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This page has links to long-form talks from various speakers, all hosted virtually.

YSI Graduate Economic History Seminar

The Economic History Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative is pleased to announce the Fall/Winter program for its 2020-2021 Economic History Graduate Webinar Series. The webinar sessions will run for 60’ every other Tuesday on Zoom at 5pm CET (11am EDT, 8am PDT) starting the 29th of September. If you want to attend our webinar series, please register here. The abstracts of the papers presented can be found in our website.

ESA Junior Faculty Webinar

Economic Science Association sponsored virtual seminar series in Experimental Economics featuring junior faculty with senior discussants. The virtual seminar series will run on Wednesdays starting from 10 June, at 7 AM PDT | 10 AM EDT | 3 PM London | 4 PM Central Europe | 10 PM Beijing | Midnight Melbourne.

Each installment is organised as a smaller version of a session from the conference. There will be two speakers, presenting papers in a similar area, each speaking for about 20 minutes, followed by a discussant, who will provide some questions and comments of their own as well as those of other attendees. The whole session will run one hour.

Register here and please visit our website for more details.

Seminar in Applied Microeconomics - Virtual Assembly and Discussion (SAMVAAD)

SAMVAAD is a platform for faculty and researchers in India to present their work and get feedback from the applied micro community. Starting 1 May 2020, the online seminars will be conducted on Zoom every Friday from 10 AM to 11:15 AM IST. Please sign up to receive webinar links and visit SAMVAAD's website for more details.

Labor & Finance Online Seminar (LFOS)

The Labor and Finance Online Seminar (LFOS) series is a biweekly Zoom seminar series showcasing research at the intersection of labor and finance. We meet every other Tuesday, starting 4/28, 1:15 - 2:15 pm ET.

Please visit our website for our current schedule and to sign up.

Villanova Webinars in Financial Intermediation (WiFI)

A virtual seminar series dedicated to research in banking and financial intermediation. Seminars will be held via Zoom. Authors will present for 45 minutes, and a 15 minute Q&A session from the audience will follow.

Sign-up for our Zoom e-mail list here

Please visit our website for more information and our current schedule.

The Gary Chamberlain Online Seminar in Econometrics

A regular open online international inter-institutional econometrics seminar in honor of Gary Chamberlain (1948–2020). 60 minutes of presentation, 15 minutes of comments/questions by two to three discussants, and 15 minutes of audience questions. Held on Zoom.

Occurs Fridays at noon.

Caltech Econ Theory

An online econ theory seminar. Recurs weekly on Wednesdays at noon pacific time. Live streamed on, where viewer questions are forwarded to the speaker. See updates on

Global Virtual Seminar Series on FinTech

To promote continuity in research, the Georgetown Center for Financial Markets and Policy @GUFinPolicy will be hosting a Global Virtual Seminar Series on FinTech via Zoom. Our plan is to involve researchers interested in FinTech in the US and around the world as both speakers and participants.

Please find additional details below: Day: Fridays Time: 12-1 pm EDT. Format: 30 minutes for presentation and 30 minutes for questions from the audience. Depending on the number of participants, the questions will be asked live or via Zoom Chat. Audience: Researchers from all over the world.

Email to be added to the Zoom mailing list.

Workshop on Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation 2020

A bi-weekly, virtual workshop featuring research in entrepreneurial finance and innovation. Papers will be both invited and solicited with a call for papers. If you are interested in presenting your work, please send a completed paper

Sign up for this conference here.

EPFL Virtual Innovation Seminar

EVIS is a bi-weekly seminar series focusing on Science, Technology and Innovation topics, studied through the lens of Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy. It is targeted at graduate students and early-career researchers.

If you are interested in presenting your work, please apply. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all the slots are full.

Sign up for this conference here. You can reach us at for questions.

Virtual Macro Seminar

A regular open online international and inter-institutional macroeconomics seminar. To stay up to date about upcoming presentations please join their mailing list by emailing or by visiting their website.

60 minutes of presentation on Zoom, with 30 minutes of Q&A.

HELP! (HEaLth and Pandemics) Econ Working Group

The HELP! (HEaLth and Pandemics) Econ working group aims at connecting people working on health and pandemics across different research institutions and fields. It will do so by hosting a weekly Zoom seminar where scholars present their ideas, including those at a preliminary stage, and connecting initiatives, including data collection, policy discussions, and research papers.

Online Causal Inference Seminar

A regular international causal inference seminar. All seminars are on Tuesdays at 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 4:30 pm London / 5:30 pm Berlin). Presentations are 45 minutes over Zoom with a 15 minute discussant section.

Essen Health Economics Seminar Series | Virtual Edition

The seminar series is a joint initiative of the CINCH Health Economics Research Center, University of Duisburg-Essen and the RWI Health Group, Germany. The seminar aims at connecting researchers from various fields of health economics using econometrics and experimental methods. Current research will be presented by researchers of all stages from inside and outside the collaborating institutions. The purpose is to foster exchange among early career and experienced researchers in the field. Scholars present their ideas which include preliminary research and research papers.

Due to the ongoing situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the seminar series will be held in a virtual format until further notice. To receive access to the virtual seminar room, please subscribe to the mailing list: The virtual seminar will not be recorded as we want to encourage participants to present preliminary work.

Webinar Series in Gender Economics

This seminar series features 2019 job market papers in gender economics. The seminar is one hour long, split into a 45-minute presentation and a 15-minute Q&A session. We will meet on Zoom on Mondays 3-4pm CET/9-10am EST.

Please e-mail to receive the weblink for this event.

Reading Online Sport Economics Seminars (ROSES)

An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part of the Football Research Group at the University of Reading.

All Seminars take place at 2:30-4pm, UK time, and will take place on Microsoft Teams. Contact James Reade at for joining instructions.

Online Economics of Crime Seminar

This seminar series features empirical research related to criminal behavior and criminal justice policy. The one-hour seminar includes a 35-minute presentation by the author and 25 minutes for questions and discussion. It takes place on Zoom on Thursdays, 3:30-4:30pm Eastern Time.

This seminar is not open to the public but all researchers (including PhD students) are welcome to attend. Please email to be added to the email list.

Financial Management Association / Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management Virtual Seminar

The Coronavirus has caused uncertainty and volatility across global capital markets. To provide a forum for discussion of the potential impact and outlook for the economy and markets during this unprecedented time, the Mayo Center for Asset Management at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business and the Financial Management Association International will be hosting a virtual academic and practitioner seminar series on Fridays this April from 1:00-2:00 PM ET.

Hosted on Zoom, each seminar will consist of 30 minutes of presentation by a speaker followed by 30 minutes of moderated Q&A.

See the website for registration details.

Cambridge Judge Finance Group

Due to the COVID-19 situation, all our regular research seminars have been shifted online and opened to a global audience. The Finance subject group at Cambridge Judge Business School would like to invite you to our online research seminar series

Seminars occur at 2pm London time on Thursdays, though the seminar on Arpil 22nd will be on a Wednesday at 2pm.

Zoom ID for April 2nd: 496 742 494 Zoom ID for April 9th, 16th, and 22nd: 984 681 862

Real Estate Research Seminar

Research seminars for estate finance and economics. First Thursday of the month, 4-5 pm UK. Organised by Thies Lindenthal, Land Economy, University of Cambridge.

DC Political Economy Center webinar series

The DC Political Economy Center is starting the DCPEC webinar series. The idea is to have a Political Economy webinar that is open to all those interested, including faculty and graduate students. The DCPEC webinar will be on Fridays at 10:30am EST. It will take place on Zoom.

The format of the webinars will be as follows: the speaker will have 60 minutes to present their research. During those 60 minutes, questions will be limited to clarifying questions. After that, there will be 15 minutes for general questions and discussions

Virtual Economic History Seminar

A series of serminars on economics history. Meets on Mondays 11-noon Vancouver / 2-3pm Boston / 7-8pm London.

CEPR Virtual IO Seminar (VIOS)

The CEPR Virtual IO Seminar (VIOS) provides a short-run alternative to IO seminars cancelled due to travel restrictions brought on by the Coronavirus. Our long-run goal, however, is to turn it into a permanent platform for sharing the benefits of regular IO seminars. Seminars will be balanced between both theoretical and empirical approaches to IO.

The meetings will take place weekly on Zoom. Please see the schedule on the website for upcoming talks.

Economics of Discrimination & Disparities

This weekly online seminar will take place on Fridays at 1-2PM ET.

Global Open Series in Environmental Economics (GoSee)

The Global Open Series in Environmental Economics (GoSee) is a global, open-source network of professionals working to develop solutions for the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. Our goal: Evidence-based solutions that inform policy and can be easily implemented. As such, we aim to bring together academics, policymakers, NGOs, and the private sector to strengthen the connection between the interests of research communities and the needs of individuals on the ground who seek sound and implementable solutions.

We hope that this series breaks down many traditional barriers—across institutions, nations, classes, etc. All are welcome.

Virtual Finance Seminar

Ryan Israelsen (Michigan State University), Nuri Ersahin (Michigan State University), and Andriy Bodnaruk (University of Illinois at Chicago) are hosting virtual seminars on corporate finance.

Seminars occur at 1pm Eastern time on Tuesdays. The first seminar is April 7th, 2020.

MaCCI EPoS Virtual IO Seminar

The Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) and the Collaborative Research Center TR 224 "EPoS" at the University of Bonn and the University of Mannheim are happy to announce the MaCCI/EPoS Virtual IO Seminar Series. The papers presented during the months of April and May are related to the broader topic of "Privacy and Competition."

The seminars take place Thursdays at 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. CET and are held on ZOOM. For registration (to receive reminders, updates, and ZOOM Meeting ID information via email) please follow the link below.

Seminar presentations are scheduled to last a total of 75 minutes (60 minutes presentations plus 15 minutes Q&A).

Virtual Digital Economy Seminar

An open online international and inter-institutional seminar on the digital economy.

All seminars are on Thursdays at: 8:00 am PDT - 11:00am EDT - 4:00pm BST - 5:00pm CEST - 6:00 IDT.

Interactive Online IO seminar

The Interactive Online IO seminar will meet over the next two months, twice a week -- on Tuesdays 3-4pm ET and Fridays 12-1pm ET. The seminar is open to everyone, so you are more than encouraged to share this email with any interested coleagues and students. The schedule, along with Zoom registration links for each meeting, is available here.

The plan is to give each speaker 40 minutes, with short pauses for clarification questions, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A. All questions will get channeled via the private chat feature on Zoom, through a pre-assigned moderator.

Royal Economic Society

The COVID-19 outbreak has provoked a rapid and, in many cases, unprecedented policy response from government. And many economists are playing a role in designing and analysing such policies along with studying the impact that COVID-19 is having. Although there are historical parallels with some aspects of this episode, the nature of the shock is unique and studying it requires careful thinking about the models and frameworks that we use, collecting and analysing new data as well as studying implications from existing data sets.

Over the coming weeks, the RES will be holding a series of webinars with leading economists. Some will be quite open ended while others will tackle specific issues. All are intended to bring serious economic thinking to bear on important and complex issues.

Online Spatial and Urban Seminar

The Online Spatial and Urban Seminar (OSUS) is organizing a twice monthly online seminar series on urban economics. We aim to provide engaging seminars featuring economists from a variety of institutions, experience levels, and fields unified by an interest in urban questions.

At OSUS, we interpret "spatial and urban" broadly, recognizing that many fields utilize spatial variation and methods, and that a lot of economics takes place in cities! As such, we encourage participation from economists in fields including, but not limited to, housing, real estate, transportation, trade, local public goods provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy.

JKU: Online Economics Research Seminar

During the crisis the regular research seminars of the Department of Economics are online and will take place using zoom. We invite researchers from other universities and research institutions present their original research work. Papers from all areas of economics are welcome.

After the presentations, there is opportunity for informal discussion (BYO).

Time: Wednesday, 4:00-5:00 pm (CEST

Virtual Finance Workshop

The Virtual Finance Workshop is an open online finance seminar. Presentations will occur on Fridays at 12:30pm EDT, with the exception of the first seminar which occurs on Wednesday April 8th at 12:30pm EDT.

Register by signing up for the mailing list.

The Microstructure Exchange

The Microstructure Exchange is a virtual academic market microstructure research seminar of indefinite length, intended to continue the sharing of ideas between researchers. Presentations occur once per week on Tuesdays. See the speaker schedule for details on timing.

Quantitative Spatial Economics Junior Workshop

The workshop was originally meant to be taking place in Princeton in May 2020 with the aim of bringing together early-career researchers interested in quantitative work on the spatial economy.Due to COVID-19, we had to move the first iteration of the Quantitative Spatial Economics Junior Workshop online. Every Friday between April 17 and June 5 at noon NYC time, we will meet on zoom to listen to one junior scholar working on quantitative spatial economics.

Penn State Econ Theory Group

The econ theory group at Penn State is organizing a webinar, open for all to attend. It will meet every Friday at 2pm EST. the list of speakers and links to the talks will be updated on the website and on our twitter page.

Virtual Market Design Seminar

The Virtual Market Design Seminar is an open online alternative to seminars cancelled due to the COVID-19. Seminars will cover all fields from market design. Talks usually take place bi-weekly on Monday at 4:00-5:00pm (Paris UTC) on Zoom. Please check the schedule below, different days and times are possible.

Virtual Quantitative Marketing Seminar (VQMS)

An open online academic seminar focusing on topics related to quantitative marketing.

FutFinInfo Webinar Series

FutFinInfo stands for the Future of Financial Information. The ambition with this webinar series is to showcase novel insights into the sources and processing of information in financial markets, and inspire further research in this area. Given the breadth of the topic, every talk will bring a new flavor to the table – a great way to expand your palate!

We will meet via Zoom every other Wednesday at 4pm CET, starting April 22nd. The format is 30 minutes presentation, 15 minutes prepared discussion and 15 minutes open Q&A. You can either register for individual webinars or subscribe to the entire series – see the website for detailed instructions.

Tax Administration Research Centre

TARC, at the University of Exeter, is moving its semiar series online through Zoom. The centre's mission is to deliver outstanding interdisciplinary research in tax administration and policy that addresses the major challenges and strategic priorities confronting policymakers and tax authorities today.

Seminars will be held fortnightly, taking place on Wednesdays at 09:00 EST / 14:00 BST. Register by signing up for the mailing list.

Virtual International Trade and Macro Seminar

The University of Rochester is hosting an international trade and macroeconomics seminar. Seminars are on Thursdays, 2:00 PM EDT (1 hour for seminar, 30 minutes discussion).

Search and Matching in Macro and Finance Virtual Seminar Series

The purpose of our series is to facilitate the exchange of ideas in macroeconomics and finance with an emphasis on search and matching, among others.


The Virtual-monthly Mental health Economies Seminar Series is a virtual seminar focused on the economics of mental health organized by Ana Moura (Tilburg) and Christoph Kronenberg (Duisburg-Essen).

The Economics of Migration

A new online twin-webinar series on The Economics of Migration divided into a Junior and a Senior segment.

This is a joint initiative of CERDI, PSE, LISER, the University of Luxembourg, Universidad Carlos III, CEPII, the IC Migrations and the Development Research Group of the World Bank. Its objective is to propose an opportunity to migration scholars for exchanging and interacting with a broader audience.

Senior seminars will be weekly, and held on Wednesdays from 5.30 to 6.30 pm CET.

Junior seminars will be bi-weekly, and held on Mondays from 4.00 to 5.00 pm CET.

Graduate Students in Economics of Education Zoom (GEEZ)

We are excited to present you our Graduate Students in Economics of Education Zoom (GEEZ) seminars. The focus of this group is to provide a supportive platform for students to share their ongoing research. We hope to cover a wide expanse of topics relevant to Economics of Education and to highlight work happening in settings all over the world.

We will meet on Tuesdays at 12:00 ET (Washington DC time). The first session will be on Tuesday, April 21 2020. A presenter will be given 20 minutes and afterwards there will be 10 minutes for questions.

Economics of LGBTQ+ Individuals Virtual Seminar Series

The one-hour seminar includes a 35-minute presentation by the author and 25 minutes for questions and discussion. Seminars occur at 12pm EDT on Tuesdays.

YSI - Economic History Graduate Webinars

This Webinar has the objective to create a nice and friendly atmosphere for Graduate Students to present their last work. Priority will be given to next year Job Market Candidates. The Seminar will take place bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 16:00 - 17:00 CEST.

International Macro History Online Seminar (IMHOS)

The Graduate Institute and a consortium of twenty-four other institutions are launching the International Macro History Online Seminar (IMHOS) series.

MoFiR Virtual Seminars on Banking

Building on the success of the MoFiR Workshop on Banking, we are launching a monthly series of MoFiR virtual seminars on banking and financial intermediation to maintain an active discussion on these important topics. The seminars will be open to all those interested, including faculty, graduate students, and policymakers around the world.

Virtual Behavioral Economics Seminar (VIBE)

An international behavioral and experimental economics online seminar open to everybody organized by Aniol Llorente-Saguer (Queen Mary University London) and Salvatore Nunnari (Bocconi University).

Empirical Trade Online Seminar

FREIT and Georgia Insitute of Technology are hosting a new online only seminar series forum for international trade economists conducted via Zoom. The seminar will take place every Wednesday while COVID-19 pandemic lasts or until interest or energy disappear.

If you are interested in presenting please email us at

Applied Young Economist Webinar

The Applied Young Economist Webinar, organized by Ashani Amarasinghe (SoDa Laboratories, Monash Business School) and co-hosted by Ivan Yotzov (Warwick University), provides an ideal platform for PhD candidates and Post-Doctoral researchers to connect, interact and engage with each other, while sharing their enthusiasm for the discipline of Economics.

Virtual AFE Seminar Series

This virtual seminar series is organized jointly by John List, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, University of Chicago and Robert Metcalfe, Boston University Questrom School of Business, and serves as a complement to the annual AFE Conference.

The virtual seminar meets weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays at 12pm Eastern/11am Central. Seminars will consist of a 45 minute research paper presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. For questions, please contact Jamie Temmer (Phillips).

International Online Public Finance Seminar Series

A weekly, virtual workshop featuring research in public finance with a focus on taxes. Papers will be both invited and solicited with a call for papers.

We will meet every Thursday @11am EST.

Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory

The Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory provides a platform for scholars to present their unpublished work to a broad academic audience in the UK and abroad. It is organised by the team behind the UK [Workshop in Economic Theory, which has taken place annually since 2013.

Louvain Economics of Digitization Online Seminar

LED is a research group focused on the Digital Economy. The second edition of the online seminar (LED OS) will start the 2nd of October. The seminar takes place twice a month on Friday on Zoom, from 15:00 to 16:00 (CET). For more information and registration, please visit our website.


The POLECONUK Webinar provides a platform for scholars to disseminate research in political economy to a broad academic audience in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. We are a part of the POLECONUK network.

Virtual Finance Theory Seminar

Meetings: Wednesdays, 12 noon ET (NY time) (currently 6pm Germany/France, 9am SF, 5pm London). Format: 40min talk, 10 min open discussion. Organizer: Linda Schilling (Ecole Polytechnique CREST).

SWELL (Seminar in Water Economics onLLine)

Meetings: Tuesdays at 11:30AM eastern time (5:30PM CEST). Format: 30 min talk, 15 min open discussion. Organizer: Erik ansink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

The Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute's Seminars

The LEEPout webinar series is a monthly seminar series hosted by The LEEP Institute, University of Exeter. It is designed as a platform for the very best researchers to showcase their work at the cutting edge of environmental and resource economics. Days vary each month, but talks are an hour from 4pm UK (5pm Central Europe, 8am Pacific, 11am Eastern). Registration is required for each talk.

See our website for further updates, or subscribe to our mailing list.

SoDa Labs

The SoDa Labs webinar provides a platform for researchers around the world to present work that uses novel and alternative data and/or tools from data science and beyond to answer social science questions.

The webinar takes place on Tuesdays via zoom. The time of the seminar can vary depending on the location of the speaker. Please refer to the email announcement as well as the webinar calendar.

International Macro History Online Seminar Series

The spring 2021 sessions of the International Macro History Online Seminar will run from 17 February to 12 May 2021 and will take place virtually every Wednesday at 17:00 (Geneva time). The seminars will run for 60 minutes with an extra optional 15 minutes for further discussion.