Determine implied volatility of options based on their prices
getImpliedVolatility(expectedCost, s, k, t, r, callPut, estimate)
- expectedCost - The market price of the option
- s - Current price of the underlying
- k - Strike price
- t - Time to experiation in years
- r - Anual risk-free interest rate as a decimal
- callPut - The type of option priced - "call" or "put"
- [estimate=.1] - An initial estimate of implied volatility
var iv = require("implied-volatility");
iv.getImpliedVolatility(2, 101, 100, .1, .0015, "call"); // 0.11406250000000001 (11.4%)
// To confirm this volatility:
var bs = require("black-scholes");
bs.blackScholes(101, 100, .1, .1140625, .0015, "call"); // 2.009799330328903