It's kinda similar to template functions. You should just return one struct value (including maybe one or more error fields). However, you can also return a value and an error or a boolean.
The following would be acceptable result sets.
package domain
type T struct {
MissingDataReason error
type Server struct{}
func (Server) F1() T { return T{} }
func (Server) F2() (T, bool) { return T{}, false }
func (Server) F3() (T, error) { return T{}, nil }
func (Server) F4() error { return nil } // not sure why you'd do this
Before the left most value is passed to the template, it is boxed in a struct that also includes the *http.Request
So in your template you will receive a struct like this and T will be the left most return from your method:
package hypertext
import "net/http"
type TemplateData[T any] struct {
Request *http.Request
Result T
I'd like to add methods on this type to generate URLs based on the template routes. This will make using URLs in your templates more type safe.