- Fixed failing NetCDF tests related to a now non-existant THREDDS server. (#150)
- Fixed the environment.yml file needed for running notebooks on Binder. (#153)
- Fixed broken environment-docs.yml file. (#145)
- Fixed the successful, but 0%, coverage score reported by Coveralls through the coveralls-python Action. (#146)
- Reformat code for the newest version of black. (#154)
- Setup towncrier to manage the changelog. (#155)
- Moved static project metadata into pyproject.toml. (#156)
- Removed dependency on
since we don't support Python 2 and updated code to use Python 3.8+ syntax. (#159) - Updated pymt for the latest version of gimli.units, which changed its interface slightly. (#169)
- Removed a bunch of lint that had built up over the years. (#170)
- Added support for Python 3.10, and dropped support for older versions. (#171)
- Updated pymt to work with the newest version of both shapely and scipy. (#174)
- Added text on the CSDMS Workbench to the README and docs. (#129)
- Added GitHub actions for continuous integration, building and testing on all platforms and Python 3.7+. (#132)
- Removed pymt.udunits in favor of gimli.units for the parsing and converting of units. (#133)
- Added GitHub Actions workflow to test notebooks, for Linux and Mac with Python 3.9. (#133)
- Added GitHub Actions workflow to build the docs. (#134)
- Added
class andMODELS
instance to hold the currently loaded models. (#128)
- Fixed an issue in quick_plot when trying to plot unstructured meshes. (#127)
- Fixed model metadata discovery by using the model_metadata package to look for metadata files. (#125)
- Added a cythonized udunits2 module. (#120)
- Use micromamba and mamba in place of conda and miniconda for our CI both on Travis and AppVeyor. mamba is significantly faster than conda is Open Source. (#124)
- Included the cfunits xml data with the pymt installation. (#113)
- Fixed build of pymt documentation on readthedocs.io. (#110)
- Changed behavior of
, andgrid_z
for rectilinear grids (as described in csdms/bmi#65). These functions now return, respectively, a vector of length number of columns, number of rows, and number of z-levels, not a vector of length number of nodes. (#107) - Removed deployment of pymt to PyPI. (#111)
- Added a new notebook for the
model. (#96)
- Added the
class that provides a user-centric interface to a BMI component. (#86) - Added support for the BMI structured_quadrilateral grid type. (#89)
- Added support for the BMI rectilinear grid type. (#90)
- Fixed issues with the sedflux and Child notebooks. (#94)
- Added Binder to pymt documentation. (#97)
- Added a table of all models available from pymt. Rows contain a summary of the model and a link to a notebook, if available, that demonstrates how to use the model. The links are to both a binder as well as a static html page of the notebook. (#99)
- Fixed broken links in the documentation. (#100)
- Added links in the documentation to the CSDMS Help Desk. (#103)
- Updated the Github links in the example notebooks. (#105)
- Fixed some failing unit tests. (#93)
- Included a copy of cfunits package as part of pymt. (#85)
- Fixed an error getting the metadata path from BMI class. (#83)
- Fixed a cfunits import error on Windows. (#84)
- Fixed an incorrect path from METADATA attribute. (#82)
- Added a more pythonic BMI (#55)
- Remove support from Python 2.7
- Fixed CEM notebook (#64)
- Fixed int error on some platforms (#58)
- Improved documentation
- Improved tests
- Fixed the quickstart tutorial (#55)
- Removed the old way of loading models (i.e. from a package called csdms) (#54)
- Code clean-up (#50, #52)
- Improved the HydroTrend notebook
- Added continuous integration on Windows using AppVeyor (#48)
- Fixed installation issue where tests folder was installed (#43)
- Removed utility scripts from installation (#42)
- Make installation of ESMF optional (#41)
- Added pymt example notebooks to docs (#40)
- Improved documentation
- Load pymt plugins as components (#38)
- Fixed for new model_metadata API (#36)
- Improved documentation
- Improved continuous integration
- Removed dependency on nose
- Removed dependency on nose
- Fixed unit tests failing due to poorly named pytest fixtures.
- Removed dependency on nose
- Fixed unit tests failing due to poorly named pytest fixtures.
- Fixed formatting so that it is strict PEP8 package-wide
- Fixed bug in setup when creating a config file.
- Fixed bug that used relative path for initdir.
- Fixed coverage and upload results to coveralls.
- Fixed continuous integration.
- Added support for "vector" grid type.
- Added code coverage with CI.
- Added support and testing for Python 3.
- Added new method for discovering component plugins
- Added grid mapper methods to components
- Added quick_plot method to plot a 2D BMI variable
- Added unstructured dataset to BmiCap
- Added change log and script
- Added plugin framework to dynamically load arbitrary components.
- Added a "cite as" section to component metadata and docstring.
- Added setter to change a component's time units.
- csdms/mdpiper/use-https [#27]
- Use tools from the model_metadata package for metadata and staging.
- Use Versioneer for versioning
- Allow multiple authors of components
- Changed to run update_until in model's initialization folder.
- Changed IRF methods to run from within the initialization folder
- Use jinja templates to generate BMI docstrings.
- Removed dependency on nose
- Fixed unit tests failing due to poorly named pytest fixtures.
- Fixed formatting so that it is strict PEP8 package-wide
- Fixed bug in setup when creating a config file.
- Fixed bug that used relative path for initdir.
- Fixed coverage and upload results to coveralls.
- Fixed continuous integration.
- Added support for "vector" grid type.
- Added code coverage with CI.
- Added support and testing for Python 3.
- Added new method for discovering component plugins
- Added grid mapper methods to components
- Added quick_plot method to plot a 2D BMI variable
- Added unstructured dataset to BmiCap
- Added change log and script
- Added plugin framework to dynamically load arbitrary components.
- Added a "cite as" section to component metadata and docstring.
- Added setter to change a component's time units.
- csdms/mdpiper/use-https [#27]
- Use tools from the model_metadata package for metadata and staging.
- Use Versioneer for versioning
- Allow multiple authors of components
- Changed to run update_until in model's initialization folder.
- Changed IRF methods to run from within the initialization folder
- Use jinja templates to generate BMI docstrings.
- csdms/mcflugen/fix-for-new-bmi [#8]