- Add engagement emails.
- Multiple accounts can be associated with a user account.
- Dev: Improve speed of Travis builds.
- APIv2: JSON API compliance fixes.
- scripts.migrate_date_last_login_for_current_users
- scripts.migrate_mailing_lists_to_mailchimp_field
- Enable UI for creating developer applications.
- Use JWTs for authenticating with Waterbutler and MFR.
- Add Share button on file detail pages with UI for embedding rendered files.
- User profiles can have multiple personal websites.
- Update Add contributor UI to show current contributors in search.
- APIv2: Lots of documentation updates.
- APIv2: Fix bug that caused a 500 when updating a user's name.
- APIv2: Fix bug that caused an invalid log when updating a Node's title or description.
- Dev: Remove dead file GUID code left over from 0.50.0.
- Alpha release of API v2.
- Migration of all addon file collecitons to a single GuidFile collection.
- Add email subscriptions to file events, configurable from project settings.
- File rendering: Add support for multi-sheet XLSX files.
- File rendering: Add filtering support for tabular formats.
- APIv2: Responses are compliant with the JSON API 1.0 spec.
- APIv2: Unauthenticated responses correctly return a 401 rather than 403 response.
- APIv2: Add endpoints and UI for creating Developer Applications (hidden until APIv2 is released).
- Log file rename events.
- Add project settings that allows a project's wiki to be editable by any OSF user.
- MD5 and SHA1 hashes appear in a file's Revisions table.
- Update UI for OSF for Meetings page.
- Various UI improvements.
- Project registrations require approval from admin contributors.
- Add tokens module for implementing JWT token-based actions. Currently allows generating URLs for registration approval/disapproval, embargo approval/disapproval, and retraction approval/disapproval.
- Change sign-up flow: users are taken to Dashboard after confirming their email address.
- APIv2: Fix serialization of Node tags. Remove Node system tags from response.
- APIv2: Fix node and user endpoints so that they don't return deleted nodes/users.
- APIv2: Implement POST and PATCH for the User resource.
- Send email notification when user is added to a project.
- Condense large contributor lists on the Project Overview page; make them expand/collapse-able.
- SHARE: Major refactor: Query formatting and aggregations done client-side; add initial code for displaying raw and normalized documents.
- SHARE: Search uses latest version of SHARE Schema.
- APIv2: Add functionality for creating components.
- APIv2: Fix bugs with the /me/ shorthand in URLs.
- Add dates to registrations in search results.
- Many UI consistency fixes.
- S3: Uploads to S3 are encrypted.
- S3: When creating a bucket, allow selecting bucket location.
- UI fixes.
- Add "View on" links to files stored in figshare, GitHub, and Google Drive.
- API: Allow "me" to be used as a shortcut in URLs for the current authenticated user, e.g. "/users/me", "users/me/nodes/".
- API: Bug fixes.
- UI and language fixes.
- Improved add-on user settings UI.
- Improved wiki menu/table of contents (based on Treebeard).
- More style changes for consistency with OSF Style Guidelines.
- Many UI bug fixes.
- Dev: Allow markup-safe rendering of mako files by passing
parameter to OsfWebRenderer.
- Enable parallel uploads for OSF Storage, figshare,, Dropbox, S3, and Google Drive.
- Improve performance when uploading large files.
- File renderer: Support for rendering .ppt, .pptx, .xlt, .svg, and many more formats.
- Dataverse: Can select between different Dataverse repositories.
- Site-wide style changes which implement the new OSF Style Guidelines (
- Improve look and feel of FAQ page.
- Can upload files to a new project from the Dashboard.
- Dev: Remove legacy API key-related code.
- Dev: Fix spurious session creation.
- Many UI bug fixes.
- Updated landing page and navbar UI.
- API: DELETE Node endpoint.
- API: Add support for Sentry.
- Dev: Add jshint to Travis builds.
- Many UI bug fixes.
- Registrations must be retracted rather than made private.
- Registrations may be embargoed for up to four years. During this period, a registration remains private.
- Addon files get archived when they are registered.
- Many bug fixes and UI improvements. See for a list of closed PRs.
- API v2 pre-release
- Modular File Renderer as a service
- File editing user interface improvements
- Collaborative file editing for text files
- Move & Copy files/folders between storage providers and nested folders
- Rename files and folders
- Download folders as Zip
- OSF Storage deleted files/folders are moved to a "trash bin" collection
- Central Authentication Service (CAS & Federated Authentication)
- Enhanced logging with direct links to files/folder objects
- Updated UI for project organizer and file browser: multi-select, action toolbar, batch delete.
- Can merge user accounts by adding a confirmed user's email address as a secondary email.
- All projects, regardless of their category (Hypothesis, Methods and Measures, etc.), can have subprojects within them.
- Add buttons on Account Settings page to request exporting account data and deactivating account.
- Add ability to create folders to storage addons.
- scripts/osfstorage/
- scripts/osfstorage/
- Add migrations necessary to support OSF Storage folders.
- Update Dataverse addon for compatibility with Dataverse 4.0.
- Add file tree to file detail pages.
- Updates to SHARE search API, UI, and documentation page.
- Add SHARE provider registration page.
- Users can associate multiple emails to their account.
- DOIs and ARKs can be created for public registrations.
- Updated login UI.
- Fix consistency of addon logs display.
- Dev: Refactor folderpicker for consistency of addon settings UI.
- Dev: Update markdown-it to version 4.1 along with plugins markdown-it-sanitizer, markdown-it-toc, and markdown-toc-video.
- Wiki: Single-column view: uses page scrolling rather than container scrolling when only one column is enabled.
- SHARE: Updated UI: added filtering by provider.
- Remove combined login/register/forgot-password page. Sign-in can be done in the navbar. Registration can be done on the landing page.
- Dev: Add unique compound indices for addon file GUID collections.
- Dev: Improved speed of Travis CI builds.
- Dev: Cleanup of dead frontend code.
- Dev: Automated auditing of Glacier backups and parity files.
- Improved sign-in: add sign-in form to navbar; remove two-factor input from sign-in form.
- Upgrade to newest modular-file-renderer with improved PDF rendering.
- Fix rendering of PDFs and PDB files in Safari and IE.
- Updated Getting Started page.
- SHARE: Add endpoint for paginated ATOM feed.
- SHARE: Remove hardcoded provider code and information.
- Dev: Search migrations no longer result in search downtime.
- Dev: Lots of dead code removed from addons.
- Dev: Updates to front-end dependencies. Manage more dependencies with npm rather than bower.
- Dev: Add JS testing stack.
- Dev: Upgrade to Font Awesome 4.
- Lots of minor UI fixes.
- Add email notifications. Can subscribe to new comments made on projects and components. Emails can be sent in "transactional" or "digest" mode.
- Add Mendeley addon.
- Add Zotero addon.
- Add Google Drive addon.
- Add addon.
- New wiki layout with toggle-able columns.
- New client-side markdown renderer, with support for table of contents (@[toc](Table of Contents)) and embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos (@youtube or @vimeo). NOTE: Wiki versions created before this release date will still use the older renderer. Update your wikis to use the new renderer.
- Change to permissions model: Admins on a project are able to view and register private subprojects and components.
- Wiki: Real-time collaborative editing powered by ShareJS.
- Wiki: Markdown snippets support.
- Wiki: Add MathJax support.
- Files: File versions are retrieved from Waterbutler.
- Files: Extensive refactor to unify file detail pages.
- CiteProc-compliant citation widget. Add an extra input to select from hundreds of citation styles.
- Developers: CSS is now loaded within JS modules using webpack. Webassets is removed.
- Various UI fixes.
- Significant UI changes sitewide, esp. with navbar, project navigation, project overview widgets, project organizer.
- New filebrowser. Replace HGrid with treebeard. Affects project organizer, files viewer, and conference poster view.
- Use the waterbutler service for handling all storage addon CRUD.
- Developers: Use webpack for asset bundling and minification. All JS modules follow the CommonJS module style. Replaces script.js and webassets.
- Enable the Notifications widget on the user settings page.
- Add "Edit your profile" button on user profile pages. Remove "in-place" profile editing.
- Email confirmation tokens expire after 24 hours.
- Lots of refactoring to the conference email submission service.
- Various minor UI fixes.
- Developers: Update stale requirements: celery, bleach, furl,
- Add API for subscribing/unsubscribing users to Mailchimp mailing lists. Add script to add all registered, confirmed users to the OSF General Mailing list.
- Add "Add to Dashboard" button in project header to add a project to the dashboard organizer.
- Add "Account Settings" page with form to change password.
- Growl-style notifications and messages.
- Developers: Switch elasticsearch client to elasticsearch-py.
- Developers: Remove
function. Use the auth decorators (e.g.must_be_logged_in
Hotfix release
- Add an endpoint for receiving the webhook payload from the OSF upload service when files are backed up to a Amazon Glacier archive.
- Fix a bug in accessing nested files in S3 addon.
Hotfix release
- Display warning about private Github repos on a public project on files and statistics pages.
- Refactor celery task for rendering files so that file contents are not passed to message broker.
- Use celery to asynchronously provision Piwik sites.
- OSF storage addon now uses the new OSF Upload Service backed by Rackspace Cloudfiles.
- UI and backend improvements to search.
- UI fixes to addons' file detail pages.
- Enable drag-and-drop uploads from Project Overview page.
Lots of new UI features and responsiveness improvements.
- "Onboarder" interface: Go to a project, create a project, register a project, and upload files from the dashboard.
- Responsive index page, header, footer, project navbars, login page, public activity, and user activity meters.
- Various minor UI fixes to user settings page and view file pages.
- Wiki names have mixed-case page names.
- Allow mixed casing in wiki page names.
- Wiki rename events are logged.
- Improved load time of Getting Started page, as well as some minor UI fixes.
- Improvements and bugfixes to user settings pages.
- Various UI fixes to the wiki.
- Fix importing Dataverse authentication to a project.
- Fix project "Link" counts and lists.
- Modal dialogs are more visually consistent.
- Language fixes on FAQ page.
- Paginate search results in Add Contributor widget.
- Speed improvements to contributor manager widget.
- Add "ongoing" option to Education and Employment sections of user profile.
- Improved mimetype detection when downloading a file through the Github addon.
- Unread comment counts appear in comment tab.
- Lots of bug fixes and minor UI improvements to the wiki.
- Wiki page names can have punctuation and special characters.
- Lots of UI fixes to the profile configuration pages.
- Larger project title and description inputs.
- Confirmation codes for project deletion are more fun =)
- Allow multiple users to authenticate with the same Github credentials for the Github addon.
- Includes all fixes from the "Sprint: Initial" milestone:
- Update required versions of requests, webassets, and bleach.
- scripts/
- scripts/migration/
- scripts/
- Remove fork_list and registration_list fields from Node model. NOTE: A migration was NOT performed to remove these fields.
- Add AddonGithubOauthSettings model.
- Remove oauth_access_token and oauth_token_type fields from AddonGitHubUserSettings model.
- New project organizer on user dashboard.
- Improvements to wiki interface.
- Allow wiki pages to be deleted.
- Developers: Switch to the TokuMX MongoDB distribution for handling database transactions.
- Developers: Add a number of missing JS error handlers.
- Developers:
no longer take callbacks as arguments. They return jQuery XHR objects, so use the Promise interface instead.
- Developers: Add JS error handling where it was missing.
- Developers: Add code for TokuMX transactions, but disable it for now.
- Add two-factor authentication.
- Developers: Remove all imports from
. This solves and prevents a number of circular import problems throughout the codebase.
- Bugfix release. Fixes a number of minor UI bugs.
- Fix anonymization in HTTP API.
- View-only links: Add option to anonymize contributors.
- Wiki: Add support for fenced code blocks; syntax highlighting; allow ID attributes in tags.
- Improvements to "Add contributors" UI: Identicons; show projects in common.
- Non-contributors don't see tags input if there are no tags on a project.
- Add prompt if there are unsaved wiki changes.
- Wiki logs link to wiki pages.
- Add confirmation dialog when deselecting addons from the user profile page.
- Registered users no longer have "key ring" of view-only link keys. View-only links will appear the same, regardless of whether you are logged in or not.
- Project deletion events are logged.
- Developers: All deprecated Solr code removed.
- Developers: Bower components are no longer added to the git tree. Use
bower install
to installthem. - Developers: Various improvements to logging.
- Developers:
class is deprecated. Useapi_url_for
in your tests. - Developers: Test cases that subclass
must callsuper()
in thesetUp
methods. - Developers: Update stale requirements.
- Various bugfixes and minor UI improvements.