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74 lines (53 loc) · 1.7 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (53 loc) · 1.7 KB


To create react app using vite

npm create vite@latest ./ -- --template react

To install tailwind css

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

/* since we are installing legacy version */

npm install --legacy-peer-deps -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

To initialize tailwindcss

npx tailwindcss init -p

Additional packages

npm install --leagacy-peer-deps @react-three/fiber @react-three/drei maath react-tilt react-vertical-timeline-component @emailjs/browser framer-motion react-router-dom

Installing original threejs

npm install --legacy-peer-deps three

Aditional helping comments

  1. Keep the file extension of postcss.config and tailwind.config as cjs instead of js

  2. In tailwind.config.cjs keep export default {} instead of module.exports = {}

  3. In postcss.config.cjs change export default {} to module.exports = { plugins: { tailwindcss: {}, autoprefixer: {}, } }

  4. A common error is using import Tilt from ""; instead of import { Tilt } from "";

Setting up emailjs service

  1. Create an account on
  2. Add new service
  3. Click gmail
  4. Connect your account
  5. Sign in with gmail
  6. Create service
  7. Go to email template
  8. Leave everything as it is and click save
  9. Go to your template -> settings
  10. copy template id
  11. Go to email services and click Gmail
  12. Copy service id
  13. Go to your name
  14. Copy public key
  15. Update these values in contact.jsx

How to change icons and images

  1. Go to assets
  2. Change the fie you want to change
  3. Go to index.js in assets folder
  4. Change import Your_File_Name from "File address"
  5. Change export to your_file_name
  6. Go to constants/index.js
  7. Change the content accordingly