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423 lines (316 loc) · 13.2 KB

red cell



Corpuscles is a C library to resolve the elastic energy and force of a membrane surface, which is represented by an unstructured triangulated mesh. It also simulates transformations between different configurations/shapes of a closed membrane by a minimization procedure under various constraints.

Various components can be switched on/off at will, such as

  1. Bending elasticity of lipip bilayer
  2. Strain (both shear and strecth) elasticity of cytoskeleton
  3. Viscosity of lipid membrane
  4. Thermal fluctuations of lipid membrane
  5. Constraint of reduced volume of a closed membrane surface
  6. Constraint of total area of a closed membrane surface
  7. Constratin of total volume of a closed membrane surface
  8. Constratin of area difference between outer- and inner-surface

For different components, variations of model/law can be selected such as Helfrich/spontaneous curvature model for bending elasticity and Skalak law for strain elasticity.

For different models/laws, variations of schemes impelemented can also be choosen such as Gompper and Kroll scheme and Juelicher scheme for the bending model of spontaneous curvature. See more details in


Minimal dependencies are C and Fortran 90 compilers, GNU Scientific Library, and pkg-config.

Optional dependencies geomview, maxima, and pandoc.

Adjust if you want to change defaults

$ cat
CC = gcc
FC = gfortran

FCFLAGS = -O2 -g
FXFLAGS = -fallow-argument-mismatch

GSL_CFLAGS = " `gsl-config --cflags `"
GSL_LDFLAGS = " `gsl-config --libs `"

CFLAGS = -O2 -g
PREFIX = $(HOME)/.local
MAXIMA_HOME = $(HOME)/.maxima

# prefix for commands
P = co

PREFIX/bin should be on the path, for example

$ cat $HOME/.bashrc

Library is installed under the path PREFIX. Run

$ MAKEFLAGS=-j4 make

If you have atest you can run

$ make test

You can also use a docker containter.


Hello world

A program in example/hello computes area of a triangle.

$ cat main.c
#include <stdio.h>

#include <real.h>
#include <co/tri.h>


    real A, a[] = { 0, 0, 0 }, b[] = { 2, 0, 0 }, c[] = { 0, 1, 0 };
    A = tri_area(a, b, c);
    printf("Area of a triangle is : " FMT "\n", A);

$ cat Makefile
include ../../
PREC = d
main: main.c
	$(CC) main.c $(CFLAGS)  `co.conf --cflags --libs $(PREC) ` $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
clean:; rm -f main

$ ./main
Area of a triangle is : 0.9999999999999999

Read mesh file

Corpuscles reads OFF files. Here is a file with triangular pyramid.

triangular pyramid

This program reads an OFF file from an input stream:

$ cat main.c
#include <stdio.h>

#include <real.h>
#include <co/array.h>
#include <co/he.h>
#include <co/y.h>

    real *x, *y, *z, hi;
    He *he;
    int nv, nt;

    y_inif(stdin, &he, &x, &y, &z);
    nv = he_nv(he);
    nt = he_nt(he);
    hi = array_max(nv, x);
    printf("number of vertices is %d\n"
           "number of triangles is %d\n"
           "maximum x coordinate is " CO_REAL_OUT "\n", nv, nt, hi);
    y_fin(he, x, y, z);

$ make
$ ./main < `co.path`/regular/
number of vertices is 4
number of triangles is 4
maximum x coordinate is 1

Write mesh file

Read off, compute area of every triangle, and output off file with colors (example/off/write/area)

$ cat main.c
#include <stdio.h>

#include <real.h>
#include <co/area.h>
#include <co/err.h>
#include <co/off.h>
#include <co/he.h>
#include <co/memory.h>
#include <co/y.h>

int main(void) {
    int nt;
    real *x, *y, *z, *a;
    He *he;
    y_inif(stdin, &he, &x, &y, &z);
    nt = he_nt(he);
    CALLOC(nt, &a);
    he_area_tri(he, x, y, z, a);
    boff_tri_fwrite(he, x, y, z, a, stdout);
    y_fin(he, x, y, z);

$ ./main < $(co.path)/rbc/laplace/ >

To see the results

$ co.geomview -r 55.9195 -13.672 8.69021 -f 25.0389

mesh colored by triangle area

Refine mesh

Using sqrt(3)-subdivision scheme

$ co.geomview -r 60 -40 10 -f 22 `co.path`/rbc/icosahedron/
$ co.sqrt3 < `co.path`/rbc/icosahedron/ >
$ co.geomview -r 60 -40 10 -f 22

red cell with 1280 trianglles

red cell with 3840 trianglles


We use a wrapper to geomview.
$ co.geomview -h
co.geomview [-t x y z] [-r x y z] [-a APPEARANCE] [-o FILE] [OFF]..
he geomview wrapper
-t x y z      translation
-r x y z      rotation in degree
-f zoom       field of view (default is 40)
-a APPEARANCE load appearance from a file
-o FILE       write FILE and exit
-O            write all PPM files and exit
-OO           write all oogl files and exit
-format	ppmscreen|ppm|ps|ppmosmesa|ppmosglx
-p command    process every off file by running  'command ' < >
-n none|each|all|keep normalization status (see geomview manual)
-c command    run command on every file and write output to stderr, %f is replaced by a file name
-e command    if keys  'e ' is pressed runs
               '<OFF command -t x y z -r x y z -f zoom -i [index of a file] -n  [number of files]  ' or
               '<OFF command ' if -e  '|command ' is passed
-i command    run command on every image, %i replaced by input; %o -- by output; %b --- by basename

    q: quit
    s: save snap.ppm
    S: save every snapshot
    e: run command on OFF file (see -e option)
    p: panel
    j/k: switch between off files
    J: dump file name
    [SPC]: dump orientation and field of view

Environment variables:
WX, WY: resolution of the snapshot (default: 800x600)
BACKGROUND: default ( '1 1 1 ')
GEOMVIEW_ARGS: pass to geomview

co.geomview -t 0.25 0.25 0     data/
co.geomview -a data/appearance data/
co.geomview -o snap.ppm        data/
co.geomview                    data/ data/
co.geomview -p co.orient       data/ data/
co.geomview -c off.volume      data/ data/


Floating point precision

prec/s/real.h, prec/d/real.h, prec/l/real.h : single, double, long double


vec.h, edg.h, tri.h, dih.h, ten.h : vector, edges, triangels, dihidrals, tensors

dvec.h, dedg.h, dtri.h, ddih.h : derivatives of vector edges, triagels, dihidrals

ring.h : operation on the first ring of neighbors


array.h : array related functions

argv.h : read from argv and shift

err.h : error handling

endian.h : deal with endianess

macro.h : macros

sum.h : Kahan summation

memory.h : memory related

util.h : uncategorazed

Surface properties

area.h : area

volume.h : volume

laplace.h : Laplace operator of coordinates

normal.h : normal


bending.h : generic interface to several bending forces

forces.h : generic interface to forces

stretch.h : stretching force

Surface transformation

equiangulate.h : equlatirate triangles

orient.h : orient surface in a direction of eigen values of momentum tensor

restore.h : restore a volume of the surface

transformation.h : translate, rotate, and and scale surface

remesh.h : "edit" surfaces

Half-edg related

read.h : read half-edg to intermediate structure HeRead, used to initialize half-edg

he.h : half edg data structure (provides half-edg API)

hash.h : stores an integer for a pair of integers


gts.h, obj.h, off.h, ply.h, punto.h, stl.h, stl.h, xdmf.h : read/write GTS, OBJ, OFF, PLY, punto, STL, VTK, and XDMF files.

X and Y

x.h : simple interface for one surface

y.h : not so simple interface


git pages docs/index.html is generated from To update run

$ make html

requires pandoc.


After adding new files to lib update depdendencies:

$ (cd lib && ./bootstrap)


Bian, X., Litvinov, S., & Koumoutsakos, P. (2020). Bending models of lipid bilayer membranes: Spontaneous curvature and area-difference elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 359, 112758. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2019.112758