- Credo scraping
- Prompt page before asking for permissions
- Credo SDK
- Loan levels
- Dependencies
- Loan Application page code
- Smartlook switch to use Firebase Remote Config
- Crashes caused when users attempt to log out before profile is loaded
- Fetching of previous push notifications on app launch
- Home page showing apply button on very frequent reloads
- Payment DTO issue
- Redundant notification events on the event bus
- Permission names
- Proceed button being enabled while loading
- Auto focus on PIN field
- Permissions prompt page for when users deny permissions
- Conditionally turning off SmartLook recording based on actions (PIN confirmation and login at the moment)
- GSOD which was seen by some users
- Show more button on the homepage taking users to the old loan detail
- Environment configs for android
- Error display for when loan types aren't fetched properly
- Homepage reload on loan cancellation
- Keyboard actions on authentication form (next and submit)
- Account locked message
- Credo "/" issue on ios, removed "/" from the environment variable
- Authentication attempts with one or more empty fields are taken care of by the provider