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171 lines (115 loc) · 7.38 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (115 loc) · 7.38 KB

2.1 -- 2015 May 8

Removes the need for the explicit memory warning and application background handling, which was an ill-advised change in 2.0.

The other part of the 2.0 release still applies; you need to explicitly provide an object that knows how to vend background tasks in order for operations to continue after your application has been backgrounded.

2.0.0 -- 2015 April 27

2.0.0 removes all references to UIApplication sharedApplication. As of iOS 8, this method is annotated with NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS, meaning that it won’t compile as part of an iOS 8 extension. In order to facilitate TMCache usage inside extensions.

TMCache previously used UIApplication for two different functions:

  • Wrapping work in background tasks, to ensure that it completes even if the user backgrounds the application
  • Listening for UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification and UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, in order to perform some cleanup work

If you still want this behavior, it’s now up to you to implement this behavior in your application code. Thankfully, doing so is extremely straightforward:

Background tasks

Create a class that conforms to TMCacheBackgroundTaskManager. Your implementation will likely look very much like this:


@interface BackgroundTaskManager: NSObject <TMCacheBackgroundTaskManager>

@implementation BackgroundTaskManger

- (UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)beginBackgroundTask {
    UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier taskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;

    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:taskID];

    return taskID;

- (void)endBackgroundTask:(UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)identifier {
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:identifier];



class BackgroundTaskManager: NSObject, TMCacheBackgroundTaskManager {
    private let application = UIApplication.sharedApplication()
    func beginBackgroundTask() -> UInt {
        let taskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
        application.beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler {

        return UInt(taskID)
    func endBackgroundTask(identifier: UInt) {

Then, pass an instance of your class to the following TMDiskCache class method:

[TMDiskCache setBackgroundTaskManager:[[BackgroundTaskManager alloc] init]];

Clean-up on memory warning/backgrounding notifications

TMMemoryCache has new public methods that can be called in the event of a memory warning or application backgrounding, in order to easily replicate TMCache 1.X.X behavior:


[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:memoryCache
                                           object:[UIApplication sharedApplication]];

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:memoryCache
                                           object:[UIApplication sharedApplication]];


NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(memoryCache, selector: "handleMemoryWarning", name: UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, object: UIApplication.sharedApplication())

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(memoryCache, selector: "handleApplicationBackgrounding", name: UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification, object: UIApplication.sharedApplication())

1.2.3 -- 2014 December 13

  • [fix] TMDiskCache/TMMemoryCache: import UIKit to facilitate Swift usage (thanks digabriel!) +### 1.2.3 -- 2015 April 27 ###
  • [fix] TMDiskCache: add try catch to ensure an exception isn’t thrown if a file on disk is unable to be unarchived (thanks leonskywalker!) +
  • [fix] TMDiskCache: create trash directory asynchronously to avoid race condition (thanks napoapo77!)

1.2.2 -- 2014 October 6

  • [new] Remove deprecated documentation property from Podspec

1.2.1 -- 2013 July 28

  • [new] TMDiskCache: introduced concept of "trash" for rapid wipeouts
  • [new] TMDiskCache: nil checks to prevent crashes
  • [new] TMCache/TMDiskCache/TMMemoryCache: import Foundation to facilitate Swift usage

1.2.0 -- 2013 May 24

  • [new] TMDiskCache: added method enumerateObjectsWithBlock:completionBlock:
  • [new] TMDiskCache: added method enumerateObjectsWithBlock:
  • [new] TMDiskCache: added unit tests for the above
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added method enumerateObjectsWithBlock:completionBlock:
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added method enumerateObjectsWithBlock:
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added event block didReceiveMemoryWarningBlock
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added event block didEnterBackgroundBlock
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added boolean property removeAllObjectsOnMemoryWarning
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added boolean property removeAllObjectsOnEnteringBackground
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added unit tests for memory warning and app background blocks
  • [del] TMCache: removed cost methods pending a solution for disk-based cost

1.1.2 -- 2013 May 13

  • [fix] TMCache: prevent objectForKey:block: from hitting the thread ceiling
  • [new] TMCache: added a test to make sure we don't deadlock the queue

1.1.1 -- 2013 May 1

  • [fix] simplified appledoc arguments in podspec, updated doc script

1.1.0 -- 2013 April 29

  • [new] TMCache: added method setObject:forKey:withCost:
  • [new] TMCache: documentation

1.0.3 -- 2013 April 27

  • [new] TMCache: added property diskByteCount (for convenience)
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: totalCost now returned synchronously from queue
  • [fix] TMMemoryCache: totalCost set to zero immediately after removeAllObjects:

1.0.2 -- 2013 April 26

  • [fix] TMCache: cache hits from memory will now update access time on disk
  • [fix] TMDiskCache: set & remove methods now acquire a UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier
  • [fix] TMDiskCache: will/didAddObject blocks actually get executed
  • [fix] TMDiskCache: trimToSize: now correctly removes objects in order of size
  • [fix] TMMemoryCache: trimToCost: now correctly removes objects in order of cost
  • [new] TMDiskCache: added method trimToSizeByDate:
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added method trimToCostByDate:
  • [new] TMDiskCache: added properties willRemoveAllObjectsBlock & didRemoveAllObjectsBlock
  • [new] TMMemoryCache: added properties willRemoveAllObjectsBlock & didRemoveAllObjectsBlock
  • [new] TMCache: added unit tests

1.0.1 -- 2013 April 23

  • added an optional "cost limit" to TMMemoryCache, including new properties and methods
  • calling [TMDiskCache trimToDate:] with [NSDate distantPast] will now clear the cache
  • calling [TMDiskCache trimDiskToSize:] will now remove files in order of access date
  • setting the byte limit on TMDiskCache to 0 will no longer clear the cache (0 means no limit)