
- public:
- Foo();
- virtual ~Foo();
- };
- }
- The default:
- int foospace()
- {
- while (isFoo)
- {
- ...
- goto error;
- error:
- ...
- }
- }
- becomes:
- int foospace()
- {
- while (isFoo)
- {
- ...
- goto error;
- error:
- ...
- }
- }
- if (isFoo)
- {
- bar();
- }
- else
- {
- anotherBar();
- }
- if (isFoo){
- bar();
- } else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- namespace foospace
- {
- int Foo()
- {
- if (isBar) {
- bar();
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (isFoo){
- bar();
- }else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- becomes:
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- }
- else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- isFoo = true;
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- } else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- isBar = false;
- becomes:
- isFoo = true;
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- } else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- isBar = false;
- isFoo = true;
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- } else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- isBar = false;
- becomes:
- isFoo = true;
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- } else {
- anotherBar();
- }
- isBar = false;
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- } else if (isBar()){
- anotherBar();
- }
- becomes:
- if (isFoo) {
- bar();
- } else
- if (isBar()){
- anotherBar();
- }
- if (isFoo)
- a = bar((b-c)*a,*d--);
- becomes:
- if (isFoo)
- a = bar((b - c) * a, *d--);
- if (isFoo)
- a = bar((b-c)*a,*d--);
- becomes:
- if ( isFoo )
- a = bar( ( b-c )*a, *d-- );
- if (isFoo)
- a = bar((b-c)*a,*d--);
- becomes:
- if ( isFoo )
- a = bar( ( b - c ) * a, *d-- );
- if (isFoo)
- {
- isFoo = false; cout << isFoo << endl;
- }
- remains as is.
- if (isFoo) DoBar();
- remains as is.
- if (isFoo)
- { isFoo = false; cout << isFoo << endl; }
- remains as is.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ...
- ...
- Build configuration '${build.config}' is not supported!
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- [MS Transaction Server]
- Executable="VendorMISMO2.dll"
- AutoRefresh=1
- ]]>
- [MS Transaction Server]
- Executable="VendorMISMO2.dll"
- AutoRefresh=1
- ]]>
- ]]>
- xslfile
- attribute.
- Also, all the properties defined in the current
- project will be passed down to the XSLT file as
- template parameters, so you can access properties
- such as nant.project.name, nant.version, etc.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- INSERT INTO jobs (job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl) VALUES('My Job', 22, 45);
- INSERT INTO jobs (job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl) VALUES('Other Job', 09, 43);
- SELECT * FROM jobs;
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- In try
- In catch
- Finally done
- ]]>
- In try
- Caught failure: Just because...
- Finally done
- Build failed: Bad catch
- ]]>
- In try
- Caught failure yet again
- Build failed: Property 'failure' has not been set.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- #region Public Instance Properties
- [BuildAttribute("out", Required=true)]
- public string Output {
- get { return _out; }
- set { _out = value; }
- }
- [BuildAttribute("optimize")]
- [BooleanValidator()]
- public bool Optimize {
- get { return _optimize; }
- set { _optimize = value; }
- }
- [BuildAttribute("warnlevel")]
- [Int32Validator(0,4)] // limit values to 0-4
- public int WarnLevel {
- get { return _warnLevel; }
- set { _warnLevel = value; }
- }
- [BuildElement("sources")]
- public FileSet Sources {
- get { return _sources; }
- set { _sources = value; }
- }
- #endregion Public Instance Properties
- #region Private Instance Fields
- private string _out = null;
- private bool _optimize = false;
- private int _warnLevel = 4;
- private FileSet _sources = new FileSet();
- #endregion Private Instance Fields
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- [FrameworkConfigurable("exename", Required=true)]
- public virtual string ExeName {
- get { return _exeName; }
- set { _exeName = value; }
- }
- // task XmlType default is string
- [TaskAttribute("out", Required=true)]
- string _out = null; // assign default value here
- [TaskAttribute("optimize")]
- [BooleanValidator()]
- // during ExecuteTask you can safely use Convert.ToBoolean(_optimize)
- string _optimize = Boolean.FalseString;
- [TaskAttribute("warnlevel")]
- [Int32Validator(0,4)] // limit values to 0-4
- // during ExecuteTask you can safely use Convert.ToInt32(_optimize)
- string _warnlevel = "0";
- [BuildElement("sources")]
- FileSet _sources = new FileSet();
- NOTE: Attribute values must be of type of string if you want
- to be able to have macros. The field stores the exact value during
- Initialize. Just before ExecuteTask is called NAnt will expand
- all the macros with the current values.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- Microsoft Windows NT 5.0.2195.0
- ]]>
- ...
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ...
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ...
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- property::is-readonly('debug')
- property::is-dynamic('debug')
- ]]>
- Microsoft Windows NT 5.0.2195.0
- string::get-length('foo') ==> 3
- string::get-length('') ==> 0
- string::substring('testing string', 0, 4) ==> 'test'
- string::substring('testing string', 8, 3) ==> 'str'
- string::substring('testing string', 8, 0) ==> ''
- string::substring('testing string', -1, 5) ==> ERROR
- string::substring('testing string', 8, -1) ==> ERROR
- string::substring('testing string', 5, 17) ==> ERROR
- string::starts-with('testing string', 'test') ==> true
- string::starts-with('testing string', 'testing') ==> true
- string::starts-with('testing string', 'string') ==> false
- string::starts-with('test', 'testing string') ==> false
- string::ends-with('testing string', 'string') ==> true
- string::ends-with('testing string', '') ==> true
- string::ends-with('testing string', 'bring') ==> false
- string::ends-with('string', 'testing string') ==> false
- string::to-lower('testing string') ==> 'testing string'
- string::to-lower('Testing String') ==> 'testing string'
- string::to-lower('Test 123') ==> 'test 123'
- string::to-upper('testing string') ==> 'TESTING STRING'
- string::to-upper('Testing String') ==> 'TESTING STRING'
- string::to-upper('Test 123') ==> 'TEST 123'
- string::replace('testing string', 'test', 'winn') ==> 'winning string'
- string::replace('testing string', 'foo', 'winn') ==> 'testing string'
- string::replace('testing string', 'ing', '') ==> 'test str'
- string::replace('banana', 'ana', 'ana') ==> 'banana'
- string::contains('testing string', 'test') ==> true
- string::contains('testing string', '') ==> true
- string::contains('testing string', 'Test') ==> false
- string::contains('testing string', 'foo') ==> false
- string::index-of('testing string', 'test') ==> 0
- string::index-of('testing string', '') ==> 0
- string::index-of('testing string', 'Test') ==> -1
- string::index-of('testing string', 'ing') ==> 4
- string::last-index-of('testing string', 'test') ==> 0
- string::last-index-of('testing string', '') ==> 13
- string::last-index-of('testing string', 'Test') ==> -1
- string::last-index-of('testing string', 'ing') ==> 11
- string::pad-left('test', 10, ' ') ==> ' test'
- string::pad-left('test', 10, 'test') ==> 'tttttttest'
- string::pad-left('test', 3, ' ') ==> 'test'
- string::pad-left('test', -4, ' ') ==> ERROR
- string::pad-right('test', 10, ' ') ==> 'test '
- string::pad-right('test', 10, 'abcd') ==> 'testaaaaaa'
- string::pad-right('test', 3, ' ') ==> 'test'
- string::pad-right('test', -3, ' ') ==> ERROR
- string::trim(' test ') ==> 'test'
- string::trim('\t\tfoo \r\n') ==> 'foo'
- string::trim-start(' test ') ==> 'test '
- string::trim-start('\t\tfoo \r\n') ==> 'foo \r\n'
- string::trim-end(' test ') ==> ' test'
- string::trim-end('\t\tfoo \r\n') ==> '\t\tfoo'
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- build:
- init:
- [echo] initializing
- compile:
- [echo] compiling with debug = false
- init:
- [echo] initializing
- compile:
- [echo] compiling with debug = true
- build:
- init:
- [echo] initializing
- compile:
- [echo] compiling with debug = false
- compile:
- [echo] compiling with debug = true
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- This is a description.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- Base build directory = ${nant.project.basedir}
- ]]>
- Base build directory = ${nant.project.basedir}
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- Something wrong here.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- Build release configuration
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- while (true) {
- DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
- Console.Write("Scan Basedirectory : ");
- string s = Console.ReadLine();
- if (s.Length == 0) break;
- scanner.BaseDirectory = s;
- while(true) {
- Console.Write("Include pattern : ");
- s = Console.ReadLine();
- if (s.Length == 0) break;
- scanner.Includes.Add(s);
- }
- while(true) {
- Console.Write("Exclude pattern : ");
- s = Console.ReadLine();
- if (s.Length == 0) break;
- scanner.Excludes.Add(s);
- }
- foreach (string name in scanner.FileNames)
- Console.WriteLine("file:" + name);
- foreach (string name in scanner.DirectoryNames)
- Console.WriteLine("dir :" + name);
- Console.WriteLine("");
- }
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- The Foo.Bar namespace reinvents the wheel.
- The Foo.Bar.Tests namespace ensures that the Foo.Bar namespace reinvents the wheel correctly.
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- <script language="C#">
- <code>
- <![CDATA[
- public static void ScriptMain(Project project) {
- project.Log(Level.Info, "Hello World from a script task using C#");
- }
- ]]>
- </code>
- </script>
- <script language="C#" prefix="test" >
- <code>
- <![CDATA[
- [Function("test-func")]
- public static string Testfunc( ) {
- return "some result !!!!!!!!";
- }
- ]]>
- </code>
- </script>
- <echo message='${test::test-func()}'/>
- <script language="C#" >
- <references>
- <include name="System.Data.dll" />
- </references>
- <imports>
- <import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" />
- </imports>
- <code>
- <![CDATA[
- public static void ScriptMain(Project project) {
- string dbUserName = "nant";
- string dbPassword = "nant";
- string dbServer = "(local)";
- string dbDatabaseName = "NAntSample";
- string connectionString = String.Format("Server={0};uid={1};pwd={2};", dbServer, dbUserName, dbPassword);
- SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
- string createDbQuery = "CREATE DATABASE " + dbDatabaseName;
- SqlCommand createDatabaseCommand = new SqlCommand(createDbQuery);
- createDatabaseCommand.Connection = connection;
- connection.Open();
- try {
- createDatabaseCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
- project.Log(Level.Info, "Database added successfully: " + dbDatabaseName);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- project.Log(Level.Error, e.ToString());
- } finally {
- connection.Close();
- }
- }
- ]]>
- </code>
- </script>
- <script language="VB">
- <code>
- <![CDATA[
- Public Shared Sub ScriptMain(project As Project)
- project.Log(Level.Info, "Hello World from a script task using Visual Basic.NET")
- End Sub
- ]]>
- </code>
- </script>
- <script language="C#" prefix="test" >
- <code>
- <![CDATA[
- [TaskName("usertask")]
- public class TestTask : Task {
- #region Private Instance Fields
- private string _message;
- #endregion Private Instance Fields
- #region Public Instance Properties
- [TaskAttribute("message", Required=true)]
- public string FileName {
- get { return _message; }
- set { _message = value; }
- }
- #endregion Public Instance Properties
- #region Override implementation of Task
- protected override void ExecuteTask() {
- Log(Level.Info, _message.ToUpper());
- }
- #endregion Override implementation of Task
- }
- ]]>
- </code>
- </script>
- <usertask message='Hello from UserTask'/>
- <script language="Boo.CodeDom.BooCodeProvider, Boo.CodeDom, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=32c39770e9a21a67"
- failonerror="true">
- <code>
- <![CDATA[
- [Function("test-func")]
- def MyFunc():
- return "Hello from Boo !!!!!!"
- ]]>
- </code>
- </script>
- <echo message='${script::test-func()}'/>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ...
- ...
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- true
if the option should be
- appended to the commandline, otherwise false
- true
if the option should be
- appended to the commandline, otherwise false
- null
if this cannot be found.c:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant -q checkout -n nant
- [protocol]:[username]@[servername]:[server path]
- :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant
- nant
- ]]>
- [protocol]:[username]@[servername]:[server path]
- :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ...
- ]]>
- ...
- ]]>
- ...
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- ]]>
- The Foo.Bar namespace reinvents the wheel.
- The Foo.Bar.Tests namespace ensures that the Foo.Bar namespace reinvents the wheel correctly.
- ]]>
- +