scuffed workaround for smoothie scoop installation
scuffed workaround for smoothie scoop installation
manifest: make string lowercase
manifest: make string lowercase
voukoder: use another cdn and fix non pro detection
voukoder: use another cdn and fix non pro detection
invoke smrs post install: fix scoopless start menu shortcut
invoke smrs post install: fix scoopless start menu shortcut
isvk: move resolve dvcp bundle recursively
isvk: move resolve dvcp bundle recursively
Get-ScoopApp: fix known buckets
Get-ScoopApp: fix known buckets
Create Invoke-SmoothieRsPost.ps1
Create Invoke-SmoothieRsPost.ps1
PsIni: add -delimiter and comments
PsIni: add -delimiter and comments
add Optimize-Bedrock
add Optimize-Bedrock
Pull request merge