diff --git a/src/ZKLottoGame.test.ts b/src/ZKLottoGame.test.ts
index 9240f7b..4b2374a 100644
--- a/src/ZKLottoGame.test.ts
+++ b/src/ZKLottoGame.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { AccountUpdate, Field, Mina, PrivateKey, PublicKey } from 'o1js';
-import { Lotto, ZKLottoGame } from './ZKLottoGame';
+import { offchainState, LottoNumbers, GameBoard, ZKLottoGame } from './ZKLottoGame';
  * This file specifies how to test the `Add` example smart contract. It is safe to delete this file and replace
@@ -33,6 +33,18 @@ describe('ZKLottoGame', () => {
     zkAppPrivateKey = PrivateKey.random();
     zkAppAddress = zkAppPrivateKey.toPublicKey();
     zkApp = new ZKLottoGame(zkAppAddress);
+    offchainState.setContractInstance(zkApp);
+    // compile Offchain state program
+    if (proofsEnabled) {
+      console.time('compile program');
+      await offchainState.compile();
+      console.timeEnd('compile program');
+      console.time('compile contract');
+      await ZKLottoGame.compile();
+      console.timeEnd('compile contract');
+    }
   async function localDeploy() {
@@ -45,23 +57,78 @@ describe('ZKLottoGame', () => {
     await txn.sign([deployerKey, zkAppPrivateKey]).send();
+  // let initialCommitment: Field = Field(0);
+  // async function makeGuess(name: Names, index: bigint, guess: number) {
+  //   let account = Accounts.get(name)!;
+  //   let w = Tree.getWitness(index);
+  //   let witness = new MyMerkleWitness(w);
+  //   let tx = await Mina.transaction(feePayer, async () => {
+  //     await contract.guessPreimage(Field(guess), account, witness);
+  //   });
+  //   await tx.prove();
+  //   await tx.sign([feePayer.key, contractAccount.key]).send();
+  //   // if the transaction was successful, we can update our off-chain storage as well
+  //   account.points = account.points.add(1);
+  //   Tree.setLeaf(index, account.hash());
+  //   contract.commitment.get().assertEquals(Tree.getRoot());
+  // }
   it('generates and deploys the `ZKLottoGame` smart contract', async () => {
     await localDeploy();
-    const num = zkApp.lottogameWeek.get();
-    expect(num).toEqual(Field(1));
+    const num = await zkApp.settleWeek();
+    expect(num).toEqual(Field(0));
-  it('correctly start Lotto Week on the `ZKLottoGame` smart contract', async () => {
-    await localDeploy();
+  // it('correctly start Lotto Week on the `ZKLottoGame` smart contract', async () => {
+  //   await localDeploy();
+  //   console.time('settlement proof 1');
+  //   let proof = await offchainState.createSettlementProof();
+  //   console.timeEnd('settlement proof 1');
-    // update transaction
-    const txn = await Mina.transaction(senderAccount, async () => {
-      await zkApp.startLottoWeek();
-    });
-    await txn.prove();
-    await txn.sign([senderKey]).send();
+  //   console.time('settle 1');
+  //   await Mina.transaction(sender, () => contract.settle(proof))
+  //     .sign([sender.key])
+  //     .prove()
+  //     .send();
+  //   console.timeEnd('settle 1');
-    const updatedNum = zkApp.lottogameWeek.get();
-    expect(updatedNum).toEqual(Field(2));
-  });
+  //   // update transaction
+  //   const txn = await Mina.transaction(senderAccount, async () => {
+  //     await zkApp.startLottoWeek();
+  //   });
+  //   await txn.prove();
+  //   await txn.sign([senderKey]).send();
+  //   const GameWeekNum = zkApp.lottogameWeek.get();
+  //   expect(GameWeekNum).toEqual(Field(1));
+  // });
+  // it('Should fail the start of a new game week when one is running on the `ZKLottoGame` smart contract', async () => {
+  //   await localDeploy();
+  //   // Start new Lotto Game Week
+  //   const txn1 = await Mina.transaction(senderAccount, async () => {
+  //     await zkApp.startLottoWeek();
+  //   });
+  //   await txn1.prove();
+  //   await txn1.sign([senderKey]).send();
+  //   //start Lotto Game Week again
+  //   try {
+  //     const txn2 = await Mina.transaction(senderAccount, async () => {
+  //       await zkApp.startLottoWeek();
+  //     });
+  //     await txn2.prove();
+  //     await txn2.sign([senderKey]).send();
+  //   }catch(e){
+  //     console.log(e)
+  //   }
+  //   const GameWeekNum = zkApp.lottogameWeek.get();
+  //   expect(GameWeekNum).toEqual(Field(1));
+  // });
diff --git a/src/ZKLottoGame.ts b/src/ZKLottoGame.ts
index 1af3a05..71387cc 100644
--- a/src/ZKLottoGame.ts
+++ b/src/ZKLottoGame.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ import {
 } from 'o1js';
-export { LottoNumbers, GameBoard, ZKLottoGame };
+const { OffchainState, OffchainStateCommitments } = Experimental;
+export { offchainState, LottoNumbers, GameBoard, ZKLottoGame };
 export class MerkleWitness4 extends MerkleWitness(4) {}
@@ -35,55 +37,57 @@ export class MerkleWitness128 extends MerkleWitness(128) {}
 export class MerkleWitness256 extends MerkleWitness(256) {}
   // ==============================================================================
-  export type Update = {
-    leaf: Field[];
-    leafIsEmpty: Bool;
-    newLeaf: Field[];
-    newLeafIsEmpty: Bool;
-    leafWitness: MerkleWitness8;
-  };
+  // export type Update = {
+  //   leaf: Field[];
+  //   leafIsEmpty: Bool;
+  //   newLeaf: Field[];
+  //   newLeafIsEmpty: Bool;
+  //   leafWitness: MerkleWitness8;
+  // };
-  export const assertRootUpdateValid = (
-    serverPublicKey: PublicKey,
-    rootNumber: Field,
-    root: Field,
-    updates: Update[],
-    storedNewRootNumber: Field,
-    storedNewRootSignature: Signature
-  ) => {
-    let emptyLeaf = Field(0);
+  // export const assertRootUpdateValid = (
+  //   serverPublicKey: PublicKey,
+  //   rootNumber: Field,
+  //   root: Field,
+  //   updates: Update[],
+  //   storedNewRootNumber: Field,
+  //   storedNewRootSignature: Signature
+  // ) => {
+  //   let emptyLeaf = Field(0);
-    var currentRoot = root;
-    for (var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) {
-      const { leaf, leafIsEmpty, newLeaf, newLeafIsEmpty, leafWitness } =
-        updates[i];
+  //   var currentRoot = root;
+  //   for (var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) {
+  //     const { leaf, leafIsEmpty, newLeaf, newLeafIsEmpty, leafWitness } =
+  //       updates[i];
-      // check the root is starting from the correct state
-      let leafHash = Provable.if(leafIsEmpty, emptyLeaf, Poseidon.hash(leaf));
-      leafWitness.calculateRoot(leafHash).assertEquals(currentRoot);
+  //     // check the root is starting from the correct state
+  //     let leafHash = Provable.if(leafIsEmpty, emptyLeaf, Poseidon.hash(leaf));
+  //     leafWitness.calculateRoot(leafHash).assertEquals(currentRoot);
-      // calculate the new root after setting the leaf
-      let newLeafHash = Provable.if(
-        newLeafIsEmpty,
-        emptyLeaf,
-        Poseidon.hash(newLeaf)
-      );
-      currentRoot = leafWitness.calculateRoot(newLeafHash);
-    }
+  //     // calculate the new root after setting the leaf
+  //     let newLeafHash = Provable.if(
+  //       newLeafIsEmpty,
+  //       emptyLeaf,
+  //       Poseidon.hash(newLeaf)
+  //     );
+  //     currentRoot = leafWitness.calculateRoot(newLeafHash);
+  //   }
-    const storedNewRoot = currentRoot;
+  //   const storedNewRoot = currentRoot;
-    // check the server is storing the stored new root
-    storedNewRootSignature
-      .verify(serverPublicKey, [storedNewRoot, storedNewRootNumber])
-      .assertTrue();
-    rootNumber.assertLessThan(storedNewRootNumber);
+  //   // check the server is storing the stored new root
+  //   storedNewRootSignature
+  //     .verify(serverPublicKey, [storedNewRoot, storedNewRootNumber])
+  //     .assertTrue();
+  //   rootNumber.assertLessThan(storedNewRootNumber);
-    return storedNewRoot;
-  };
+  //   return storedNewRoot;
+  // };
   // ==============================================================================
@@ -100,19 +104,19 @@ export class MerkleWitness256 extends MerkleWitness(256) {}
-  function Optional<T>(type: Provable<T>) {
-    return class Optional_ extends Struct({ isSome: Bool, value: type }) {
-      constructor(isSome: boolean | Bool, value: T) {
-        super({ isSome: Bool(isSome), value });
-      }
+  // function Optional<T>(type: Provable<T>) {
+  //   return class Optional_ extends Struct({ isSome: Bool, value: type }) {
+  //     constructor(isSome: boolean | Bool, value: T) {
+  //       super({ isSome: Bool(isSome), value });
+  //     }
-      toFields() {
-        return Optional_.toFields(this);
-      }
-    };
-  }
+  //     toFields() {
+  //       return Optional_.toFields(this);
+  //     }
+  //   };
+  // }
-  class OptionalBool extends Optional(GameBoard) {}
+  // class OptionalBool extends Optional(GameBoard) {}
@@ -177,179 +181,280 @@ class LottoNumbers extends Struct({
     return Poseidon.hash([this.gmWeek, numbersHash]);
+class LottoGameMerkleWitness extends MerkleWitness(8) {}
+/* =====================================================
+            OFFCHAIN STATE
+   =====================================================
+// //lotto game states
+// @state(Bool) lottoGameDone = State<Bool>();
+// @state(Field) lottogameWeek = State<Field>();
+// @state(Field) currentGameStartTime = State<UInt64>();
+// @state(Field) currentGameEndTime = State<UInt64>();
+// @state(Field) gameduration = State<UInt64>();
+// //Lotto Winning numbers Details
+// @state(Field) LottoWeekWinningNumbers = State<LottoNumbers>();
+// @state(Field) LottoWinHistory = State<LottoNumbers[]>();
+// @state(Field) LottoWinHash = State<Field>();
+const offchainState = OffchainState({
+  lottoGameDone: OffchainState.Field(Bool),
+  lottogameWeek: OffchainState.Field(Field),
+  currentGameStartTime: OffchainState.Field(UInt64),
+  currentGameEndTime: OffchainState.Field(UInt64),
+  gameduration: OffchainState.Field(UInt64),
+  LottoWeekWinningNumbers: OffchainState.Field(LottoNumbers),
+  LottoWinHistory: OffchainState.Map(Field, LottoNumbers),
+  LottoWinHash: OffchainState.Field(LottoNumbers),
+class StateProof extends offchainState.Proof {}
+// class LottoWinningHistory extends Struct({
+//   value: Provable.Array(Provable.Array(Field, 52), 6),
+// }) {
+//   static from(value: Field[][]) {
+//     return new LottoWinningHistory({ value: value.map((row) => row.map(Field)) });
+//   }
+// }
-class LottoWinningHistory extends Struct({
-  value: Provable.Array(Provable.Array(Field, 52), 6),
-}) {
-  static from(value: Field[][]) {
-    return new LottoWinningHistory({ value: value.map((row) => row.map(Field)) });
-  }
 class ZKLottoGame extends SmartContract {
+  //offchainState
+  @state(OffchainStateCommitments) offchainState = State(
+    OffchainStateCommitments.empty()
+  );
   // The board is serialized as a single field element
   @state(Field) lottoboard = State<GameBoard>();
-  //lotto game states
-  @state(Bool) lottoGameDone = State<Bool>();
-  @state(Field) lottogameWeek = State<Field>();
-  @state(Field) currentGameTimeStart = State<UInt64>();
-  @state(Field) currentGameTimeEnd = State<UInt64>();
-  @state(Field) gameduration = State<UInt64>();
+  //Game Commit Witness
+  @state(Field) GameStorageTreeRoot = State<Field>();
+  @state(Field) PlayersStorageTreeRoot = State<Field>();
-  //Lotto Winning numbers Details
-  @state(Field) LottoWeekWinningNumbers = State<LottoNumbers>();
-  @state(Field) LottoWinHistory = State<LottoNumbers[]>();
-  @state(Field) LottoWinHash = State<Field>();
+  //Lotto Play Entries
+  @state(Field) LastLottoEntryHash = State<Field>();
-  @state(Field) storageTreeRoot = State<Field>();
   init() {
-    this.lottoGameDone.set(Bool(true));
-    this.lottogameWeek.set(Field(0));
-    this.currentGameTimeStart.set(UInt64.from(0));
-    this.currentGameTimeEnd.set(this.network.timestamp.get());
-    this.gameduration.set(UInt64.from(518400)); //game duration is 6 days, winning lotto numbers generated on day 7
+    offchainState.fields.lottoGameDone.update({
+      from: undefined,
+      to: true,
+    });
+    offchainState.fields.lottogameWeek.update({
+      from: undefined,
+      to: Field(0),
+    });
+    offchainState.fields.currentGameStartTime.update({
+      from: undefined,
+      to: UInt64.from(0),
+    });
+    offchainState.fields.currentGameEndTime.update({
+      from: undefined,
+      to: this.network.timestamp.get(),
+    });
+    offchainState.fields.gameduration.update({
+      from: undefined,
+      to: UInt64.from(518400), //game duration is 6 days, winning lotto numbers generated on day 7
+    });
+    // this.lottoGameDone.set(Bool(true));
+    // this.lottogameWeek.set(Field(0));
+    // this.currentGameStartTime.set(UInt64.from(0));
+    // this.currentGameEndTime.set(this.network.timestamp.get());
+    // this.gameduration.set(UInt64.from(518400)); //game duration is 6 days, winning lotto numbers generated on day 7
     //initiate gameRoot
-    const emptyTreeRoot = new MerkleTree(8).getRoot();
-    this.storageTreeRoot.set(emptyTreeRoot);
+    const emptyTreeRoot = Field(0);
+    this.GameStorageTreeRoot.set(emptyTreeRoot);
+    this.PlayersStorageTreeRoot.set(emptyTreeRoot);
-  @method async startLottoWeek() {
-    //start lotto game week by increasing by 1 week
-    //ensure current game week is at least 1 week past previous game week
-    const currentGameTimeStart = this.currentGameTimeStart.get();
-    this.network.timestamp.get().assertGreaterThan(currentGameTimeStart.add(86400));
-    this.currentGameTimeStart.set(this.network.timestamp.get())
-    //game ends 6 days after new game start. //could round-up timestamp to the hour
-    const newGameEndTime = this.currentGameTimeStart.get().add(this.gameduration.get());
-    this.currentGameTimeEnd.set(newGameEndTime);
-    // you can only start a new game if the current game is done
-    this.lottoGameDone.requireEquals(Bool(true));
-    this.lottoGameDone.set(Bool(false));
+  @method.returns(Field)
+  async settleWeek() {
+    let currentWeek = await offchainState.fields.lottogameWeek.get();
+    return (currentWeek).orElse(0n);
+  }  
+  // @method async startLottoWeek() {
+  //   //start lotto game week by increasing by 1 week
+  //   //ensure current game week is at least 1 week past previous game week
+  //   const currentGameStartTime = this.currentGameStartTime.get();
+  //   this.network.timestamp.get().assertGreaterThan(currentGameStartTime.add(86400));
+  //   this.currentGameStartTime.set(this.network.timestamp.get())
+  //   //game ends 6 days after new game start. //could round-up timestamp to the hour
+  //   const newGameEndTime = this.currentGameStartTime.get().add(this.gameduration.get());
+  //   this.currentGameEndTime.set(newGameEndTime);
+  //   // you can only start a new game if the current game is done
+  //   this.lottoGameDone.requireEquals(Bool(true));
+  //   this.lottoGameDone.set(Bool(false));
-    //set new game week
-    let gameWeek = this.lottogameWeek.get();
-    this.lottogameWeek.requireEquals(gameWeek);
-    gameWeek = gameWeek.add(Field(1));
-    this.lottogameWeek.set(gameWeek);
+  //   //set new game week
+  //   let gameWeek = this.lottogameWeek.get();
+  //   this.lottogameWeek.requireEquals(gameWeek);
+  //   gameWeek = gameWeek.add(Field(1));
+  //   this.lottogameWeek.set(gameWeek);
-    /*Create New Lotto Week, start the new lotto for the week
-    This section to start the timer for the new Lotto Game week, should display the Week No. and Countdown
-    */
-    this.lottoboard.requireEquals(this.lottoboard.get());
-    //this is for the demo. Production would require creating a new board each game week
-    const gameBoard =  GameBoard.from(
-      gameWeek,
-      this.currentGameTimeStart.get(),
-      this.currentGameTimeEnd.get(),
-      this.lottoGameDone.get()
-    );
-    this.lottoboard.set(gameBoard);
-    /*let lottoboard = new Lotto(this.lottoboard.get());
-    lottoboard.startNewLotto(
-      gameWeek,
-      this.currentGameTimeStart,
-      this.currentGameTimeEnd, this.lottoGameDone) (gameWeek, Bool(true));
-      this.lottoboard.set(lottoboard.serialize());
-    */
+  //   /*Create New Lotto Week, start the new lotto for the week
+  //   This section to start the timer for the new Lotto Game week, should display the Week No. and Countdown
+  //   */
+  //   this.lottoboard.requireEquals(this.lottoboard.get());
+  //   //this is for the demo. Production would require creating a new board each game week
+  //   const gameBoard =  GameBoard.from(
+  //     gameWeek,
+  //     this.currentGameStartTime.get(),
+  //     this.currentGameEndTime.get(),
+  //     this.lottoGameDone.get()
+  //   );
+  //   this.lottoboard.set(gameBoard);
+  //   /*let lottoboard = new Lotto(this.lottoboard.get());
+  //   lottoboard.startNewLotto(
+  //     gameWeek,
+  //     this.currentGameStartTime,
+  //     this.currentGameEndTime, this.lottoGameDone) (gameWeek, Bool(true));
+  //     this.lottoboard.set(lottoboard.serialize());
+  //   */
-  }
-  @method async endLottoWeek(winningNums: LottoNumbers) {
-    //start lotto game week by increasing by 1 week
-    //ensure current game week is at least 1 week past previous game week
-    const currentGameTimeEnd = this.currentGameTimeEnd.get();
-    this.network.timestamp.get().assertGreaterThanOrEqual(currentGameTimeEnd);
-    //end GameWeek
-    this.lottoGameDone.requireEquals(Bool(false));
-    this.lottoGameDone.set(Bool(true));
-    /*generate lotto winning numbers
-    random six numbers and set as Field array
-    Ideally, we are to a more secure verifiable means to generate the winning numbers
-    possibly using VRF. But for this PoC, we manually set the winning numbers
-    */
+  // }
+  // @method async endLottoWeek(winningNums: LottoNumbers, leafWitness: LottoGameMerkleWitness) {
+  //   //start lotto game week by increasing by 1 week
+  //   //ensure current game week is at least 1 week past previous game week
+  //   const currentGameEndTime = this.currentGameEndTime.get();
+  //   this.network.timestamp.get().assertGreaterThanOrEqual(currentGameEndTime);
+  //   //end GameWeek
+  //   this.lottoGameDone.requireEquals(Bool(false));
+  //   this.lottoGameDone.set(Bool(true));
+  //   /*generate lotto winning numbers
+  //   random six numbers and set as Field array
+  //   Ideally, we are to a more secure verifiable means to generate the winning numbers
+  //   possibly using VRF. But for this PoC, we manually set the winning numbers
+  //   */
+  //   // verify the lotto week to end is same as current week
+  //   this.lottogameWeek.requireEquals(winningNums.gmWeek);
+  //   //set winning details
+  //   this.LottoWeekWinningNumbers.set(winningNums);
-    // verify the lotto week to end is same as current week
-    this.lottogameWeek.requireEquals(winningNums.gmWeek);
-    //set winning details
-    this.LottoWeekWinningNumbers.set(winningNums);
+  //   //add to winning game lotto numbers array
+  //   const winHistory = this.LottoWinHistory.get();
+  //   winHistory.push(winningNums);
-    //add to winning game lotto numbers array
-    const winHistory = this.LottoWinHistory.get();
-    winHistory.push(winningNums);
+  //   // this.LottoWeekWinningNumbers.set(winningHash);
-    // this.LottoWeekWinningNumbers.set(winningHash);
+  //   //@notice MerkleMap might be a better option?
+  //   const currentWinningHash = this.LottoWinHash.get();
+  //   //hash week winning numbers and set to LottoWinHash
+  //   this.LottoWinHash.requireEquals(currentWinningHash);
+  //   const NewWinningHash = winningNums.hash();
+  //   this.LottoWinHash.set(NewWinningHash);
+  //   // we fetch the on-chain commitment
+  //   let gameRoot = this.GameStorageTreeRoot.get();
+  //   this.GameStorageTreeRoot.requireEquals(gameRoot);
+  //   // we check that the winning numbers for the week is within the committed Merkle Tree
+  //   leafWitness.calculateRoot(currentWinningHash).assertEquals(gameRoot);
+  //   // we calculate the new Merkle Root, based on new lotto winning numbers
+  //   let newGameRoot = leafWitness.calculateRoot(NewWinningHash);
+  //   this.GameStorageTreeRoot.set(newGameRoot);
-    //@notice MerkleMap might be a better option?
-    //hash week winning numbers and set to LottoWinHash
-    this.LottoWinHash.requireEquals(this.LottoWinHash.get());
-    const winningHash = winningNums.hash();
-    this.LottoWinHash.set(winningHash);
-  }
+  // }
-  // Lotto Game:
-  //  ----   ----    ----   ----     ----   ----
-  // | X  | | X  |  | X  | | X  |   | X  | | X  |
-  //  ----   ----    ----   ----     ----   ----
-  @method async play(
-    pubkey: PublicKey,
-    signature: Signature,
-    week_: Field,
-    lottoEntry: LottoNumbers,
-  ) {
-    //require game week is active
-    this.lottogameWeek.requireEquals(week_);
-    this.lottoGameDone.requireEquals(Bool(false));
+  // // Lotto Game:
+  // //  ----   ----    ----   ----     ----   ----
+  // // | X  | | X  |  | X  | | X  |   | X  | | X  |
+  // //  ----   ----    ----   ----     ----   ----
+  // @method async play(
+  //   pubkey: PublicKey,
+  //   signature: Signature,
+  //   week_: Field,
+  //   lottoEntry: LottoNumbers,
+  //   leafWitness: LottoGameMerkleWitness,
+  // ) {
+  //   //require game week is active
+  //   this.lottogameWeek.requireEquals(week_);
+  //   this.lottoGameDone.requireEquals(Bool(false));
+  //   //verify lotto entry is signed by user
+  //   const newLottoEntryHash = lottoEntry.hash();
+  //   const newLeaf = pubkey.toGroup().toFields().concat(newLottoEntryHash.toFields());
+  //   signature.verify(pubkey, newLeaf).assertTrue();
+  //   /*TO-DO
+  //   add user's lotto numbers entry to merkleTree for the Game week
+  //   */
+  //   const currentLottoEntryHash = this.LastLottoEntryHash.get();
+  //   this.LastLottoEntryHash.requireEquals(currentLottoEntryHash);
-    //verify lotto entry is signed by user
-    const lottoEntryHash = lottoEntry.hash();
-    const newLeaf = pubkey.toGroup().toFields().concat(lottoEntryHash.toFields());
-    signature.verify(pubkey, newLeaf).assertTrue();
-    /*TO-DO
-    add user's lotto numbers entry to merkleTree for the Game week
-    */
+  //   // we fetch the on-chain root for players lotto entry
+  //   let CurrentPlayerEntryRoot = this.PlayersStorageTreeRoot.get();
+  //   this.PlayersStorageTreeRoot.requireEquals(CurrentPlayerEntryRoot);
+  //   // we check that the winning numbers for the week is within the committed Merkle Tree
+  //   leafWitness.calculateRoot(currentLottoEntryHash).assertEquals(CurrentPlayerEntryRoot);
+  //   // we calculate the new Player Lotto Entries Merkle Root when a player submits an entry
+  //   let newGameRoot = leafWitness.calculateRoot(newLottoEntryHash);
+  //   this.PlayersStorageTreeRoot.set(newGameRoot);
-    // const storedRoot = this.storageTreeRoot.get();
-    // this.storageTreeRoot.requireEquals(storedRoot);
-    // const emptyTreeRoot = new MerkleTree(8).getRoot();
-    // const priorLeafIsEmpty = storedRoot.equals(emptyTreeRoot);
-    // // we initialize a new Merkle Tree with height 8
-    // const Tree = new MerkleTree(8);
+  //   //update last lotto entry hash with the new entry hash
+  //   this.LastLottoEntryHash.set(newLottoEntryHash);
+  // }
-  }
-  @method async ClaimWinning(
-    pubkey: PublicKey,
-    signature: Signature,
-    path: MerkleWitness8,
-    week_: Field,
-    winningNums: LottoNumbers,
-  ) {
-    //proof user is winner of the claim week's lotto
+  // @method async ClaimWinning(
+  //   pubkey: PublicKey,
+  //   signature: Signature,
+  //   leafWitness: MerkleWitness8,
+  //   week_: Field,
+  //   winningNums: LottoNumbers,
+  // ) {
+  //   //verify claim request is signed by caller
+  //   const WinningHash = winningNums.hash();
+  //   const newLeaf = pubkey.toGroup().toFields().concat(WinningHash.toFields());
+  //   signature.verify(pubkey, newLeaf).assertTrue();
+  //   //verify the user's entry is in the Player Players Storage Tree
+  //   try{
+  //   }catch(e){
+  //     console.log(e);
+  //   }
-    //transfer winnings to user after successful proof verification
+  //   //transfer winnings to user after successful proof verification
+  // }
+  @method
+  async settle(proof: StateProof) {
+    await offchainState.settle(proof);
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index a47e3b5..48a13cc 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-import { Lotto,  ZKLottoGame} from './ZKLottoGame.js';
+import { LottoNumbers, GameBoard, ZKLottoGame} from './ZKLottoGame.js';
-export { Lotto,  ZKLottoGame} ;
+export { LottoNumbers, GameBoard, ZKLottoGame} ;
diff --git a/src/interact.ts b/src/interact.ts
index 03869d3..f1081af 100644
--- a/src/interact.ts
+++ b/src/interact.ts
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 import fs from 'fs/promises';
 import { Mina, NetworkId, PrivateKey } from 'o1js';
-import { Lotto,  ZKLottoGame } from './ZKLottoGame.js';
+import { LottoNumbers, GameBoard, LottoGameMerkleWitness, ZKLottoGame } from './ZKLottoGame';
 // check command line arg
 let deployAlias = process.argv[2];