diff --git a/build b/build index dba50388b..9bf93d61e 100755 --- a/build +++ b/build @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export CGO_ENABLED=1 echo "Building ${NAME}..." # clean the cache since cgo isn't correctly handled by gocache. Test to see if this version # of go supports caching before trying to clear the cache -go clean -help 2>&1 | grep -F '[-cache]' >/dev/null && go clean -cache -testcache internal +go clean -help 2>&1 | grep -F '[-cache]' >/dev/null && go clean -cache -testcache go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags "${GLDFLAGS}" -o ${BIN_PATH}/${NAME} ${REPO_PATH}/internal NAME="ignition-validate"