Users Guide for GURPS 4e Game Aid for Foundry VTT
- Bugfix: Error when targeting a token with tagged target modifiers #2127
- Bugfix: Damage multipliers are not working #2129
- Bugfix: Dragging damage rolled when a token is unselected does not work #2133
- Bugfix: Still throwing placeables error. #2138
- Bugfix: 17.17 Tagged Modifier tag #attribute doesn't work #2140
- Bugfix: Roll not working for swing and thrust OTFs with modifiers #2141
- Bugfix: 17.17 inconsistent OtF space requirement before modifier #2145
- Bugfix: 17.17 tabbed sheet truncates hit locations #2135
- Feature: Maneuver Menu on Combat Tracker #2027
- Feature: Quick Roll Menu #2028
- Feature: Tagged Effect Modifiers #2029
- Feature: Confirmation Dialog Roll #2030
- Feature: Check Maneuver, Max Actions and Targets before Roll #2031
- Feature: Add Maneuver's and Parry modifiers automatically before roll #2033
- Feature: Improved support on Injury effects on Apply Damage Dialog #2034
- Feature: Refactored Tabbed Sheet
- Feature: Make Quick Notes collapsible or popout #2084 (closes 17.17-b3 tabbed sheet portrait scaling issue #2094)
- Bugfix: The "roll for me" option does not work #2010
- Bugfix: Fix bl unit for high strength characters #2041
- Bugfix: DFRPG Slam calculation is incorrect in /slam #2053
- Bugfix: Item Statistics missing with GCA4 import. #2057
- Bugfix: Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction in the Damage Calculator does not allow decimal inputs for values less than 2. #2043
- Bugfix: Item Indent on Reopen #2049
- Bugfix: /iftest applies bonuses twice #2059
- Bugfix: GURPS.executeOTF is broken when using /if [On-the-Fly] cs:{ critsuccessclaus } s:{ thenclaus } f:{ elseclause } cf:{ critfailureclause } #2060
- Bugfix: Auto save foundry Qty/Count not works when Use Foundry Itens is active #2063
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta TokenAction.newTurn throws "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined" #2074
- Bugfix: 17.17 Beta - Move and Attack did not work on Confirmation Dialog #2075
- Bugfix: /r [+1 anything] breaks executeOTF #2076
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta2 broke Macro OtFs in the character sheet #2079
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta 2 Confirmation Dialog Roll #2030 fails to recognize maneuver and character portrait #2080
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta2 Active Effects condition names are indistinguishable from each other in the droplist selector #2081
- Bugfix: 17.16 chat message for Shock has duplicate pdflink span elements #2083
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta2: Parry penalty is empty for existing characters, resulting in an NaN modifier #2086
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta2: Button in Chat message for Major Wound broken #2087
- Bugfix: 17.16 OtF Macro arguments do not support quoted strings #2089
- Bugfix: 17.17-b3-patched GURPS.executeOTF still unbalanced with more than one command in a clause #2093
- Bugifx: 17.17-beta2 Roll Confirmation #2030, multiple issues #2082
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta2: Parry penalty is applied multiple times (once for every attack mode) #2085
- Bugfix: 17.17-b3 Confirmation Dialog did not consider Bucket special modifiers #2096
- Bugfix: 17.17-b3: Tracking attacks and parrys not longer works #2099
- Bugfix: Beta 3 - ADD doesn't note crippling any more #2101
- Bugfix: 17.17-b3 Parsing error for non tagged modifiers in Modifier Bucket #2102
- Bugfix: 17.17-b3 Damage roll ignores armor divisor #2103
- Bugfix: 17.17-beta4 Move and Attack, ranged penalty issues #2109
- Bugfix: 17.16 Token name display appends .gcs #2111
- Bugfix: 17.17-b4 Roll Confirmation breaks multiple damage rolls even if disabled #2112
- Bugfix: 17.17-b4 Effect Modifier bug with range penalty and missile spells or melee spells #2113
- Bugfix: Import overwrites character portrait regardless of System Setting "overwrite portraits" = true #2117
- Bugfix: Modifiers created via Active Effect are duplicating #2119
- Bugfix: System did not sum Acc bonus after 2nd turn #2120
- Bugfix: 17.17-b5 ADD Knockback errors, multiple #2122
- Bugfix: 17.17-b5 Cannot drop OtFs on Quick Notes area #2125
- Feature: Multiple actor import. Import multiple GCS and GCA files with one command. #1994
- Bugfix: Errors occurring when users drop damage onto mooks/NPCs #2024
- Bugfix: Larger Fonts Hides "skills" in tabbed view till window is pulled open further #2015
- Bugfix: Attack mixup if weapon name differs only in a postfix #2025
- Bugfix: Damage dropping not working as intended #2007
- Bugfix: Duplicating the specialization name to other skills #2035
- Feature: Remove the homebrew rules from the modifier bucket, and add MA maneuvers to the bucket. #2023
- Bugfix: Slam calculator appears not to be working #2022
- Bugfix: Importing a Character Causes Endless Error Loop #2019
- Bugfix: Bug: Lifting and moving things chart breaks with high ST characters #2039
Release 0.17.15 10/31/2024
- Feature: Customizable/floating Roll3d6 button and modifier bucket.
- Feature: Show Foundry Item images on Character sheet.
- Bugfix: Broken CSS on Item Editor sheet.
- Bugfix: Lost encumbrance levels after import.
- Bugfix: Item data not backup after item removed.
Release 0.17.14 10/28/2024
This is a minor release in preparation for the release of the Warlock Knight VTT module by Gaming Ballistic.
Bugfix: Size modifier is not being imported.
now return the best value, not the first. -
Feature: Hit locations and trackers can be referenced by name (for macros). Eg.
andsystem.trackersByName['Control Points'].value
. -
Add nonstandard values for Control Rolls to the language files.
Release 0.17.13 10/12/2024
Bugfix: fix switching target in the effect modifier window. #1992 (user @StefanLang)
Add easy OtF and macro access to hitlocations and resource trackers.
The following are all thanks to user @chrismaille:
- Bugfix: Missing DR location when import GCS Equipment Pack #1978
- Bugfix: When dragging an Item in a textarea of another Item, creates a link #1981
- Bugfix: When dragging an Equipment with Melee or Ranged Attacks, system did not add the attacks on character sheet #1982
- Bugfix: Importing GCS characters without advantages does not work #1984
- Bugfix: Modifier Bucket hidden behind character sheets. #1986
- Bugfix: Duplicated items after import when character generator did not export uuid. #1989
- Bugfix: Items not deleted from Actor after use the "delete item" in actor sheet. #1990
- Bugfix: After drop an Item from a Compendium system can't find their added Attacks #1993
- Feature Request: Add the ability to translate some elements #1975
- Feature Request: When import GCS Equipment Pack use extended values for Cost and Weight #1980
- Feature Feature Request: Add chat command to change Damage Resistance (/dr) #1991
Correct NaN error using _getSegmentLabel with Elevation Ruler module #1987 (user @caewok)
Release 0.17.12 9/28/2024
- EXPERIMENTAL: Import character data as Foundry Items. This was submitted by user chrismaille and is intended to leverage Foundry functionality that depends upon Items. Turning this feature on in the system settings affects any future imports and does not affect any existing actors. Please tag chrismaille on Discord for any questions or bugs.
Release 0.17.11 9/22/2024
- Correctly calculate max HP loss when using High Tech Optional Wounding Rules (HT p.162).
- Use ruler._addWaypoint instead of modifying waypoints directly (user caewok).
- Allow Foundry font size to be more consistently applied to character sheets.
- Correctly parse skill names with a hyphen (such as "Fast-Talk") (user chrismaille).
- More global objects for external modules (added GURPS.lastInjuryRoll(s); modified GURPS.lastTargetRoll to include Chat message ID) (user chrismaille).
- Correctly remember and display the file for the Smart Importer (user chrismaille).
- Show debug info on document dialogs (user cchrismaille).
- Add more Resource Tracker slots. Its now effectively unlimited.
- Remove warning about accessing token.effect
Release 0.17.10 9/1/2024
- Change Posture effect "label" to "name" to properly display in dropdown.
- Updated Tabbed sheet to make it more compact and usable.
- Prevent multiple Postures from being selected.
- Support for High Tech hit locations -- if Torso is hit, there is a 1-in-6 chance of hitting the Vitals instead. (Thanks, GitHub user NoOrangeSkitty!)
Release 0.17.9 8/17/2024
- Fixed trait and weapon importing for GCS file version 5 (GCS 5.24+)
- Fixed import of filenames with spaces by replacing space with underscore.
- Allow import of equipment weapon with blank damage.
- Fix random horizontal scrollbar in character sheet (user Wilou1428).
- Support Dungeon Fantasy page code conventions used in GCA (user chrismaille).
Release 0.17.8
- Import GCS v5 attacks from Equipment compendium.
Release 0.17.7
- Fixed character importing for GCS file version 5 (GCS 5.24+)
Release 0.17.6
- JB2A update to 0.6.9
- Fixed Physical Dice roll
- Fixed Resource Tracker display (esp for Control Points)
- Fixed setting 'dead' status from combat tracker
- Fixed Target Range (in Effects Modifier), when scene grid is NOT yards
Release 0.17.5
- Add CSS to enable horizontal scrollbars if the width of the window is less than the width of the actor sheet.
Release 0.17.4 6/29/2024
- Dice So Nice now works for most targetted rolls and damage. This appears to also fix the public/private/blind chat messages.
- Fix Shock and Major Wound errors when clicked on in the chat.
Release 0.17.3 6/19/2024
- Update 'duplicate' method (deprecated) to 'foundry.utils.duplicate'.
- Fix problem where Tracker value was being treated as a string.
- Fix Resource Trackers not updating.
- Fix setting Maneuvers on actors in combat.
- Fix right side truncation of default GCS sheet with PopOut! (It still opens the width of your monitor, though.)
Release 0.17.2 6/03/2024
- Fix merge issue
Release 0.17.1 6/03/2024
- Fix version number issue
Release 0.17.0 6/02/2024
- Update for Foundry V12
- Update for JB2A v0.6.8
Release 0.16.10 4/23/2024
- Fix Foundry/Github release
Release 0.16.9 04/21/2024
- Attempt to fix localization issues with hit locations in the ADD. If the hit location table on the character sheet is localized, it will not match the default hit location name 'Torso'. This fix attempts to localize the default hit location name if the location is not found, and try again with the localized name.
- Fixed PDFs not resizing vertically.
- Handled missing equipment data in actor when displaying navigation menu.
- Made the skills section of the character sheet resize a bit bigger.
- Fix the ADD calculation of "crippling injury" to limbs.
- Add range to targeted tokens in Effect Modifiers panel.
- Update JB2A to 0.6.7
Release 0.16.8 02/01/2024
- Fixed "UI: Show 3D6" always shows the dice even if off.
- Re-enabled OTF macros (stopped working because of a base FoundryVTT version change). The new version takes named arguments, like [/:SpellDamage title=Explosive_Fireball dice=1 adjust=-1].
- Automatically rename Resource Tracker names or aliases if another tracker has the same value.
- Enforce Resource Tracker max and min.
- Possibly fixed the actor editor's ability to delete skills, traits, hit locations, etc.
- Allow IT:DR on the ADD to include fractions.
Release 0.16.7 12/17/23
- Added import of markdown resolved notes for characters
- Updated GCA import script
- Added Exxar's "On Target" maneuvers as a option.
Release 0.16.5 8/27/23
- Fixed characters with SM +0 not importing in Foundry 11.308
Release 0.16.4 07/10/2023
- Provide warning if no skill applicable
- Fix for PDF render
Release 0.16.3 07/02/2023
- Restrict GGA to Foundry V11
Release 0.16.2 07/02/2023
- Fix for context menus in the editor sheet.
- Update Nordlond Bestiary and Nightmare Fuel sheets for v11.
- Restore the functionality to turn maneuvers on and off, and set their visibility.
- Fix for setting Standing posture from Token Action HUD Classic.
- Update for JB2A 0.5.9
Release 0.16.1 06/29/2023
- Fix for the maneuver and posture active effects.
Release 0.16.0 06/20/2023
- Update system.json Foundry v11
- Move MOD bucket +50 to the right to fit hotbar
- Allow negative input in apply damage dialog
- Remove duplicate range info from range ruler
- Update for JB2a 0.5.8
- Fixed Mook parser for ST based ranges (ex: ange x1.5/x2.5)
- Fixed ability to remove generic modifier from effects window
Release 0.15.32 03/13/2023
- Expose the ApplyDamageDialog via the GURPS global object ()
- Update for JB2a
- fixed issue where QTYs and user edits were not being saved for various GCS imported items
- fixed combat tracker reorder
Release 0.15.31 02/22/2023
- Fixed gurpslink parsing, thanks SrAndros!
Release 0.15.30 02/17/2023
- Fixed range ruler causing errors with range strategies other than the SSRT
Release 0.15.29 02/14/2023
- Fixed range ruler not working
Release 0.15.28 02/12/2023
- Removed hack to prevent multiple maneuver icons.
- Updated Portuguese language file
Release 0.15.27 01/18/2023
- Allow multiple commands on check/during OTF commands. Check uses the last OTF to determine success
- Update FrightCheck message to display OTF modifiers
- Fix FrightCheck message PDF reference
Release 0.15.26 01/16/2023
- Fixed multiple maneuver icons if you have Nordland or GURPS Instant Defaults loaded.
- Fixed multi-distance range calc
Release 0.15.25 01/16/2023
- Fix Add OTF support for GM Notes module ;-)
- Added (and defaulted to) DFRPG Slam calculation
Release 0.15.24 01/11/2023
- Remove the leading + from Accuracy bonus on the character sheets. (In preparation to handle accuracy mods like "5+2"..."+5+2" just looks too weird.)
- Add OTF support for GM Notes module
- Support usage note on melee/ranged weapons
- Fixed Skill/Spell search if it contains ^
Release 0.15.23 01/11/2023
- Fixed system.json to point to correct files.
Release 0.15.22 01/10/2023
- Allow Tracker conditions to contain OtFs (useful for mods)
- Fixed reveal/hide buttons for secret sections on Journals
- Allow Drag bucket to chat log
Release 0.15.21 01/09/2023
- Fixed removing effect updates modifier window immediately
Release 0.15.20 01/09/2023
- Fixed error when tooltip opens on actor without any user modifiers
- Fixed layout issue with effects modifier window (jumping every time new token selected)
Release 0.15.19 01/08/2023
- Add /mod command to allow setting of effects modifiers
- Change modifier tooltip to use effects modifiers
- Added drag and drop to Effect Modifier panel
- Default to opening Effects Modifier panel to left of the sidebar
- Added modifiers to Basic Abstract Difficulty icons
- Fixed drag and drop into Journal Entries
Release 0.15.18 12/31/2022
- Update to JB2a 0.5.3
- Fix editing of Will and Per attributes (thanks @JT314!)
- (Hopefully) fix the display of the rollable attribute on the GCS actor sheet.
- Include src ID for attributes rolled directly from the charactersheet.
Release 0.15.17 12/15/2022
- Allow attribute rolls (IQ, DX, etc.) to remember which character they came from using OtF sourceId (for GMs with multiple NPCs)
- Add support for RcL < 1 (0.5), to support a weapon that shoots 2 rounds per attempt
- Fix /st ... @self to work with /sr command
- Workaround for UI blowing up (if player clicked on damage chat window to see rolls). Rolls are now always shown for damage chat msgs
Release 0.15.16 12/08/2022
- Added support for list of files using /sound chat command. /sound /dir/somefile.txt read text file (list of file names) and randomly picks one
- Prevent /anim error if no token or actor selected
- Fixed parsing of attacks with single quotes in name
Release 0.15.15 12/07/2022
- Fixed /anim targeting code is Warpgate is missing
Release 0.15.14 12/06/2022
- Fixed overlapping Github tags
Release 0.15.13 12/06/2022
- Added support for Warpgate module (in animations). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
- Shortened "Roll Damage" to "Damage" in successful hit msg
- Show error if PDF book code not found
- Allow case insensitive OTF for PDF
- Foundry item rename now correctly renames ranged attacks
- Fixed error in en lang selection warning
- Rounded down Strength based ranges to nearest integer
- Updated to JB2A 0.5.2
Release 0.15.12 11/17/2022
- Fixed chat display of OTF modifiers (including "+0")
Release 0.15.11 11/10/2022
- Change Github release.yml to include 'utils'
- Fixed more Item issues caused by the v9->v10 upgrade. Items will now split and combine by name.
Release 0.15.10 11/10/2022
- Change system.json to report RAW zip file (will fix /anim issues)
Release 0.15.9 11/10/2022
- Update to JB2A 0.5.1
- Fix for #1644 (Mod Bucket stops after one modifier is clicked if not using mouseover to open).
- Fixed MANY issues with Items in Foundry v10
- Fixed alternate attribute based OtFs, e.g. Sk:Brawling (Based:ST)
Release 0.15.8 11/06/2022
- Fixed portrait upload not working for users
- Fixed modifier not updating for multiple selections in some instances
Release 0.15.7 10/10/2022
- Fixed chat commands not returning true/false (for use in /if commands)
- Fixed trackers not setting max value on import.
- Fixed UI being moved off-screen when expanding damage calculation.
Release 0.15.6 10/02/2022
- Fixed GCS 5 import when melee attack has no level.
- Fixed GCS 5 disad calculations.
- Added support for /st + standing to allow you to clear other postures (to help support TAH feature)
- Update to JB2A 0.5.0
Release 0.15.5 9/28/2022
- Fixed drag and drop items between non-GM characters
- Minor GCS 5.0 import changes
Release 0.15.4 9/27/2022
- GCS 5.0 import, yeah!
Release 0.15.3 9/19/2022
- Fixed yard count for ruler, thanks @SrAndros!
- Fixed infinite tracker import loop
- Removed duplicate handlebar helpers
- Fixed /ra bug
- Possible solution to funky damage chat issue (#1587)
Release 0.15.2 9/15/2022
- Fixed journal entry page text duplication bug
Release 0.15.1 9/14/2022
- Fixed call to missing obsolete migration methods.
- Updated Users Doc PDF
- Support JournalEntryPage drag&drop
- Fixed targeted rolls made by a specific actor will remember that actor (especially when clicking 'follow on' damage after hit)
Release 0.15.0 9/11/2022
- Updated the system for compatibility with FoundryVTT version 10
- Updated GCA5 export script (GCA5-14)
- Updated /select (/sel) command to accept * as only parameter (and selects all tokens)
- Updated targetted /anim commands to prompt for target, instead of just reporting error
Release 0.14.12 9/11/2022 Release 0.14.11 9/11/2022
- Fixed release branch
Release 0.14.10 - 9/07/2022
- Fixed Skill search if skill has no name
- Catch bad maneuver data during import
- Don't throw exception when a bad token is in combat
- Protect char sheet positioning if bad position
- Fixed PDF references like "b40-43"
- Fixed, reinstalled individual dice results on targetted rolls.
- Enhanced /show to accept -a (sort alphabetically), -pc and -npc flags
- Fixed import of usage notes for melee and ranged weapons
- Fixed /anim file selection algorithm (to determine best fit). NOTE: You may need to adjust your current targeted /anim commands to get the right "look".
- Added 'Show?' button to tooltip
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking a "send to" will add, not replace player's bucket
- Update to JB2A 0.4.9
- Fixed parsing for 1/2 damage, ex: [2Dx0.5 cut]
- Fixed other eqt cost in header bar
- Fixed damage chat message "attacker" (which may be different than 'selected')
Release 0.14.9 - 8/26/2022
- @Neck fixed the item parsing bug (with missing names)
Release 0.14.8 - 8/26/2022
- Update JB2A to 0.4.7
- Fixed GCS import to handle no advantages
- Append the advantage name to a default Control Roll import from GCS
- @Neck fixed the GCS portrait import issue (for accented names)
Release 0.14.7 - 7/28/2022
- Added 'disarmed' status effect icon
- Fixed /pr (private roll), and /psr (private selected roll)
- Update JB2A to 0.4.6
Release 0.14.6 - 7/24/2022
- Fixed bug in /sr parsing to allow nested [] (for /if checks)
Release 0.14.5 - 7/24/2022
- Fixed pi+ and pi++ parsing on Mook generator
- Fixed pi++ OTF parsing and damage creation
- Fixed GCS import exception when using UTF-8
- Added Legendsmith's BAD status icons
- Fixed Cast time column for Items
- Fixed calc on ADs/DisADs so it works like GCS
- Holding CTRL shows changes in roll mode (GM roll for GMs, Blind roll for Players), w/system setting
- Fix /hp +1 @target for good?
- Damage column can now execute OTFs (ex: PDF:B405)
- OTF now handles HTTP URLs. [], as well as labeled ["Google!"]
- Drag and drop PDF Journal links now open PDFoundry, and not the placeholder Journal
- Show "flavor" text below roll (issue #1426)
- Add ability to roll dice or damage multiple times from chat "/r [3d] 5" or "/r [3d cut] 5"
- Add ability to roll dice or damage multiple times from chat (using compact syntax) "/3d 5" or "/3d cut 5"
- Fixed initial vtt-notes import from GCS
- Added warning for /repeat X /anim ... when actor not linked
- Added "selected roll", /sr [otf], /psr [otf] . "rolls" (executes) OTF against the selected actors. /sr [per], /sr [/hp -1d-3!], /sr [/hp reset]
Release 0.14.4 7/7/2022
- Import Portrait image from GCS file, Thanks @Neck!
- Change UTF reader to "hopefully" support extended characters on Mac and Linux
- Update code to convert 'BX' PDF references to 'B' references if using the combined PDF (GCS Library update 3.15.1)
- Update JB2A to 0.4.5
- Fixed? the possible Mythic Game Master Emulator issue when using Dice so Nice.
Release 0.14.3 5/31/2022
- Update Foundry release
Release 0.14.2 5/29/2022
- Another possible fix to the Forge modifier bucket bug.
Release 0.14.1 5/25/2022
- Add guard code to prevent tokens without actors in combat from breaking everything.
- Fix integration with Nordlond Bestiary module (Issue 1423).
Release 0.14.0 5/18/2022
- Partial fix for Modifier Bucket when Minimal UI module is active.
- Fix for Damage followon button for Nordlond Bestiary.
- Add initial support for 'kb' (knockback only) damage type.
- Support override text for PDF links.
- Fixed PDF references for Gaming Ballistic and Nordlond Bestiary
Release 0.13.19 5/03/2022
- Fixed *Cost 1FP modifiers (not removing FP)
Release 0.13.18 5/02/2022
- Updated to JB2A 0.4.2
- Fixed "Roll Damage" followon (it only displays when an attack is rolled)
Release 0.13.17 4/26/2022
- Fixed GCA5 export for block values, thank you @Woodman!
- Fixed display of DR in NPC/Mini and Simple sheets
- Fixed Parry display (e.g. 11U, 12F, etc.)
Release 0.13.16 4/26/2022
- Unified Language support for GCA4/5 & GCS (works with Polygot module)
- Add "Roll Damage" button after successful "attack" roll
- "Mostly" internationalize Mook input screen and NPC sheet
Release 0.13.15 4/20/2022
- Default Multiple/Combine damage dialog to "possible number of hits" value (for ranged weapons with Rof and RCL)
- Make Quintessence system setting world scope
- Fixed non 6-sided damage parsing for Mook generator
- Fixed equipment library items being duplicated after world is reloaded (@neck)
- Made 3D6 transparent and borderless
- Fix handling of Attacks with double quote in name (e.g. to show ammo size in inches)
- Fixed /hp +X @target if target owner not online or GM
- Fixed error msg if damage formula is not rollable
- Fixed Mooks displaying "meleename ()" if no Usage (mode)
- Fixed GCA import failure when items contains notes
Release 0.13.14 4/12/2022
- Make all @margin entries case insensitive
- Add /if check for @margin, @isCritSuccess, @isCritFailure (@margin >/>=/</<=/=/== X)
- Fixed, when clicking OTF Journal link, only show for current user (not all owners, including GM).
- Added range modifier support for grid units (ex: meters, millimeters, kilometers, inches, centimeters, feet, yards, miles, parcecs, light years, etc.) Thanks @Kalos!
- Allow *Per 1fp (vs. *Cost 1fp)
- Updated JB2A to v0.4.x
- Add support for split DR.
- Support linked damage: all comma-separated damage will be rolled with one click. E.g.
2d cut,1d+1 burn
. - Support an optional title for a Note.
- Added a "damage accumulator" for powers like spells which do a variable amount of damage. Adding '+' in front of damage makes it accumulate.
- Added damage right-click option to combine multiple rolls into one; e.g. combining five
1d-1 burn
rolls yields one roll of5d-5 burn
. - Added @kbrownridge's Quintessence code
Release 0.13.13 3/10/2022
- Make /hp/fp @target case insensitive
- Fixed conflict with GURPS Easy Combat
Release 0.13.12 3/9/2022
- Allow Skill Names to be enclosed in single quotes
- Import GCS VTT-Notes for Advantages and Equipment
- Fixed import spell class from .gcs
- Fixed display in melee/range if item in both equipped and other equipment list
- Fixed /fc chat command
- Added 'thing' description when using +/-@margin as a modifier
- Add GM drag and drop combat initiative order (for Peter ;-)
- Fixed Item bonuses/melee/ranged not respecting 'unequipped' flag.
- Added system setting for default ADD action (apply, apply quietly, target).
Release 0.13.11 3/7/2022
- Re-Fixed equipped parry (when 0)
Release 0.13.10 3/7/2022
- Re-enabled remote sending of LastTargetedRolls (fixed bug)
- Fixed equipped parry (when 0)
Release 0.13.9 3/6/2022
- Fixed bug when melee attacks do not have a parry stat.
- Disabled remote sending of LastTargetedRolls due to performance issues.
- Added support for v2 of Token Action HUD
Release 0.13.8 3/5/2022
- Fixed GCA5-12 export for unmodified damage.
- Increased size of generic modifier buttons in Other Modifiers section.
- Fixed various chat messages (failing substitutions).
- Added handling of user defined page ref containing URL.
- Fixed /status chat command.
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese language file.
- Change remaining calls from {{localize}} handlebar to ((i18n}} handlebar.
- Fixed reaction and conditional mods to be draggable.
Release 0.13.7 3/2/2022
- Fixed /mook generator (Thank you Scimon!)
Release 0.13.6 3/1/2022
- Fixed /IF [otf] cs:{} s:{} f:{} cf:{} logic ;-)
Release 0.13.5 2/28/2022
- Updated GCA5 Exporter to fix an export issue. ~Stevil
- Updated import code to warn if not using latest GCA5 export script.
- Removed default hit locations from template file.
- Added support for multiple movement modes, such as Ground, Air, Water, Space. (In the editor, click the edit button next to the new Move Type dropdown menu to add, delete, modify movement types).
- Support for Enhanced Move, including in the Drag Ruler.
- Support unlimited, by-the-book, range on the Standard Speed, Size, and Range Table.
- Unified the NPC/mini and NPC/mini CI sheets. Now "NPC/mini" supports both.
- Added /IF [otf] cs:{} s:{} f:{} cf:{} syntax
- Added @margin to add last margin of success to roll (useful on frightcheck tables, reaction tables)
- Added @target for /hp /fp commands
- Added support for !/ev [OTF] which will roll [OTF] against all of the player characters, a blindrolls (so only the GM sees).
- Fixed some Dice so Nice calls for /ev, /hp, /fp and random hit location
- Added Modifier Bucket magnet
- Added modifier [+@margin]
- Fixed Melee attack usage not saving during edit
- Fixed Melee/Range attack if usage/mode contained "( )"
- Added +/-@margin to attribute, skill and attack OTFs ex: [ST+@margin] [Sk:Brawling-@margin] [M:Natural*Attacks+@margin]
- Fixed Resource Tacker editor (re-enabled + buttons), and added "Add Resource Tracker" button to melee head (if no trackers)
- Updated to JB2A v0.3.8
Release 0.13.4 2/15/2022
- Fixed drag and drop into Quick Notes to include display name
- Added drag and drop OTFs into editables (Ads, Skills, spells, notes, etc.)
- Changed to (Blind Roll) so as to not confuse HTML parsing
Release 0.13.3 2/7/2022
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese language file.
- Fixed OTF parsing of [70]
- Fixed initial importing of vtt_notes
- Fixed Blind rolls
Release 0.13.2 1/24/2022
- Added support for Unmodified Damage in the GCS and GCA4/5 files for use with GGA import. (@Stevil)
- Added support for c:[] d:[] p:[] f:[] parsing from notes
- Added support for upcoming vtt_notes from GCS
- Added /show FP HP
- Update TriggerHappy teleport to be more selection friendly @Drawing[PortB]@Trigger[move capture]@Teleport[PortA]@OTF[1d-3 burn]@OTF[/wait 500\/anim flamesorange200 c270 *2]
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese language file. (Hi, Frerol!)
- Fixed spamming chat messages for reeling/exhausted.
- Fixed the 'user created equipment' flag on equipment creation.
- Added system setting to turn on/off chat messages for reeling/exhausted.
- Added warning for bad sound file
Release 0.13.1 1/12/2022
- Fixed OTF parsing for "*Costs tr()"
- @Neck fixed modifier/conditional modifier calculation for .gcs import
- Added /repeat (/rpt) command for animations
- Added @Teleport and @OTF verbs if you use Trigger Happy module
- Fixed Natural Attacks bug (if the attack name contained parenthesis)
- Change NPC UI 'Dmg' to 'Th/Sw'
Release 0.13.0 1/8/2022
- Fixed /ra help string
- Added warning if trying to set maneuver /man when not in combat
- Replace GURPS.genkey with zeroFill()
- Fixed /uses reset eqt
- Updated /light command to work with new Foundry V9 lighting model
- Fixed /tr# (where # = 0-3)
- Enhanced /tr & /qty commands to allow spaces between +-= and the number
- Fixed Foundry Item image hover
- Sorted /show output so highest results appear first, /showa (/sha) shows alphabetically
- Fixed Attacks that have () in the mode
- Updated Effects Modifier Popup button to appear in upper left menu
- Fixed [ST26] OtFs (fixed target attribute rolls)
Release 0.12.17 1/4/2020
- Updated GCS import to calc block and handle missing 'calc' object @neck
- Updated GCA5 export script to latest version
- Updated lighting/darkness modifiers
Release 0.12.16 12/31/2021 Happy New Year!
- Fixed conditional modifiers from concatenating everything into the final line.
- Fixed display of the NPC/Mook sheets.
- Added French language file, thank you Eikhan!!
- Round fractional numbers in Encumbrance and Lifting tables to 1 decimal place.
Release 0.12.15 12/25/2021
- Re-Fixed "Removed Unequipped Weapons" setting (allow things like Natural Attacks, which do not have a corresponding equipment)
Release 0.12.14 12/25/2021 Happy Christmas everyone!
- Fixed "Removed Unequipped Weapons" setting
Release 0.12.13 12/25/2021 Ho Ho Ho... Merry Christmas!
- Fixed "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'terms')"
Release 0.12.12 12/24/2021 Merry Christmas everyone!
- Always show the sign (+/-) on Conditional Modifiers
- This fixes the issue of Roll Tables not adding the global modifier to the die roll.
- Added code to prevent failure to import a character with a spell that has no 'difficulty' value.
Release 0.12.11 12/23/2021
- Update /show help
- Add Portrait share for GM users
- Fixed applying basic damage for multiple damage rolls
- Updated GCS exporter to do Conditional Modifiers (needs a bug fixed in GCS before it works)
- Fixed equipment menus to only open on a contextmenu event.
- Add target modifiers to Effects Modifier popup window.
- Add SM to target modifiers.
- Added another range/speed table (-1 per 10 yards/meters).
- Possibly fixed adding two statuses at the same time, such as stun + prone.
- Fixed Full GCS sheet's navigation widget operating on wrong sheet.
- Added effect modifiers for the "Blind" status.
- Fixed the Dodge column in Encumbrance to enable 'rollable' only on the current encumbrance level.
- Added GCS direct import by rinickolous / neck
- ADD will now automatically select Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Diffuse, or Homogenous) if any of the following exists as an Advantage on the actor sheet, where <type> is one of Unliving, Diffuse, or Homogenous:
- Name is 'Injury Tolerance (<type>)' or
- Name is '<type>' or
- Name is 'Injury Tolerance' AND Notes contains '<type>'
- Fix for Foundry v.0.9 layout.
- Added targeted token modifiers to Effect Modifier popup.
- Updated GCA export to GCA-11, supporting Conditional Modifiers
- Added beta GCA5 export mehalforc / Stevil
Release 0.12.10 12/1/2021
- Fixed "crash the world" bug if user enters a bad modifier in tooltip
- Removed unnecessary leading space when dropped in quick note
Release 0.12.9 12/1/2021
- Added OtF Drop into Journal (but not editor, sorry
Release 0.12.8 12/1/2021
- Added drag drop into chat log and chat input field
- Fixed equipped parry if weapon name contains more info than the equipment
- Added drag and drop into mook generator (to quickly create entries)
- Added link to Foundry lighting page for /light help
- Updated animation list to JB2A 3.2
Release 0.12.7 11/30/2021
- Added /man into /help list
- Fixed /w help information
- Updated Users Guide (and associated PDF)
Release 0.12.6 11/30/2021
- Updated GCA export to make OtF-able CR: when exporting (@Stevil)
- Updated 'export to Foundry VTT.gce', moved the modifiers from the 'name' tag to be part of the 'text' tag in the Ads/Disads (@Stevil)
- Updated GCA export validation to GCA-10
- Add /maneuver /man chat command to set maneuver
- Fixed dragging multiple modifier buckets onto the same macro (replace works correctly now)
- Fixed equipped status mirrors carried status (and all items contained within)
- Fixed /showmbs command
- Fixed [S:skill -mod] where mod was being applied twice
- Fixed +/- buttons on equipment list
- Added +/- buttons to Uses column in equipment list
- Added HTTP link support for all lists (not just equipment)
- Added /show fright move speed
Release 0.12.5 11/23/2021
- Fixed a bug with the ADD applying damage to a resource tracker.
- Remove chat messages for ranged attack modifiers on postures. (Will be replaced by target modifier list window).
- Updated color picker to speed up GGA load time
- Added drag and drop of OtFs from chat & journals
- Changed drag and drop macros to be chat macros (instead of script)
- Allow OtF macros to be merged on drag and drop
Release 0.12.4 11/16/2021
- Added drag and drop to quick notes
- Added support for Test function [?XX:nane] where XX is A: ads & attack (melee & range), AD: ads, AT: attack, M: melee, R: ranged, S: skills & spells, SK: skills, SP: spells
- Updated color selection code (@Stevil)
- Hopefully fixed skill layout issues (@Stevil)
- Hopefully fixed "GURPS Instant Defaults" issue.
Release 0.12.3 11/11/2021
- Fixed misspelling of variable name
Release 0.12.2 11/11/2021
- Add data protection code displayNumber and try catch to migration functions
Release 0.12.1 11/11/2021
- Add data protection code in updateToken()
Release 0.12.0 11/10/2021
- Implemented Active Effects framework.
- Added Posture (as an Active Effect) to Conditions.
- Rewrote Reeling and Exhausted to be Active Effects.
- Add Effects Modifier popup window.
- Added "Mental Stun" to status effects.
- Updated German translation.
- Added /help chat-command or ?chat-command help text.
- Merged @Stevil's custom actor sheet colorization code
- Added a fix to make GGA compatible with Mythic GM module (may also fix other module compatibilities)
- Made Skill & Spell RSL column 'rollable'
- Add 'Combat Move' to Conditions.
- Allow user to opt-out of Maneuvers updating Move.
- Big rewrite of actor sheets and editor.
- Update to JB2A 3.0
Release 0.11.12 10/16/2021
- Fixed P & B OtF modifiers for Parry and Block by specific weapon ;-) Thanks danielrab!
Release 0.11.11 10/15/2021
- Added P & B OtF modifiers for Parry and Block by specific weapon
- Updated charactersheet to use new P & B OtF formulas
- Fixed some minor bugs (drag/drop modifier bucket)
Release 0.11.10 10/14/2021
- Fix for non-english character sheets
- Added 'usage' to OtF reported in chat log
- Made USAGE column clickable to roll attack
- Allow OtF formulas to replace Attack/Skill names, i.e.["Rapier"A:Rapier] so name of weapon is rollable
Release 0.11.9 10/08/2021
- Merged in @WeirdBread's fix to the tight beam burning wounding modifier to the vitals (from 3x, which was wrong, to 2x).
- Fixed Reaction spelling
- Added data protection clauses
Release 0.11.8 10/07/2021
- Added system setting, unequipped items not displayed in melee or ranged attacks
- Added danialrab's browser support to remember the last import location (and system setting)
- Updated anim support for JB2A's Vasselheim release (0.2.6)
- Rewrote the Maneuver system to be Foundry ActiveEffects.
- Resolved several bugs with Maneuvers (randomly not clearing, UI warnings when changing Maneuver settings, keeping Maneuver as the first icon in the list).
- Store the last targeted roll for every actor in the GURPS object (
). Use the actor's or token's ID to fetch a data object with the results of that roll. This might be used in a macro to get and use margin of success, for example.
let actor = game.actors.getName('Arne Arneson')
let data = GURPS.lastTargetedRolls[]
`check: [${data.thing}], modified target: [${data.finaltarget}], roll total: [${data.rtotal}], margin of success: [${data.margin}]`
This prints: check: [Broadsword ], modified target: [15], roll total: [13], margin of success: [2]
- Fixed the /li (light) chat command to correctly accept color intensity value
- Added Cool Macros example wiki page.
- Implemented double knockback (dkb) damage modifier. E.g.,
[3d+1 cr dkb]
works. - Implemented no knockback (nkb) damage modifier (
[3d+1 cr nkb]
results in no knockback regardless of target's ST). - Updated Brazilian Portuguese language file (thanks, Frerol!). Who wants to tackle Russian and German?
- Optionally allow a damage OTF to include a hit location. E.g.,
[3d cr dkb @Vitals]
. Location must exactly match a hit location on the targeted actor. - Fixed an issue with Western European style decimals (such as '6,25') in the Basic Speed field during imports. If the value contains a comma (',') character, it is parsed as if it is Western European; otherwise it is parsed as if it is US/UK ('6.25').
- More maneuver tweaks -- I think it really works correctly now.
- Implemented tight beam burning from B399. To use this, add the 'tbb' damage modifier with the 'burn' damage type (for example,
[6d burn tbb]
). - Added portrait to NPC and NPC-CI actor sheets.
- Added Encumbrance, Move & Dodge and Lifting & Moving Things to Combat tab in the Tabbed Actor sheet.
- Report all rolled items as OtF formulas (so they can be re-rolled).
Release 0.11.7 - 7/22/2021
- Added GURPS.recurselist()
Release 0.11.6 - 7/22/2021
- Fixed bug when trying to roll skill that contained [ ] in the name
Release 0.11.5 - 7/21/2021
- Fixed mook parsing issue (for mooks with no Traits)
- Update tooltip mods to include "-1 due to deceptive attack"
- Added 'Quick Sheet' system setting
- Added quick roll for damage /dmg-formula or .dmg-formula
- Fixed compendium import for ROF field
- Fixed import DRs like "0 + 8" and correctly handles "Arms" to "Left Arm/Right Arm" mapping again.
- Added system setting for UTF-8 import encoding
- Mouse wheel over Modifier Bucket adds modifier
- Added /sound chat command
- Reskinned the Fright Check UI, added clickable margins of success/failure
- Added the ability for Trusted players or GM to roll physical dice and enter the results into the game aid.
- Shorten Foundry name so that it doesn't wrap on Game Settings tab
- Support for JB2A "Scanlan" release
- Don't display Item icon if it is the default "icons/svg/item-bag.svg"
- Added Dodge and Move to Combat tab of tabbed sheet
- Fixed /light command now accepts decimals /light 2.9 0.7
- Fixed /show skill where skill name contains a single quote
- Fixed drag and drop EQT in tabbed view
Release 0.11.4 - 7/01/2021
- Fixed Fright Check /fc table roll
- Added "move" to centered animations, scale affect targeted Y, c:xp,yp set offset
- System setting to automatically save QTY/count on equipment
- Fixed "Level" column in melee/ranged weapons goes blank or NaN after using resource tracker
- Support for JB2A "Raishan" release (which includes new bullet and snipe animations)
- Fixed speaker token for dice rolls, so that modules that are expecting a token can use it, i.e. Cautious Gamemaster's Pack
- Integrated LegendSmith's NPC CI sheet and Survivable guns Special (4) Armor Divisor
Release 0.11.3 - 6/25/2021
- Added "trigger" input fields for features (melee, ranged, etc.) in Item editor
- Reworked targeted animation math
Release 0.11.2 - 6/25/2021
- Fixed error when /light animation type is provided "/li 6 2 torch"
Release 0.11.1 - 6/25/2021
- Fixed error that could occur during import "TypeError: rng.match is not a function"
Release 0.11.0 - 6/25/2021
- Merged in Rinickolous/neck's GCS Equipment importer!
- Fixed ST based ranged calc so it will also apply to Items
- Fixed order dependency when applying Item bonuses
- Kirlian Silvestre/3darkman, fixed Item icon hover picture
- Added /anim command
- Fixed NaN skill levels for containers
- Promoted tabbed view
- Added /w @ to whisper to selected character(s)
- Fixed "user does not have permission to update" when tired/reeling status changes
- Added combat maneuver icons to all tokens in a combat. Two new settings control the appearance of the maneuver icons.
- reinstate /rolltable command
- Added support Advanced Macros module argument passing
- Added support for drag and drop Journal entries, Actors, Items and Rolltables as OtFs
- Added support to drag and drop Items from compendiums and Item sheet
- Support opening and closing the navigation bar (Full Sheet) without going to the system settings.
- Provide UI feedback when doing navigation via the navigation bar.
- Fixed wounding modifiers for imp and pi types on Injury Tolerance: Unliving.
Release 0.10.5 - 6/12/2021
- Remove superfluous "add" menu options for equipment (and just rely on "+")
- Added Sort Contents menu option for equipment
- Fixed range column multiplication by ST
- Added system setting to control if range column automatically multiplied by ST
- Fixed Foundry Item count update (count now saved during update/import)
- Item DR bonus calculation fixed.
- Data protect 0.10.3 migration against bad tokens
Release 0.10.4 - 6/11/2021
- Built 0.10.4 migration (for status icon name changes)
- Fixed changelog parsing (again!)
Release 0.10.3 - 6/11/2021
- Fixed Apply Injury dropdown on ADD window.
- Added Min and Max enforcement option on Resource Trackers
- Added system setting to hide QTY equipment icon
- Added system setting to restrict imports to Trusted or above
- Drag and drop on to 3d6 or Modifier Bucket for Blind roll
- /show skillnames or attributes - show best for all actors in a scene
- [!/chat command] will now disable private report back messages
- Added Tabbed charactersheet
- Fixed GCA export to correctly handle children weights
- Items (and Item features) will hover display the Item icon (very basic... would love CSS help!)
- Fixed GM "Send to" area to provide more room to see buttons
- Fixed bug in Item creation. Equipment can no longer contain other hidden equipment
- Added OtF buttons for margin of success (Rolltable formula "3d6 + @gmodc")
- Enhance /light to include intensity
Release 0.10.2 - 6/5/2021
- Fixed parse bug in bucket
Release 0.10.1 - 6/4/2021
- Fix for dragging Items on to unlinked tokens
Release 0.10.0 - 6/4/2021
- Foundry 0.8.x compatible!
- Updated /light <dim dist> <bright dist> <angle> <anim>|off where anim can be: torch, pulse, chroma, wave, fog, sunburst, dome, emanation, hexa, ghost, energy, roiling, hole
- Added *Costs X trN and *Costs X tr(name)
- Added support for translated attributes in OtF formulas (Will == Vonte in Portuguese)
- Added Ignore QTY/Count/Uses from import
- Remember carried, parent and equipped status from previous import
Release 0.9.15 - 5/30/2021
- Fixed dodge values when encumbrance greater than 'none'
Release 0.9.14 - 5/28/2021
- Fixed element editors (melee, ranged, skills, spells) for level
- Restrict Foundry items from containing other items
- Fixed Actor startup on encumbrance
Release 0.9.13 - 5/24/2021
- Fixed the data model (template.json) for items
Release 0.9.12 - 5/23/2021
- Equipment name searches for /qty and /use now start at the front of the name for matching
- Fixed /uses /qty when equipment name is being used
- Only show max the last 5 changes (for new users on browsers)
- Add GM command /reimport to ask all player characters to import
- Items bonuses only applied when Item-equipment is equipped (like GCS)
- Refactor weight calculation
- Protect against dragging Items from unlinked actors
- Add scroll bars to the "Send Modifiers to Players" part of the modifier bucket window.
- Show combat maneuver drop-down on character sheet.
Release 0.9.11 - 5/22/2021
- Allow user additions to names or notes survive an import (if changes occur at END of imported data)!
- Added /uses can now automatically detect if it is being run on equipment (like /qty)
Release 0.9.10 - 5/22/2021
- Ensure that empty Actors are initialized correctly
- Added Rcl/RoF information to [A:..] and [R:...] OTF rolls
- More i18n work, we are getting there!
- /tr (/rt) now returns false if the value is less than 0. So it can be used as an ammo tracker /if [/tr(ammo) -1] do some attack]
Release 0.9.9 - 5/21/2021
- Adding @neck/rinickolous's inventory sheet
- Replaced /light dialog with parameters torch = /light 6 2 torch (or candle = /light 1 0 t)
- Fixed changelog viewer to actually STOP after current version
- Fixed calculations of Item skill levels when there is a +/-
- Fixed the /qty command so that if defined in one piece of equipment, it can name another piece of equipment and modify that.
- Added /forcemigrate command for players who's actors didn't quite make it.
Release 0.9.8 - 5/20/2021
- Adding DODGE to Item bonus parsing
- Fixed spelling of dis-bled status (to disabled)
- /uses command can now be used with /if
- fixed error during startup if Show Read me is true
Release 0.9.7 - 5/20/2021
- More lenient handling of OtF formulas on items (may have [ ] or not)
- Added DR+X {hitlocations} bonus to Items
- Required migration to allow DR changes
Release 0.9.6 - 5/20/2021
- Update migration code to remove possible infinite loop issue
- Make Skill/Spell/Attack (Melee/Ranged/Damage) OtF formulas case insensitive
Release 0.9.5 - 5/19/2021
- Fixed /status command when == null
- Refactor regex pattern matching to utilities.js
- Added "apply condition" buttons to slam results chat messages. These buttons will select the affected combatant and either roll DX and apply the Prone condition if failed, or directly apply Prone if appropriate.
- Updated German language file (thanks to GitHub member @LordOHelmet)
- Added token ID to /select (e.g.,
/sel PrPRGwFEiNKewWym
) -- this is mainly done for internal programming, but could be useful in a macro. - Various tweaks to fix modifier bucket size/position issues.
- Updated /if [Test] { } { } to allow embedded backslashes (to execute multiple commands inside {})
- Fixed Send Modifier bucket buttons on tooltip
- Fixed display of FP tracker when using Conditional Injury.
- Can drag and drop Modifier Bucket onto macro bar
- Fixed bug when trying to execute chat commands using GURPS.executeOTF()
- Prototype of Foundry Item framework, can drop on player chars
- Added "apply condition" buttons to damage effects chat messages.
- Fixed mook generation to include resource trackers.
- Fixed layout problems with Equipment and Other Equipment in the editor sheet.
- Fixed \ in OtF macros
- Otf Macros now use their override text as the macro name
- Added [M:attack] for only melee and [R:attack] for only ranged
- Fixed bug where Sum Weights on Equipment and Other Equipment displayed as 'NaN'.
- Fixed bug(s) where pasted text may contain unicode single and double quotes (OtF and Mook generator)
- Foundry Item bonuses can affect Attributes, Skills and Attacks. DX changes also affect melee (w/ parry/block) and ranged skills
- Fix for DragRuler users... range mod is NOT added when token is moved
- Fix GCA export to check 'hide' flag on ads/disads/quirks/perks
- Item editor UI ver 1 is complete.
- Added chat command /light (thanks Boifubá!)
- Fixed import on bad actor (used to have to delete actor and then reimport)
- Less "flashing" during imports/updates
- Added support for /if [/qty -?] /hp +1d]
- Added support for /qty detecting the current equipment
- Added support for parameters and return values from script macros (GURPS.chatargs & GURPS.chatreturn)
Release 0.9.4 - 5/06/2021
- Fixed /status command to accept either 't' or 'toggle'
- Added new syntax to /if command to allow nested /ifs {}
- Fixed synchronization of /if "then" and "else" clauses
- Forgot to add Foundry selection for /select @self
- Fixed 'reeling' and 'tired' statuses (tired was actually reeling, and you couldn't manually set tired)
- Fixed /status command with @self -- now it will toggle a status on a token owned by the user (if there is only one)
- Added "named token/actor" to /status command (format:
/st + sleep* :Name
). ':Name' may contain a wildcard and will match either a token name or an actor name (first it tries tokens, then actors). The token must be in the active scene. - Fixed older actors not having currentmove/dodge or flight values
- Add warning if trying to Edit an empty actor
Release 0.9.3 - 5/04/2021
- Changed the 'persistent' equipment and notes (those that survive a GCS/GCA import) icon to a blue bookmark and right-justified the icon for equipment.
- Fixed modifier bucket to respect permissions on journal entries selected for viewing.
- Fixed OtF buttons in a journal entry being viewed in the Modifier Bucket from being truncated at the first HTML escaped character (such as 'ü').
- /select now also changes Foundry's selection. /sel Bog \\ /status on prone
- /sendMB (and MB send) now works for Assistants
Release 0.9.2 - 4/29/2021
- CTRL-roll was broken for certain keyboard events, causing chat commands to fail (ex: /ra)
Release 0.9.1 - 4/28/2021
- Modifier bucket is now scalable in the system settings. Its a client setting so every user can have a different scale factor. At its smallest size (80%) it fits on a 1024x640 monitor. Tiny laptop users, rejoice!!
- The "Common Modifiers" pane of the Modifier Bucket is now a tabbed interface and the user can set any number of journal entries to display in that pane. Use journals to customize your MB!!! Which journal entries to use is a client setting. See this GitHub issue for more info: #434
- Fixed a bug so that the ADD will use "effective damage" instead of "basic damage" to calculate knockback. This fixes the problems with explosions and knockback.
- Add a fallback background color to the modifier bucket to fix the transparent MB bug.
- System setting to check for equipped status when determining weight (players can use equipped flag to indicate a 'dropped' item)
- OtF now supports [Sk:Skillname] or [Sp:Spellname]
- Added support for the Drag Ruler module to display move, sprint and fly distances. (but you also need to load the Hex Token Size Support module, due to an error with Drag Ruler)
- changed parameter order of /rem [otf] optionalusernames to match /sendmb
- Holding down CTRL (CMD on Macs) will make a roll BLIND
- System setting "SHIFT Click does a Blind roll for players, and a Self roll for GMs"
- Fixed broken "Apply All Damage To " functionality
- Fixed Slam Calculator's always printing that the Target was knocked down, even if it was the Attacker who was knocked down.
- Added System setting to show 'saved' icon next to user created equipment and notes.
Release 0.9.0 - 4/22/2021
- rewrite of Modifier Bucket communication system, now commands are guaranteed to be sequential
- refactor Chat command parsing
- Added /if chat command ["Acrobatic Dodge"/if [S:Acrobatics] /r [+2 Acrobatics] /else [-2 Failed Acrobatics]\/r [Dodge]]
- Added OtF [D:AttackName]. Roll the Damage for attack (similiar to [A:AttackName], which rolls the skill)
- Fixed GM Send now also transfers the OtF label (ex: "Acrobatic Dodge" from above)
- Fixed Initiative formula propagating to client VMs
- /tracker (/tr) now resets "damage trackers" to zero, instead of max
- Continued i18n work on chat processors
- /remote GM only command. Execute OtF on the remote client
- Press SHIFT key to make OtF rolls private
- Show Move/Flight Move checkbox in Editor
Release 0.8.23 - 4/13/2021
- Fixed Equipment editing when using The Furnace, because I guess they never thought people might use {{count}} in their own dialogs.
- Merged @Exxar's Damage Reduction: Injury Tolerance code into ADD
- Adjust ADD results to show +3 bonus to HT checks when damage is Ranged, 1/2D.
- Fixed drag and drop macros to be compatible with The Furnace
- Initial implementation of a Slam calculator. Access via the chat message '/slam'. There must be a selected character, and it will fill in the HP and Velocity fields based on that character's HP and Basic Speed fields. If the user has a targeted token, that character's HP will be automatically entered.
- Added i18n tags to most of modifier bucket popup. Just need folks to submit translations!
- Re-skinned the modifier bucket UI.
- Fixed the problem of some browsers causing the Modifier Bucket tooltip to close when selecting something from a dropdown menu.
- Allow any damage type to be applied to a resource tracker. (Resource must be named, have a unique alias, and "Use as Damage Tracker" is checked.)
- Disabled the Min/Max/Current fields from a Resource Tracker editor if opened from the Tracker Manager.
- New/Updated Resource Tracker templates no longer need a Foundry restart to take effect.
- /ev now affects player owned tokens on current scene (and not all Player Characters)
- Made mapped attributes (ex: 'will', 'per', 'vision', etc.) case insensitive
- Allow multi-line entries in QuickNotes
- Added Initiative system setting
- Added GURPS.findAdDisad(), and updated GURPS.findSkillSpell() and GURPS.findAttack() for script macros
- Fixed Explosion damage calculation.
- Added ability to override the text of the OtF buttons ["New Text" Dodge]
- Auto import when in Foundry Data (GCS export includes Portrait)
Release 0.8.22 - 3/31/2021
- Updated German/Deutsch translation
- Add dialog to resource tracker editors on actor's sheets to apply a template, edit the tracker, or remove the tracker.
- Bugfix for pi-, pi+, and pi++ damage types.
- Implemented drag-and-drop for OtFs on character sheets onto the macro bar.
- Drag and drop now works for any OTF on character sheet
- Added sanity check on Resource Tracker alias input.
- Added initial Russian/руÑ�Ñ��º�¸�¹ translation (thanks to Discord user @Weirdy)!
- Bugfix for multiple damage drag-and-drop.
- OtF damage types are now case-insensitive (e.g., 'Cut' and 'CUT' become 'cut').
- Dropping the damage chat onto a hex with multiple tokens will now prompt the user to select which token to apply it to.
- Support localization of damage abbreviations (e.g., "cut" can be entered as "corte" in Brazilian Portuguese)
- Fixed DR calculation when Armor Divisor < 1 and location DR is 0.
- Added /fc /frightcheck dialog (Thank you roaoon!)
- Added /rolltable
- Added /ev [OtF] (except PDF, Chat and Modifier)
- Fixed import of unicode characters in names (and elsewhere)
- Fixed damage to resources to allow HP or FP damage to apply to a resource
- Added support for [A:Attack *Costs 1FP]
- Fixed [A:Attack] where skill level includes "*Costs 1FP"
- Added Drag and drop OtF from chat
Release 0.8.21 - 3/22/2021
- Fixed parse bug where roll has no damage type or comment [3d]
- Added German/Deutsch translation
Release 0.8.20 - 3/22/2021
- Fixed description of modifier for Skill OtF
- Fixed GM Send to allow blind rolls
- Fixed OtF coloration on skills
- Support adding Resources as a custom damage type (#386)
- Allow the ADD to apply resource damage to the actors resource tracker (#385)
- Changed "User Entered DR" in the ADD to override the hit location DR (so you still get the other benefits of hitting a specific body part).
- Added Control Points (Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: as a default Resource Tracker.
- Modified Resource Trackers to optionally accumulate damage, rather than subtracting damage from a resource. Enabled via the 'Damage Tracker' checkbox in the Resource Tracker editor.
- Fixed parsing for damage with extraneous text '1d-1 burn/2 points'
- Added GURPS.executeOTF()
Release 0.8.19 - 3/17/2021
- Translated status effects to German
- Added all RAW armor divisors to ADD (0.1, 0.2., 0.5, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100, Ignores DR)
- Fixed 'Ignores DR' to be affected by Hardened DR
- Updated Hardened DR to include 6 levels (allows 'Ignores DR' to be modified down to 'no Armor Divisor')
- Fixed GM Send Blind rolls
- Fixed non-hover Modifier Bucket tooltip constantly re-opening
- Fixed '+0 <dmgtype>' showing up as a modifier for damage rolls
- Support (-1) armor divisor (as "Ignores DR")
- Support editing of skills/spells with '*Costs xFP'
- Fixed "*Max: 9" if not the last modifier
- Create and apply standard resource trackers across the world. Instructions: #380 (comment)
Release 0.8.18 - 3/14/2021
- Converted 'mapped' to 'attribute' so [S:Trap|Vision-5] works
- Add blindroll to CR
- Implemented selectable armor divisor in the apply damage dialog
- Added /select ActorName (sets the LastActor)
- Added support for unlinked Actors, which display like "TokenName(ActorName)"
- Added /status clear (clears all status effects)
- Right Mouse Click for NON-GMs sends OtF formula to chat input
- Fixed i18n issues with ranged
- Fixed missing hitlocation modifiers
- Add Quick Note under Encumbrance
- 'Grand' unification of attribute/skill parsing [Parry|Block:Shield|S:Skill|Fright Check|Dodge -2 slow|DX-4 ? "Ouch", "Close!"]
- Skill checks can now cost FP (append '*Costs 1FP')
- Fixed bug with clearing a resource tracker.
- Added custom thresholds and condition names for resource trackers. For a description and instructions, see this link: #380
- Fixed Shotgun RoF (3x9)
- Added system setting to make player chat commands private (GMs chat commands are already private)
- Fixed Skill names that included '(' and ')'
Release 0.8.17 - 3/8/2021
- Bug fix for names/names containing '%'
- Bug fix for resource tracker mis-alignment (due to arrow)
- Bug fix for missing hitlocation internationalization
- Bug fixes for Navigation buttons
- Bug fix for ADD Shotgun DR
- Bug fix for GCS import individual melee and ranged notes
- /hp /fp now support dice roll /hp +1d
Release 0.8.16 - 3/6/2021
- Bug fix for GCA exports. Now equipment with melee & ranged attacks appear in both (Spears)
- Bug fix for GCA exports (with Armins help!) Block is calculated correctly for items with DB (shields)
- Add doubleclick edit to NPC Sheet Notes, Melee, Ranged, Ads, Skill and Spells list
- Bug fix for limb, extremity, and eye crippling calculation. Originally the calculation was taking "crippling" as 1/2 HP or 1/3 HP exactly, but the RAW say it should be over that threshold. Example: 10 HP character is hit in the arm with 8 points of damage; the arm is crippled if it takes more than 5 points of damage (i.e., 6).
- High rate of fire weapons damage is supported directly. Right-click on a damage roll to get a menu to enter the number of hits. There will be a new "ALL THE DAMAGE" draggable section of the damage chat message. Dragging that onto a character will apply all damage rolls in the ADD. The ADD has been enhanced to allow each damage calculation to be displayed, while applying the total.
- Updated GCS import to accept 'uses' and 'maxuses' columns for equipment (requires GCS 4.28 and Master Library 2.9)
- Added Shotgun damage to Apply Damage Dialog.
- Added split buttons to ADD.
- Added navigation footer to GCS Full Sheet.
- Added generic 'weight' icon to character sheet in preparation for (one day) handling metric.
- Added 'apply multiple times' to ADD.
- Added 'Reeling' and 'Tired' buttons to Full and Combat sheet (and Combat tracker)
- Added system setting to allow automatic setting of Reeling and Tired
- Add "Apply Damage to " button to Damage Chat Message. If the user who rolled the damage also has set a target, this adds the button only for the GM.
- Better parsing of On-the-Fly formulas in Journal entries (especially unicode characters)
- Restrict Apply Damage Calculator to GM only (system setting)
- Updated /sendmb to allow optional OtF modifier: /sendmb [+1 to hit & +3 luck] <playername(s)>
- Allow OtF skill check to use a different attribute than the default. (E.g., make a Per-based Traps skill check at -2 for difficulty: "[S:Traps -2 difficulty (Based:Per)]".)
- Allow conditional text for Attribute and Skill checks [!Per ?"You sense something is there", "You hear nothing!"]
- Bug fix for old chat messages. Can now be clicked on
- Added /hp /fp /qty /trackerN chat commands
- Added /qty /uses /status /tracker(name) chat commands
- Added .ra /sendmbs multiline chat msgs \
Release 0.8.15 - 2/17/2021
- Bug fix for 3D6 roll icon (at bottom of screen)
- Bug fix for costs, counts, weights that contain commas ","
- Bug fix for 17&18 always being a failure (even with very high skill)
- Updated GCA export to handle '&' in ad/disad/quirk/perk name
- Bug fix for drag and drop reordering in lists
- For GMs, display LastActor name above Modifier Bucket
- Allow full damage types, e.g. 'crush', 'cutting', etc.
- Bug fix for NPC bodyplan changes
Release 0.8.14 - 2/11/2021
- Added Explosion damage calculation to Damage Calculator
- either as a single damage roll applied multiple times to different targets, or right-click on the damage roll to be prompted for the number of rolls to generate
- Fixed a few issues with the Modifier Bucket, Targeted Chat messages, and others.
- pagerefs can be http links (and will show up as '*Link')
- SHIFT-Apply keeps Damage Dialog open (to allow multiple RoF damage results)
- Removed hitlocation eqt tooltip (no longer valid)
- Allow multiple modifiers [+1 to hit & +2 lucky]
- Fixed actors not having the new calculated values (currentdodge, currentmove, equippedparry, equippedblock)
- Added Mook Generator defaults editor
- GCA export/import now handles parents for Ads/Disads/Spells and Skills
- Rewrite of damage parser, more uniform handling of multipliers/divisors, etc. support for const damage [1 cut]
- Don't tell anyone, but we now support any sided dice for non-targeted, non-derived damage rolls [3d4], [2d20 cut]
Release 0.8.13 - 2/6/2021
- @Tratz engaged R.K. Media to upgrade our icons.
- Allow mook parry to show up in tooltip alt
- Fixed Parry/Blook OtF for mooks
- Fixed more /chat handler bugs
Release 0.8.12 - 2/5/2021
- Bug fix for chat commands, e.g. "/r 3d6", etc.
Release 0.8.11 - 2/4/2021
- Fixed the z-index of the modifier bucket (it no longer displays on top of everything!)
- Ongoing internationalization effort by @Gus
- Fixed GCS export to reinstate Self Control Rolls, ex: [CR: 12 Bad Temper] (GCS-3)
- Added chat command: /everyone
- revamped the chat message handler (it actually works now)
- Added currentdodge, currentmove, equippedparry and equippedblock attributes (for use with modules like Token Tooltip Alt)
- Added GM Send function to Journal entries
- Enhance OtF for damage to allow "*Costs ?FP" [4d-4 burn *Costs 4FP]
- "Best of" skill or attribute OtF [S:Skillname|DX-2], actually infinite, can be used to try other skills [S:Skill1|S:Skill2|ST|S:Skill3|IQ-4 default]
- Copy to chat input (GM Send). Can't do clipboard
- Chat command /: - call macro
- OtF formula [/] execute chat command as a button
- Fixed GCA export, ranged attacks in the melee list and sanitize pagerefs
- Enhanced the import error warnings
Release 0.8.10 - 1/30/2021
- @Tratz equipment bug fix, portrait fix and logo fix!
- Bug fix for OtF formulas in Skills/Spells in containers
Release 0.8.9 - 1/29/2021
- Added individual die results to Roll Chat messages (e.g., "Rolled (3, 6, 1) = 10").
- Fixed GCA export to correctly export ranged innate attacks.
- Added Equipment hierarchy to GCA export
- Support GCS v4.27, export hierarchy for Ads/Disads, Skills, Spells and Notes
- Added Page Refs for Notes
- Added collapsible carets for Ads/Disads, Skills, Spells, Notes & Equipment
- Added drag and drop menu 'before' and 'in' for all lists so you can create containers
- Allow user created notes & equipment to survive import
Release 0.8.8 - 1/24/2021
- Fixed [Parry] bug (if Parry column has "No" in it)
- Added "Send to 'Everyone'" GM option in modifier bucket
- Added QTY +/- buttons to equipment (ugly, but functional)
- Added RMB menu to equipment (Add Before, Delete, Add at end, Add in, Edit)
- Added Equipment edit dialog
- Added Melee and Ranged edit dialog
- Added Advantage, Skill and Spell edit dialog
- Added Note editor and page ref column
- Added RMB to notes (Edit, Delete)
- Restricted editing functions to owners
- Updated chat commands (/help - to see them all)
- Support limited multiline chat macros
Release 0.8.7 - 1/20/2021
- Bug fix for multiple PDF links (and GCA import failure)
Release 0.8.6 - 1/20/2021
- Yet more updates to Mook Generator stat block importer
- Support for OtF [Dodge+/-mod text] and [+/-mod text] (Vision, Hearing, Fright Check, etc.)
- Fixed weight/cost sum import for GCA
- @Exxar's fix to CI
- Fixed "lost" Automatic Encumbrance system setting
- Support opening multiple PDF links "B101, MA105"
Release 0.8.5 - 1/17/2021
- Add popup buttons (-10/-5/+5/+10/etc...) to resource tracker current value fields (including HP and FP) and system setting.
- Added @Exxar's wonderful work on Conditional Injury (Pyramid 3/120)
- Shift-click on Resource Tracker increments/decrements by 5 (also affects CI Days to Heal)
- System settings concerning overwriting current HP/FP and Body Plan
- Updated GCA export to support Body Plan
- Allow manual edit of hit locations
- Per actor flag to ignore body plan from import
- LastActor deselection fixed
- Rework the look of the resource trackers and HP/FP trackers to make them more compact.
- Display the current resource tracker thresholds. Right now, that is only "Below" (value is below the minimum), "Over" (value is over the maximum), or "Normal".
- Inline editing of the resource trackers (pencil icon)
- /pr /private chat commands to roll On-the-Fly formulas privately
- fixed a bunch of bugs
- added system setting for 'SHOW THE MATH'
- Encumbrance level automatically set based on carried equipment weight and system setting
Release 0.8.4 - 1/5/2021
- Enhanced the Mook Generator to use tabs as a delimiter.
- Added pain penalties for characters with High Pain Threshold (HPT) to the modifier bucket (thanks, @Exxar!)
- Enhanced the character sheet to enable damage formulas based on Swing or Thrust; e.g. "sw+2" or "thr-1".
- Updated the damage chat message to show individual dice results in addition to the sum.
- Support multiple hit location tables: Humanoid, Quadruped, Quadruped (winged), Avian, Centaur, Hexapod, Hexapod (winged), Veriform, Snakeman, Winged Serpent, Octopoid, Squid, Cancroid, Scorpion, Ichthyoid, and Arachnoid. Until the GCS import can be enhanced, the app makes its best guess at the form of the imported character.
- Enhanced editor to select the hit location table that is in use by that character.
- Updated the Apply Damage Dialog to work with all the hit location tables, including damage effects on non-human limbs and extremities.
- Multiple small tweaks to the UI.
- System setting to ignore 'name' attribute during import
- More flexible parsing for stat block attacks
Release 0.8.3 - 12/22/2020
- Direct roll of On-the-Fly formulas in chat. e.g. /r [Per] or /roll [3d-2 cr]
- Direct roll of On-the-Fly formulas in Rolltables
- Direct roll of On-the-Fly formulas in Macros (multiple lines)
- Added Parry & Block to the On-the-Fly formulas
- Enhancements to the Mook Generator stat block importing
- Journal entries now parse (and display) On-the-Fly formulas.
- Chat Portraits module supported (and recommended!)
- Drag and drop damage onto Tokens
- Drag and drop damage onto Combat Tracker
- General Resource trackers! Full and Combat sheets
Release 0.8.2 - 12/14/2020
- Rearrange npc sheet (attacks over traits/skills)
- Added notes for Melee, Ranged, Skills and Traits in Mook Generator
- Adding Stat block importing/parsing
- Pressing SHIFT while making a roll makes it private (so GM can "roll behind the screen")
- Added @gmod, @gmodc to roll macros
- Enhancements for Apply Damage Dialog (ADD)
- Vulnerability
- Hardened DR
- Injury Tolerance
- "Show the Math" on damage chat messages
- Additional ranged hits capped at RoF
- Import can now keep current HP & FP
- fix for combined Basic Set PDF link for pages > 336
Release 0.8.1 - 12/6/2020
- Basic Speed no longer truncates
- Major upgrade to Apply Damage Dialog!
- Allow "defense" to be rollable in Simple sheet
- Simple sheet "Heart" now shows color based on HP condition
- Add [Dodge] to On-the-Fly formulas
- Users Guide link in Foundry. Type "/help" or "!help" in chat
- Current Encumbrance can be set on main/combat sheet. Only current Dodge can be rolled.
- Fixed Full/Combat sheet toggle
- Warn on FG import
- On-the-Fly can now parse "4d+1x2(0.5)" damage rolls
- On-the-Fly can now create "blind" rolls. Useful for GM to ask everyone to roll PER
- Support for generic damage type "dmg"
- Added calculation of additional hits for RoF/Rcl.
- Mook Generator / NPC Sheet
- Shift/Ctrl click Full View/Combat View opens Simplified and NPC/Mini sheets
- Support [Fright Check], [Vision], [Hearing], [Touch], [Taste], [Smell] On-the-Fly rolls.
- Right Click on Attack/Skill/Spell level & On-the-Fly formula to whisper to owner.
NOTE: If you upgrade to v0.8.0, you MUST delete all of your actors and restart Foundry
Release 0.8.0 - 11/27/2020
- Enhanced Drag and Drop Damage Dialog.
- Simplified (convention one-shot) character sheet
- Enhanced On-the-Fly parsing for Skills, Spells and Attacks (melee & ranged)
- Apply On-the-Fly parsing to the chat. Now roll tables can include OtF formulas.
- More explicit warning if a user tries to import a GCS file directly.
- Import error notification (mainly "&")
- Added support for Combined or Separate Basic Set PDFs.
- Drag and drop to move equipment between lists or in containers
- Foundry specific GCA export script.
- NOTE: The Fantasy Grounds export is no longer supported.
- Either use the "Foundy VTT" output template for GCS, or
- The "export to Foundry VTT.gce" script for GCA
NOTE: If you upgrade to v0.7.0, YOU MUST delete all of your actors, and Restart Foundry
Release 0.7.0 - 11/18/2020
- Fixed manifest file to allow for automatic updating
- Added configurable system settings (range system (Basic Set / Monster Hunters 2), etc.)
- Added common modifiers as pulldown lists on tooltip
- Installed GURPS combat initiative (GURPS Turn Sequence B362)
- added support for basic GURPS status and afflictions "effects" (and icons)
- refactored code to make it less of a "prototype" and more of a "pre-alpha"
- fixed import for GCS characters that contain "&" in fields, assuming they turn @ENCODING back on
- Page Ref links to non-existent PDFs will now go to the SJG Warehouse 23 website
- Created Foundry VTT specific GCS export/import and massive performance boost.
- 3d6/1d6 on desktop
- Can edit character sheet
- Started work on drag and drop damage!
Release 0.6.5 - 11/9/2020
- Removed "+0" range modifiers
- Enabled Full/Combat view for Players
- Fixed font color to be more readable
- Major overhaul of the Modifier Bucket "tool tip"!!
Release 0.6.4 - 11/6/2020
- HP & FP editable, and Conditions change color.
- ACC and Bulk ranged modifiers work.
- Measuring Ruler automatically creates Range Modifier.
- Started work for Monster Hunters 2 range modifiers.
- Refactored dice rolling so that modifiers now add to damage.
Release 0.6.3 - 11/5/2020
- Hot toggle between "full" and "combat" character sheets
- template.json changes. You must delete all Actors created prior to v0.6.3
- imported Hit Location information
- tooltips for Hit Location equipment
- GM Mod push!
Release 0.6.2 - 11/4/2020
- Support for stackable modifiers (clicking [-1 for range] multiple times)
- Fixed display of desktop Modifier Bucket
- Added Modifier tooltip
- Added critical success/failure calculations
- Added SJG notifications, as per the SJG Online Policy
Release 0.6.1 - 11/3/2020
- Started User Guide and added README popup
- Imported skill points
Release 0.6.0 - 11/2/2020
- Imported Notes & Equipment
- Incorporated new "combat-focused" character sheet.
- Fixed import of GCA exports (using Fantasy Ground format).
- Made current FP and HP editable.
- Continuing work on editable entries.
- Reworked template.json to remove arrays (All characters prior to 0.6.0 must be deleted and reimported!)
Release 0.5.1 - 10/31/2020
- Due to overwhelming pressure (3 people), I did my best to fix the "jumpy" buttons that cause the page to constantly shift.
Release 0.5.0 - 10/30/2020
- Atropos fixed my persistance issue. Youtube demo made.
Release 0.4.0 - 10/28/2020
- Rollables and PDF (pagerefs) work
Release 0.3.0 - 10/27/2020
- Introduction of GCS character sheet
Release 0.2.0 - 10/25/2020
- Renamed system
Release 0.1.0 - 10/21/2020
- Started GCS Import
The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
GURPS is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and its rules and art are copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by Steve Jackson Games. This game aid is the original creation of Chris Normand/Nose66 and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy
This game system DOES NOT provide information contained in paid publications. It is only intended to allow people to play GURPS online using their GURPS books/PDFs.
Status icons for actors provided by R.K. Media - check them out!